Skelton Cline switches to VIP, considers contesting in elections

Skelton Cline
Former National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate Claude Skelton Cline is now officially a member of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).
He is also now considering to throw his hat in the ring for the upcoming general election under the VIP banner.
“I am close to making a decision to contest but at the appropriate time as that goes forward, you will hear what I intend to do,” Sketon Cline said.
The one-time Managing Director of the BVI Ports Authority made the pronouncement yesterday ( July 10) during his weekly ‘Honestly Speaking’ radio programme.
VIP is a better option
Skelton Cline said there are a number of reasons he decided to make the party switch.
“I have joined the VIP because of what I see emerging from the VIP team in terms of the people, in terms of the policy and principles,” he said.
According to Skelton Cline, the VIP represents what the territory needs at this time. He claimed the party demonstrates an awareness of the path the country should be taking at this juncture.
“I have also joined because the VIP has a closer affinity to the cares and concerns of the people – the average person on the street,” he said.
Skelton Cline said another reason for the political changeover was because the VIP has “a history of trusting and believing in the competencies and character of BVIslanders”.
He said this is ‘critical’, particularly since locals are being ‘overlooked’ for managerial positions in the workplace.
Skelton Cline said his fourth reason for joining the VIP has to do with what he described as the party’s willingness to listen, to be guided, and to govern accordingly.
He said leaders in every faction of society should have those virtues.
“That is a very key point that I want to underscore … You can’t have a set of people who already conclude that they know everything,” the talkshow host said.
Fahie has vision
The final reason Skelton-Cline disclosed was what he said was VIP leader Andrew Fahie’s ‘critical’ vision for the territory.
Skelton Cline also said the VIP’s team possess the “requisite skillset to get the country back on track.”
“Those are the reasons why I have made the switch – why I have gone green,” he said referring to the VIP’s party colour.
The new VIP member promised to be an advocate on behalf of residents.
NDP lost its way
On the other hand, Skelton Cline said the ruling NDP has lost its way.
“The NDP, which I used to be a part of, is 100 miles adrift of some of the fundamental values of the family, the government, the sunshine, and I trust that they will get back on stream but here is where I stand, where I am at.”
Just recently, Education Minister Myron Walwyn was voted as the new leader on the NDP during that party’s internal elections.
Walwyn is expected to lead that party into the next general election, which is constitutionally scheduled for the year 2019.
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You are WELCOME Cline
This is a nice piece of Comedy. Cline you aint easy boss…..go tek a seak. Stop embarassing yourself lil ——
Gone green = c—-….Switched because the NDP trough dried up
VIP got rid of Fraser. Now you’ll lose election with — onboard. Shame.
What an o———–!! Capitalizing on the i————- of the masses. No one is leaving BVI landers behind. Stop using that as part of your strategy. Intelligent people would not buy into that. Once a s—— always a s—–.
Big big mistake Hon Fahie, people don”t t—- this dude, this move will cause your party to go in r——–. Count me out!
I have to say, with the amount of q———– activities surrounding t— ——— why would the VIP even entertain this. Especially Mr. Fahie who wants to be seen as a leader who will be above —-!!! You still have not given an explanation on that Neighbourhood Partnership thing. I was leaning towards the VIP but…..It looks like its going to be a No for me dawg!!!!!
He was always VIP. They gave him his first big — —.
Having said that, the NDP has certainly lost its way. They are way off course.
Cline is a ————-. Dump him fast Andrew. Take his party card and cut it up.
The VIP always doing that. They always recycling the left overs. This is why they cannot make it. If they did not make it with the other parties what make you think they will make it with the VIP. I will not vote for him. Be careful what you say. We need people who sincerely have the people of the British Virgin Islands at heart. We need to stop selling out our country.
I hope Andrew & Willock then don’t allow this q—- and c———- to get anywhere near a ballot apart from casting — own vote!! This dude is as t—- as Russian nuclear —– and will cause many VIP supporters to —– their allegiance & support. Let him run as an independent if he so wishes but mark my words – be forewarned he is a one-trick pony with more —– in his character than a —-. If he runs on VIP ticket the unanswered questions surrounding his $700k + ‘project’ will have to be aired out for all and sundry to draw their own conclusions. Willock/Andrew is that what you want??? No one in their right mind apart from family/friends would — for dude to run a pig farm on any of the uninhabited islands – Fact not Fiction – so VIP is this how the party is going to seal its’ own fate at the polls come the time…we shall see but this makes NO ———- —- whatsoever. We the public will NEVER EVER —– this dude with any government position again!!! And any party that so chooses to align themselves with —- will suffer the fate of being labelled as —–.
It is no secret the authentic motives of the VIP.
Or is that my confidence has been totally eroded?
When a political apparatus appears more soiled than clean and a portion of the populace still remains blind facts and signs, the whole country will lose except the politician at the end of the day.
As, attaining political office is now a very lucrative position. It is now wedded to excessive greed, political prostitution and corruption.
Meanwhile, the progress of country and its citizens face daily increases of all life’s necessities from cradle to food to 6,6 by 3.
Wisdom seems to be indicating that it is probably wiser to keep the “ole boys” as there seem not a better viable alternative.
And this news affects me how.? Who cares where Claude Cline goes.
I hope the vip congress have enough —- not to approve — as a viable candidate !
Now, —- — —— don’t like to follow. — will overthrow Fahie then come on — and talk all of the VIP Secrets. Andrew, be careful. But the ancestors are doing a sifting, and some will be sifted like fine flour. This VIP newcomer is one being sifted.
Come on Andrew add him to your slate. We will even pay his deposit to the elections office.
Bad move by the VIP! Stay far away
I was going to back VIP but not with him on the team.
Easy win foe Hon Myron now.
The judgment in this gentleman’s lawsuit against the NDP should be handed down in August. Maybe he’s conceded by joining the VIP?
No no no. Please keep the VIP party c—-. Please do not c—- it with the likes of —- —-. Let him stick with his NDP. Please Andr–
Mr Fahie makes very good points in his public meetings, calling for answers. But its a bit like closing the stable door after the horses have bolted. I cant forget how bad and corrupt the VIP was for all those years. That is why they got whitewashed. How do we know they can change their spots? A leopard cant. If anything, the VIP list of questionable decisions and spending is longer than the NPDs. Sure we have acheived some projects and progress, but at what huge extra cost, and whose pockets have the overspends gone into? And indeed, what do those individuals have to show for their ill gotten gains? Big houses? Big trucks or cars? Big bank accounts?
Its obvious from some of the comments show that some rather have loyalty rather than leadership. Hands down Cline is a bonafide Leader whether you like it not. Leaders are not always popular. God will have the final say. Watch!
We need people in government that like the B.V.I. not the love for money thank you
People who like Government and Rum Shops? Wow! Country headed to doom and gloom especially with schools in a pure mess with no real solution. Leadership is NECESSARY.
Who Love more money than A—–..
Leader in what? — ran here when trouble struck in the USA and —- —— for the 700k contract — got from the same leader of VIP when — was education minister. Leader of what? NDP was great and VIP was — when — bread was buttered. As soon as the toast got burnt and — was out on — a-s now things have changed.
Lolol Fahie wants him to blow his whistle… He is a great whistle blower. By the way is the pastor John is on his way over to the VIP also?
Lolz… tink!
An o—————. If his contract had been approved, he would singly loudly the NDP praises. The tap was turned off so — squealing like a tied pig. He would have more ————– if he had spoken out when all the shenanigans were going on at the TPP. Anyway, it is his constitutional right to change parties.
Changing of clothing or skin colour doesn’t mean that the person inside is change, jus saying , but this serious,these days called for serious dedicated God fearing honest person’s , jus saying,
Honestly I seen this miles back creeping coming.