RVIPF exploring technology as a way to arrest motorbike problem

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) is currently looking to technology as a new strategy to safely deter bikers from unsafe practices while riding on the territory’s roadways.
Commissioner of Police Michael Matthews made the announcement on public radio recently.
“What we are doing now is exploring technology because there is a lot of new technology available on the market these days and one of the things that we are looking at and we’ve been talking to manufacturers about are safe ways to stop motorcycles and motor scooters,” Commissioner Matthews said on the Honestly Speaking radio programme recently.
“It doesn’t exist here in the territory at the moment, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t explore those kinds of options,” he added.
The top cop stated that he does not intend to create an environment where police officers are made to chase motorcyclists who break the laws because this can put more lives in danger.
Education and Enforcement
In a subsequent media release on Friday, the RVPF said it would be taking a two-tiered approach to address what it described as a lingering problem around motorbikes.
The first of the two tiers will be a public education campaign to “enlighten all persons about the territory’s road traffic laws and any recent amendments”.
“Thereafter, strict enforcement … The ongoing enforcement aspect will see the RVIPF vigorously targeting breaches of these laws and prosecuting all offenders found committing offences,” the RVIPF said.
A number of residents have expressed concerns about some local motorists, including bikers, who they accuse of constantly breaking the territory’s road laws while traversing the roadways.
Among those individuals were local businesswoman and former First Lady of the British Virgin Islands, Lorna Smith, who called on authorities to intervene in what she refers to as an ‘unbearable’ nuisance brought on by unemployed drag racers during the night-time hours.
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If you where there at the time of trafic they will be easy to catch
It’s called a calibrated radar gun. Set up speed traps, with cameras.
Installing governors, GPS trackers etc, won’t work as people will find work arounds.
Is the Island having problems catching offenders?
Callwood will be a good match for them
We regret voting for smith wife’s NDP party in the past
You know she got nothing to lose now so your gonna see her true colour. Lol
If you’re serious about stopping these terrorizers here is free advice. Station a cop at a set location. And station two cops (capably of stopping traffic by whatever means you have) sufficiently distance away. The first cop will alert the others. In no time I guarantee you’ll get them all.
If yuh already having a problem, WHY LEGALIZE BIGGER BIKES?
Because whoever fund them wants to ride their big bike and sell. You remember it’s only a few government approved people will be authorized to sell.
Another group of the “Elite Belongers”given an opportunity to make more money at the expense of the public’s safety. Isn’t always this way in the third world. Money trumps everything for those connected
The VIP solution to this problem is bigger bikes…SMFH
Cameras to identify problematic ares and an EMP to shut the engine down one time.
Emp’s will also affect other vehicles in close proximity so thats a no…these boys are already now wearing masks so cameras wont make much of a difference either.
This is a small place. It would be simple to install cameras at key locations which could monitor things like helmet use, seatbelt use, speeding etc. Additionally the same technology can check registration plates against vehicle records (ie
That the vehicle is as described, and that it is currently taxed). None of this is rocket science. Police leadership here is terrible.
You guys are talking like the police dont know who these offenders are , Tortola is a small place where everyone knows everyone. Even when the big bikes were illegal the police knew where these bikes were being parked. under a house or covered down somewhere in plain view. Mr. commissioner please dont spend more money on Technology , just get the police to start doing what their being paid for.
Everything was just fine with out bike, government miss it up allow it to come in into the Islands, now went you not expecting from the middle of no were they show up and put you sometime in difficult situation. No rules, no respect, no license, no document at all, very noise, those bikes are good for nothing.