BVI News

Rylan Adams and Daria Donovan crowned BVI Prince & Princess 2024

Crown BVI Princess and Princess of 2024, Rylan Adams and Daria Donovan of Enis Adams Primary School.

Rylan Adams and Daria Donovan of Enis Adams Primary School have been crowned winners of the 2024 Virgin Islands Prince and Princess pageant, held inside the Multipurpose Sports Complex in Road Town on Sunday, July 12.

The pageant was part of the territory’s 70th Emancipation festivities and featured 11 young contestants—four princes and seven princesses—from primary schools across the territory vying for the title. They all competed under the festival’s theme, “Celebrate our Freedom and Live in Unity as BVI Festival Turns 70!”

Nine-year-old Rylan was crowned top Prince after sweeping several sectional prizes, including Most Photogenic, Best Introductory Dance, Best Introductory Speech, Best Whimsical Wonder Wear, and Best Talent. He also won the Popularity Segment and the Best Personal Interview Segment, along with contestant number one for the princesses, Milana Baltimore.

As for the crowned Princess of the evening, Daria, she was awarded Best Ambassadorial Wear and Best Whimsical Wonder Wear.

The first runner-up for the princes was 12-year-old Joseph Richards, who won Congeniality and Best Evening Wear, while nine-year-old Milana Baltimore was first runner-up for the princesses. She also represented Enis Adams Primary.

The winners of the event each received a $2,000 cash prize, while the first runners-up received $1,000. The second runners-up received $750, and the third runners-up received $500 in cash prizes. There were also other sponsored awards, including electronics and travel vouchers.

Last year’s Prince and Princess, Jeron Springett of Enis Adams Primary School and De’Nya Kayla Winter of Ebenezer Thomas Primary, graced the stage to signify the end of their reign.

Also gracing the stage for the evening were the contestants of the Miss BVI pageant, which will be held at the Multipurpose Complex on July 21.


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  1. Styles. says:

    Pageants are the absolute dumbest thing to teach our children.

    Getting the youngest kids on a stage to look pretty and judge them for it is close to child abuse by vain parents.

    Like 18
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    • suggestion says:

      Its the same cry every year from way back. Somebody always get clearly scored unfairly, whether its by judges who just don’t understand the measurements or they are paid off handsomely by the parents. Who knows?

      Let us change the trajectory. Let us have educational competitions where children can be quizzed on aspects of the BVI culture and heritage, give a short speech on a topic of their choice or a topic choosen by a panel, asked questions. So it does not end up being an overly expensive thing for the parent or sponsors, just choose moderate clothing that can probably be cultural and stop all this highly costly muck. Let us compete with brains and not fashion. Put so many of our children out there and they cannot give a meaningful sentence on the spur of the momeent. Let us re-think this thing going forward. The beauty pageants put children against each other and bitterness between parents who have been friends from childhood, all over an evening gown. We better than this

      Like 15
  2. Nothing in the BVI is fair says:

    Because bigshot kids always coming out on top

    Like 14
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  3. Chaters! says:

    This show was VERY Unfair. They cheated contestant #3 for the prince! Contestant #4 was not deserving of that title and his entire team know it! Because his brother won two years ago they made sure to give him that crown!

    Like 41
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  4. Lordy says:

    Them aint tired thief buddy?

  5. Synopsis says:

    They had No. 1 in Princess and #4 in Prince to win from beforehand.

    Look at their outfits for the segments.

    1. That humongous crown Princess #1 had on for Ambassadorial wear and Asian-looking red gown had nothing to do with the BVI

    2. Prince #4 wore embellished princely shoulder pads in every segment

    3. Princess #1 and Prince #4’s evening wear were the same colour and design to compliment each other for that expected Prince and Princess win (don’t even use the excuse that they had the same chaperone…if they did). The right persons (#3 Prince and #7 Princess) won evening wear. Good job evening wear judges.

    As for continually saying you’re humble, someone who is humble doesn’t brag about being humble.

    Parents stop putting your egos on these children.

    As for all pageant committees, screen these judges and stop selecting who you know, who’s easiest to get, same set of judges every other year. The BVI has tens of thousands of persons to screen to be judges.

    Like 6
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    • @synopsis says:

      you seem to have a lot of energy for these children. It is a pity that your dislike for their parents and supporters filters down to the children. Whether you like it or not they they children had no part to play in how the judges decided. Everyone has their own personal beliefs on who the committee favored or not. The upside about it is that the children did wonderful. The downside is, it is miserable adults like yourself who muddies the waters and brings negativity. All contestants worked hard whether you supported them or not. Period.

      Like 2
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  6. honestly says:

    whats the purpose of a prince and princess show?

  7. UNFAIR says:

    100% such that the judge who give #4 the whimsical and ambassadorial speech over #3 was friend to the family it was clear as light that #4 was not the winner of does two segment o may be 99% of the bvi watching the show missed something that only the judge wanted to see also the talent was for #2 this is why we need to bring in judge from outside

    Like 10
  8. Salty Dawg says:

    Ayo MS is still up to no good! The poodle hair judge is a waste and should not have been here with the conflicts!

    That’s why I don’t support ayo pirates in anything pageant.

    • YES!! says:


  9. Charlene says:

    Proud of all those children! All of them are upstanding citizens with bright futures unlike some of the Ms. BVI contestants who done been arrested. We should be proud of them, all of them!

    Like 2
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    • To Charlene says:

      Come better than this and have some integrity! Your ugliness, jealousy and envy is showing!

      Is this the FISH dude? You better go clean your HOUSE (I don’t mean a building) before you come on here trying to break down any Ms BVI contestants with your innuendos! You people are sickening to the core! Bless!

      Like 2
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      • Reply says:

        Both my homes clean and spotless, thank you!
        This ain’t a criticism of any contestant but the Ms. BVI committee and their lack of proper screening of contestants. This is exactly why they no longer hold the license to send people to Ms. Universe. Imagine the kind of scandal this would create abroad or in another country. BVI people should feel more strongly about the type of people we chose to represent us.

        • To Reply aka Charlene says:

          This is laughable! You came on here to discredit a Ms BVI contestant(s) like your LIFE is squeaky CLEAN. Try go look long and hard within yourself and see if somethings need changing. It’s time to elevate and do a self examination! Use that same microscope for you and come back and tell us the RESULTS!

          You people act as if you are God with you’ll self righteous behavior! I am sure the committee would have vetted all the young beautiful ladies.

          Again, take that same microscope and use it on you for as I can see your HEART is DIRTY. Now you go have a bless and productive day. Peace and blessings!

  10. New Jeep Winner says:

    His wife finally learn sense. But idk if she can judge good. Look at how he always look unkept. She do not know what look good. Look at her husband. And he always smell like old clothes.

    The head judge Ms. VIP loser is who caused the whole issue. SMH

    • To new Jeep winner says:

      I want her number I see her Sunday. She had look like happy birthday she had look good like … boy ain’t ready.

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