Restaurant employee accused of robbing workplace, beating female manager

Two locals have been hauled before the Magistrate’s Court for the recent robbery of Capriccio di Mare Restaurant in Road Town.
Twenty-three-year-old Carrot Bay resident Orron Glasgow — a chef at the establishment — and 28-year-old Jamoi Estridge of West End were jointly charged with robbery and grievous bodily harm.
Estridge has an additional charge of possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence.
The duo was not required to plead when they appeared before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards on Tuesday.
The court heard that on May 14, a lone masked man allegedly entered the Italian restaurant and took $6,200 and a bag containing several personal belongings including two cellular phones. Some €500 was also taken from the female manager at the establishment.
It is also alleged that the manager was pistol-whipped and kicked repeatedly.
After the alleged attack, the matter was reported to the police, and the said employee sought medical attention for several lacerations about her body.
CCTV, items at home
During subsequent investigations, police retrieved CCTV footage of the area, which reportedly linked the duo to the crime.
Police then executed a search warrant at Estridge’s home where they allegedly uncovered a number of items connected to the incident.
The men were subsequently arrested and charged.
During a subsequent police interview, the men admitted to being in a vehicle in the vicinity of the restaurant, but they denied the allegations.
No bail
Attorney-at-law Reynela Rawlins who was represented Glasgow urged the court to grant him bail because he was not a flight risk.
She said him being a local meant that he had strong ties to the territory. She urged the court to impose strong bail conditions instead.
Meanwhile, Estridge, who is said to have an unrelated assault charge pending before the court, sought bail on his own behalf.
However, Magistrate Richards denied bail for both accused men. She said the offences were serious and noted that a female was injured during the alleged incident.
Both men were ordered remanded and are scheduled to return to court on July 15.
No mention was made in open court as to the whereabouts of the firearm in the case. Investigations are ongoing.
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These are from the 1st district?
Both of there parents from down island giving carrot bay a bad name
Its not the parent done the act its a born bred native of the BVI no a stranger
So what’s your point then born here but roots ain’t form here then is still island man ayo wan be round the place doing wha ayo want gah start dealing wid ayo
Listen Tortola don’t have rivers ariculture is dead we import food here aryo better understand we on life line here in this place. You all better stop being prejudice or racist against people mind.
we got springs we don’t need your rivers
A native is a person who is descended from the people who were set free on August first eighteen thirty four.
But they were born here where you’re born is where you’re from
The point is them born here.
Dem born here, the parents aint got sh** to do with what they are doing stupid…..
Your d**n point?
Anything to bring down people huh? Amazing. WTF that have to do with the district and their parents being non belongers??? THEY WILL MAKE THEIR OWN CHOICES YOU T***S!!!
Great Job RVIPF!
I agree. Great Job. RVIPF always scoup the criminals up when they least bit expect it.
Good to know they are grassing up each other trying to get reduced time. Snakes.
Wow I’m so ashamed. There has always been this perception about young men in the BVI being lazy. Now an expat business men give these local guys an opportunity to work despite having a stereotypical look that persons often associate with trouble and instead of working hard, proving the doubters wrong and being good representation of the BVI they not only rob their boss but assault him as well.
just look at the surnames, down island DNA
@son of the soil, the name Maduro ain’t spanish?
Actually the Maduro name in BVI came from a Caucasian man that came from United Kingdom many years ago
when you don’t know you need to hush. First of all last name don’t matter, but for your information, Maduro is Spanish. History taught us that three maduro brothers came here from Spanish descent. One to the BVI, one to STT, and the other to Curacao. Check before you blabber.
Yes, it is. It’s origin is Spain.
They ? the Maduro name … the name alone seems to be a thorn in many a$$e$. I wonder why?
Seems like you have a personal issue!
Not that it matters! But where the last name Maduro came into play in this Report?
Check the damn streams of blogs. If no matters why ask? Struuuuupppessss
Tola education.
Employer gave them a job and probably treat them like d**s?
Even if the Employer probably treated them like D**s your QUOTE, which I highly doubt, also if that was the case,they had the option to quit. That still did not give them the right to rob the man who give them a job and pistol whip the lady. Tortola have a bad name attach to it because of people like those two. MUTT AND JEFF IS RIGHT WHERE THEY BELONG, so glad the judge send them up the river.
That was pistol whipped.
It’s on film. And evil.
Too many crooks spoil the plot
That was an excellent play on words..
Both of there parents from down island giving carrot bay a bad name o shot the chef from sugarmil
they had a job and decided it was not good enough. and everyone is worried about foreigners…
Nawww,the Foreigners is not the ones to watch out for,it is your own kind you have to watch out for. Your own kind will sell you out to the highest bidder for a slice of stale wonder bread.
Telling people they are superior cos they “ barn ere “ might have something to do with them believing they was above the law.
Don’t you understand that just being born here doesn’t mean one is from here? Virgin islander status is by descendance. These guys grew up in migrant households where they learned the values of their families. It is our government that is causing these problems by letting everyone in.
Then you wonder why businesses are wary of hiring locals, especially young men? I know there are VERY GOOD young locals here who work very hard, but then there are these types of people who hopefully are in the minority. The manager will be scarred for LIFE and over what? A few dollars?
$6,200.00 can purchase a pound of pop high grade. If you really want to maximize profit. Dime out the hold pound and sell ram bag for $20. You will nearly triple that investment.
Dumb@$$ STRUPE paying that and talking about triple investment. You can’t do math or sales lol
and soon you end up like these two.
Speak for yourself.
I’m an expat.
Every country in the world has a few bad apples the spoil it for the rest.
My team I work with is no different. Sure there are a couple of characters in the mix that let themselves down more than anything by putting in minimal effort and being disengaged. However, these guys are vastly outnumbered by amount of dedicated, professional, polite, hard-working, fun-loving, local young people that do this territory and their parents proud. It’s a privilege to work with them.
If you’re going to discount a whole group of people based on the actions of a few then this is your loss.
Learn to read! I did mention the same thing you said. FYI I am a BVIslander and I own a company that employs 18 people, 14 of which are local so I know what I’m talking about. I post was about perception and perception is ‘real’ in the real world.
I love that your excuse is that you’re a jerk because you’re from BVI lol, and you employ locals l. You’re a great example of the problem and why people invest elsewhere. YOU DONT KNOW IT ALL SO STOP ACTING LIKE YOU DO STRUPES
Why don’t you idiots learn to write a coherent English sentence?
Shame on glasgow his mother must be embarrassed
The law should know a con-artist when they see one
A avid church member huh.
That Glasgow boy is ntn but b** news and is a known t***f
Tha the same dude who shot the guy sugarmill?
It is.
Same suga mill team push them belly they going spill all just tell them they face 12 max
Can’t believe u embarrass mommy like this broski
He would of been a better actor in hollywood cause is years in he don’t learn…same con-artist for years tsk tsk
what a shame…that why companies no want to higher locals bc young men like alyo mean to tell me your very own damn job you went and rob..smh set of waste man through the place putting shame on other locals
I am surprised to read that he works. I saw him sits around all day by a club like no cares in the world and sometime drives a rental for a period. I am not surprised of the crime that he has committed with someone else.
Absolutely nothing of redeeming value here, sadly.
Young men who insist on demonstrating their lack of worth.
The only thing left in this situation is to determine just how long will we be free from such trash.
MAXIMUM amount of time please…. Society and all decent people of the territory deserve to be freed from parasitic infestation of all sorts.
This dude jus move down on the west and getting caught up with that pe******e
They don’t seem to be much different to me just one better than one with keeping the lies up daily
Whichever one of them beat that women with a gun should be taken for a long swim….
Can’t penalize one and ain’t penalize the other…if he is the brawls going down with gun then why should the brain get anything less…the way i see it give umm both the time for the deadly crime
I got no problem with that…see which one drowns the other…
Them boys always by the high school with a white rental checking und*****d girls
Glad they off the streets. At least they escape the beat down that was in the making for what they were doing in the White Rental by the High School.
And want to be in big woman ears with lies smh
Thank you Magistrate Richards. Throw the book at them. Ultimate betrail by those two. Someone give you a job and you turn around and rob and chew of the hands that feeds. Two ungrateful bottom feeders.
Wow wow
Iam a Maduro and yes the names is Spanish and it was 5 brothers not 3 that travelled and settled in different countries. They came from an Island off of Spain.
Two less thieves down here, good riddance.. 20 more and I’ll be able to leave my doors unlocked like the golden days
The other 20 will be snatched up real soon.
Jamoi need not to see daylight AGAIN. Perfect r****t o**eder and ain’t learning from his mistakes. Keep him there off the streets. Big waste of ‘I born here’.
Seems to be a trend give them a job so they can get the inside scoop to set you up to rob you .. set a worthless young man through the place .. the devil strong but God stronger .. every dog has its day … wise up
We do not condone stealing and never raised Orron as such, he recently only started to s***e and hang around that fellow accomplice but he is a avid church member and apart of rotary club and lions club
Mr.Orron should have used his D**n noggin.Him and his partner in crime is cut from the same old wife fish skin. How is it that someone give you a chance to earn a honest dollar and you thank them by robbing their business and pistol whipping a woman. Now a honest person who is in need of a job and wants to work is going to get F**ked over because of these two waste of space idiots.What those two did was real grimey and fowl.
Many times picked up by the police. Always talk his way out.
Not this time.
wonder he started stealing. church, lion, rotary?
This division amongst us has got to stop before it too late. We must find a way to bridge the gap and live in harmony with our fellow citizens of this country…we are digging a deep deep hole for ourselves if we continue in this manner…May God cover our beautiful isles.
So much for the theory that they robbed the place to pay for their Belongership application fee. These are your “sons of the soil,” folks.
They ain’t goin to have a good time up Balsam for sure.
Ever heard or divide and conquor….we are being conquored while we fight amongst ourselves over status.
There’s a contract out on him.Bye bye