BVI News

Rymer defends power cuts at BVIHSA clinics


Communications and Works Minister Kye Rymer has defended the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) following recent power cuts to clinics operated by the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) across the territory.

Rymer explained that the BVIHSA is experiencing significant financial challenges due to unpaid bills, resulting in substantial debts to their vendors. He emphasized that he did not personally authorise the power cuts, contrary to suggestions from another lawmaker.

These power cuts have sparked debates among the territory’s leadership and the public. The BVIHSA, being the largest electricity consumer in the territory, has struggled to pay its utility bills, forcing the BVIEC to make difficult decisions to maintain its financial stability.

Rymer detailed that despite efforts to create payment plans and hold discussions to address BVIHSA’s debts, progress has been minimal. He pointed to the National Health Insurance (NHI) as a potential source of BVIHSA’s financial issues and urged the Premier to investigate further.

“BVIEC isn’t the only vendor that HSA owes. So whatever is happening there, I mean, Premier, you’re the Minister of Finance. But, it seems like we don’t want to talk about, since NHI came in, everything seems like it’s gone haywire with HSA. We have to do something different in terms of how does this entity get from where they are, coming out of the red,” Rymer said.

He added: “The Health Services Authority of the government is struggling, and something has to be wrong. What needs to be done? Do we need to bring in some consultant here? What do we need to do to make sure that HSA can pay their bills? There’s $40 million in the budget, but it needs $60 million. I don’t know how much they used to get before, but we have to see what is happening with HSA.”

Rymer noted that at one point, the BVIHSA required $3 million to cover their electricity bills, which had been allocated in a supplementary (SAP) budget under a previous minister’s tenure. He highlighted the lengthy process involved and the pressure needed to ensure the payment was made.

“Premier, when you get the SAP now for electricity, make sure it just goes straight to BVIEC so that we don’t have to go through that process of having to beg them to get this money [that] the government put there to pay this electricity bill,” Rymer urged.


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  1. SB says:

    This is FOOLISHNESS! Honourable Rhymer KNOWS like everybody else KNOWS NOBODY PAYS THEIR HOSPITAL BILL BECAUSE THERE IS NO PENALTY. IF THERE IS NO PENALTY WHY WILL I PAY MY BILL? It’s nothing about mismanagement of funds etc. THE SOLUTION IS SIMPLE! TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST DEBTORS! You will begin to see a flow of revenue. SIMPLE!

    Like 19
    • Elsa says:

      They do not send out bills. They collect when you are leaving the hospital and NHI pay just like they pay other private doctors. BVIHSA is under bad management.

      Like 12
      • Bree says:

        They do send out bill. They give you a bill upon discharge, they send one via your email address (giving this is a legit address) and one is also sent thru the mail. Guess what some of you so dishonest that you return them claiming it not you. People also give out fake phone numbers or that of other family and friend and have them lie on their behalf.

  2. MALARKY says:


    Like 10
  3. Yo dont cutoff edical tacilities says:

    How come he didn’t cutoff the power to the Premier’s music fest?

    Like 27
  4. Yo dont cutoff medical tacilities says:

    How come he didn’t cutoff the power to the Premier’s music fest instead?

    Like 13
  5. How? says:

    If he defending it that means he authorized it. Those people are no good. How could you authorize cutting off health services to the most vulnerable in our community?

    Like 17
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  6. Real Simple says:

    So one government body owes another government body… So government gives money to one body to pay the other government body. At some point we have to realise that none of this makes any sense.

    Government should subsidize its own entities’ utilities and provide BVIEC the relevant funding to cover the cost of providing the service.

    Like 17
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  7. UK says:

    Khoy, really, man I know you aint got much sense but this, you need to get vote out man, straight up, you defending the power cut of a clinic in a district CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY.

    Like 18
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  8. Elsa says:

    What does NHI have to do with BVIHSA not paying for electricity consumption? That should be a good reason for them to be able to pay. I bet Bougainvillea and Eureka are not struggling to pay theirs off the same NHI.

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    • @Elsa says:

      Because they are making off like a fat cat and HSA is not? Politicians also send their problematic constituents down to HSA to get jobs while they can’t do that with the private clinics.

    • BLACK SAM says:

      Elsa go wash underneath you from talking p**s. Scratch and smell right now yuh nasty cr**ch MS.

      Like 1
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  9. Solar Pannels says:

    Some weeks back i think i saw the government advertising installing solar pannels to peoples homes.TThe health clinics is the perfect places to start the testing of solar pannels to see if it makes a difference.Lets see if it helps to save money.

    Like 11
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  10. Wow says:

    Lucky he didn’t had one of his closed families (Daughters) in the clinic at the time, bet you he would’ve been supporting anything… come on, a clinic ,,,OMG

  11. It’s Simple says:

    Kye is a VIP and everyone knows that party has its own agenda. It is evident that they are all indoctrinated into the same, selfish and greedy culture. They don’t care about the people only about those affiliated with the party nonsense. ALL of them need to go. Every last one of them.

  12. BS says:

    This is such BS because he is a minister in the Government which is in charge of the whole system and needs to talk to the other heads of ministries and fix it.

  13. My boi! says:

    from what i read it don’t seems he defending the premier it seems he asking him to look into it and do his job.

    from what he’s saying NHI plays a role in this caused chaos went it was introduced…

    Like 3
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  14. What I heard was.... says:

    What I heard was ‘the Premier as a finance minister don’t know how much electricity cost(or anything under his administration for that matter), don’t know the basic concept of using money to pay bills works and do not know what the word “budget” means’.

  15. BuzzBvi says:

    Consultant!! This looks like job for C.O.S-C. Or the Wigged Offender.

  16. Man says:

    Where is Vincent on all of this

  17. If you all know says:

    Tell HSA sell their new unnecessary vehicle and use it as a down payment on BVIEC bill. Gosh that has been around for more than 18yrs that us grace.

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  18. Hmm says:

    How come nobody from HSA or the heath minister hasn’t came out and explained to the public what’s going on? Why nothing getting pay why they can’t even do the payment plan? It’s like say something man.

  19. Unbeliveable says:

    Hospital had millions of dollars in debt from years before nhi and they cant get it managed yet. What you think is the cause Hon Rhyner?

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