Repairs to 3 emergency facilities to be completed in weeks

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At least three emergency services facilities are expected to be fully repaired in the next coming weeks.
Those facilities are the Road Town and West End police stations, and Capoons Bay Fire Station.
Premier Dr D Orlando Smith said work on the Road Town and West End police station is projected to be completed by the end of August.
Funds from the United Kingdom is financing those two restoration projects. As for police stations on the three sister islands; government is now awaiting funding to carry out those projects.
Premier Smith expects funding for those repairs will be sourced through loans.
Dr Smith was responding to questions in the House of Assembly from Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie on Thursday.
Responding to similar questions, Minister of Communications and Works Mark Vanterpool said the Capoons Bay Fire Station should reopen in two months.
He said the station, which is located on the western end of Tortola, is undergoing repairs.
“Works is expected to be completed and the fire station fully functional by mid-September,” he told the House of Assembly.
Back in February, Permanent Secretary in the ministry, Anthony McMaster said authorities were working to have the said fire station ready in time for the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which began more than a month ago.
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take what M says with a large pinch of salt – look at his barren promises for the ferry terminal at West End – nuf said!
WAITT! Three emergency stations to be Repaired!
mee ass yah!
(anegada own in a state! its not functional)
yall couldn’t share the repairs equally, at least for the first set of repairs being done?
That’s Crazyyyyy
What about the repairs for the Road Town Fire Station? That building looks horrible in the middle of town.
it is outrageous that the first defense is in the worst condition…..Road Town Fire House, Police stations, Visar….the last one is privately redone and the sunken boat by their entrance is gone…but nothing has changed with Road Town Fire, Police in town or Marine Police…tarps or nothing….simply outrageous. They work for us all day and night and the conditions they work in are terrible or non existent.
VISAR works are underway but there are no government funds there. The issue there is the contractor…
What about Anegada Fire Station?? And the Police Station and Public Works?
NDP is a waste of time.
This government continue to lie to us about fixing things. When are they going to tell us THERE IS NO MONEY. As a result nothing will be fixed. They should bring back our money from the peir park, the fake beach, the plane and the high school wall. And where ever else they they ceaselessly spent our money.
Long before the hurricanes these facilities needed much attention. I swear is like we living in a 3rd world country in the BVI because the government interest and priorities are else where. Smh they focus on airport a d airline when there are no good fire trucks and fire station, we only recently got new ambulances and police Jeeps. What about rebuilding the fire stations around the BVI and equipping them with the necessary needs. Spend the money where we need it the most. Safety and emergency services comes first