RDA to contractors: Politicians can’t help you secure projects

“There is no sense going to a political figure and saying ‘see what you can do for me’ ” — Faulkner
Political interference will not be condoned when the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) is selecting contractors for the various recovery projects to be done during the next few years.
RDA Deputy Chairman Clarence Faulkner issued the warning last Friday during the Agency’s first official ‘invitation to tender’ forum. Persons were invited to bid for a major debris removal project to be done on Jost Van Dyke and Tortola.
Faulkner said while the RDA has been given the mandate to execute the territory’s recovery plan, it is solely responsible to develop procurement procedures and approve contracts.
“We are not central government. There is no sense going to a political figure and saying ‘see what you can do for me’,” he said.
“What is going to happen is we are going to look at every engagement, every contract, every supplier, and say, ‘do they meet the credentials that are outlined to execute this?’” he explained.
Debris Clearance
Now 10 months after the 2017 disasters, Manager of the Department of Waste Management Greg Massicote said his department has developed “a plan to remove as much debris as possible”, especially since the territory is in another hurricane season.
The plan is geared at tackling debris still located at temporary dump sites and perched on hills and valleys across the territory.
Metallic debris will be dumped at Cox Heath then compressed and shipped to the United States. Similarly, non-metallic debris will be brought to the incinerator at Pockwood Pond.
The project will last for four weeks, beginning next Monday, July 30.
Additionally, the RDA said the outer islands and two remaining sister islands of Anegada and Virgin Gorda will ‘likely’ be included in an extension of the project. However, that will depend on the availability of donor funding.
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Transparency is key. Furthermore, we all just want to make sure whoever gets the contracts follows through on their committments. Meeting project timelines should be rewarded and not meeting them as promised should be penalized. These terms should be explicitly layed out in the contracts. Hiring us BVIslanders should be absolutely maximized and rewarded. Looking forward to the completion of these important jobs.
I applaud Clarence for saying so, but it is worrying that the state of the BVI is such that he feels that this needs to be said. People have become so used to improper influence to secure contracts at inflated prices, people actually need to be told that this won’t happen with the RDA. What is even more sad is that I expect that it will continue to happen in all other aspects of BVI public life.
my same sentiments
So Anegada and Virgin Gorda are left out once again, why did they not split the funding between all the islands, RDA no use right at the beginning.
Interestingly the 9th District isn’t mentioned; though 2 members, including Faulkner are from the 9th district.
Now, is excluding the 9th is because we did get some private help in the 9th? Isn’t government responsible for the entire territory?. The bulk of the work in the 9th is being done by workers/entrepreneurs from Tortola
The remaining $$$ from works goes to the USA, Philippines and the DR and Central/South America.
The 9th has been left so far behind all these years, this seems like an opportune time to level with the 9th district. Just saying
the poor will feel it
He can say what he wants, but look who is chairman! Mr. NDP Founder and IC Executive Member himself. So they already have a way in.
The English in control f this thing, their picture just not shown. And they not playing games.
Clarence with that look, they would not even dare go to a politician. I am so glad that this stand has been taken. Too much political interference. We have to put a stop to discretionary powers of ministers
The article states that persons were invited to bid for removal of debris from Tortola and Jost Van Dyke. It does not state that debris will not be removed from the 9th district. It could well be that the debris there is on a lesser scale and so they have other plans for its removal – not that it will not be done. Why are we always so quick to jump to these negative conclusions (damn).
because if you read the article it states plainly that the 9th might get something if there is additional funds, read there is no jumping except you to the defence
So why don’t they say that? Would eliminate the questioning about why Virgin Gorda & Anegada are not included.
A man who has gotten more than his fair share of political favours he should keep his mouth shut.
..as he wipes the government milk dripping from his own mouth. Lol
The Brits will be watching this one close..real close.
Talk is cheap..we will see.
Let the games begin!