BVI News

Sexual Offences Bill coming later this year


Health Minister Vincent Wheatley has promised that a long-delayed Sexual Offences Bill will be coming to the House of Assembly (HOA) later this year.

Wheatley told lawmakers that substantial efforts were first made to draft a sex offences bill back in September of 2019, however, it is unclear why the process has not moved forward significantly since then.

According to the Health Minister, the Attorney General’s Chambers received the drafting instructions in February 2020.

“I’m happy to report that we were recently advised by [the AG’s] Chambers that in drafting a Sexual Offenses Bill, seven supporting bills were consequently drafted, and the Ministry should be in receipt of same in the coming weeks for our review,” Wheatley explained.

The Health Minister said the bill will then be taken to stakeholders for feedback before coming to the HOA by the third quarter of this year.

He explained that the Sexual Offenses Bill will seek to provide a gender-sensitive legal framework relating to a broad range of sexual crimes and provide adequate measures for minimising secondary traumatisation, mentoring and tracking of sexual offenders following their reintroduction into society.

The Bill will also address the implementation, monitoring and evaluation arrangements, investigation and prosecution procedures, legal proceedings, evidence and sentencing, and provide protection, support, and assistance to complainants and survivors.

Wheatley further shared that the new Sexual Offenses law will bring the BVI in line with international best practices for sexual offence legislation by providing comprehensive definitions and prioritising the prevention of gender-based violence.

Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather commented: “I want to thank you for that because the role that I play outside of this House of Assembly, I do see predators that have been convicted and who walk around and or children, you know, we need to know what is going on.”

He continued: “People do get reformed. I’m not saying [no], but I do think our public needs to be informed and I thank you for taking that very seriously.”

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  1. Sex Registry? says:

    I hope that a registry will also form part of the basis for this new legislation/law! Those whom have committed offenses both here and abroad should be mandated to register for the rest of their natural born life. This should include exclusions for employment were these individuals would not be working around vulnerable persons.

    This is very much needed and shows the lack of empathy by the government for its people as this has been delayed for far too long now

    Like 15
  2. Wind socks needed says:

    Wasn’t it not so long back during the COI evidence that forgive and forget and allow them to become Belongers was the tune being sung. They should really work out from which direction the wind blows,.

    Like 10
  3. Confused people Money talk says:

    Money will cover up the most heinous crime . Many things can be covered up with the right amount of money not implement ed
    Even individuals who run for election has been accused of rape . Shameless people

  4. Smack Dabb says:

    Check Cousin Vinny trying to erase the notion that he doesn’t care about women after approving the belongership to a convicted rapist: Cousin Vinny say the young man was “caught up in a situation”

    • But says:

      all alyo mouther spewing nothing voted for the man reelection. So go take a few steps back and sit.

      • Smack Dabb says:

        I don’t live in VG or Anegada, so I’ll remain standing. Shane on Cousin Vinny for giving away a privilege to a convicted rapist that hard working decent qualified people are still waiting to get

  5. gotta love bvi politics says:

    Look who them send to announce it lol. Same one who was trying to facilitate a rapist getting papers for here.

  6. BuzzBvi says:

    Does the Bill make them all Belongers immediately?

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