BVI News

Son of Ports boss depicted as mastermind in alleged drug deal

Managing Director of the Ports Authority, Oleanvine Maynard.

Kadeem Maynard, son of the BVI Ports Authority Director, Oleanvine Maynard, has largely been depicted as a criminal mastermind in the drug and money laundering plot involving his mother and Premier Andrew Fahie.

Kadeem, nicknamed ‘Blacka’ in a criminal affidavit filed in the US Southern District Court of Florida, allegedly helped to set up meetings in St Thomas, USVI in March for his mother to connect with a purported member of a Mexican drug cartel. But according to the court document, the purported drug cartel member was secretly an informant for US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

During an initial meeting, Kadeem allegedly explained that he and his mother had been waiting for the meeting and had been previously contacted by a Lebanese group on Tortola about it.

The affidavit said Kadeem was glad to see the informant because they had already put things in place and made connections based on their conversations with the group.

Blacka involved in drug trafficking for 20 years

The informant and Kadeem allegedly exchanged numbers to allow for future communication and during their discussion, it was alleged that Kadeem had been doing drug trafficking for 20 years.

Last month, Kadeem met with his mother and the informant in St Thomas and that meeting was reportedly audio and video recorded.

The informant reportedly told them that he was a member of the Sinaloa cartel at the time and requested their help in moving thousands of kilograms of cocaine from Colombia through Tortola to Puerto Rico with a destination of Miami and later New York.

The affidavit also showed that the informant offered Kadeem and his mother a percentage of the drugs sold in the US and Kadeem confirmed at the time that they had already developed a plan to deal with the Customs Department in the BVI and had determined to set up a business as a shipping agent before they could be ‘good to go’.

Meanwhile, as they discussed the informant’s membership in the cartel, Kadeem again said he was involved in drug trafficking but noted that he did not use the product.

Kadeem allegedly stated that he would be interested in receiving product for his help and the informant said he thought his bosses would agree to that arrangement.

With regard to his mother, Kadeem allegedly said: “She knows the Premier, he’s down with her, so she can go to him at any time, and he would say OK“.

Premier allegedly needed $500k upfront payment

After their meeting in St Thomas in March, the affidavit said Kadeem texted the informant that he would be meeting with Premier Fahie who was nicknamed ‘Head Coach’ in the sting operation.

On March 21, Kadeem texted the informant that he would be meeting with the “Head Coach” the next day and it was after that meeting with Fahie, that Kadeem allegedly updated informant: “meeting completed and successful, Head Coach wants to play with the team this season.”

When the informant spoke with Kadeem later that day in a call that was recorded, it was apparent that both Kadeem and his mother had discussed the proposal with the Premier, the affidavit said.

They reportedly said that they had spoken with Fahie and he was very interested in working with the informant but needed an upfront payment of $500,000 and said he would handle the ports and airports.

Kadeem reportedly shared drop point coordinates for the delivery of the cocaine that he agreed to accept as part of a separate deal with the informant. He allegedly agreed to one dollar per kilogram for a total of $220,000 for that cocaine and was told by the informant to keep the money for payment of law-enforcement officers in the BVI.

Kadeem reportedly said he already had two officers on his payroll.

It is suspected that Kadeem was arrested in St Thomas yesterday, April 28 after he was asked to meet the informant’s sister to collect a satellite phone and $30,000 to provide payment to local persons helping with the scheme.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Who is the Lebanese Group? Hezbollah!!! Who is Hezbollah?!… a terrorist group out of Lebanon. What a shame and disgrace. Nature’s Little Secret .ain’t a secret no no more.

    Like 23
  2. .... says:

    at lease his mother knew wa he was into…alot of other parents lost to the kind of kids they heave

    Like 9
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  3. Resident says:

    A total disgrace; look around and see the waste of the legitimate revenue since1984. Nothing to show for it but a lot of lies and hypocrisy. I am disgusted.

    Like 18
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    • Season says:

      I applied for a job there 2 times and bc of cronyism someone else was hired. Let them reap what they sowed. They are all a big bunch of CROOKS.

      Like 14
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    • Popeye says:

      She looks well fed. What other tro**hs was she feeding from?

      • Angel says:

        What I don’t understand is why would heads of government get themselves involved in illegal activities, & love to call on God in their wrong doings, when the premier was introduced to this underhand business, the Godly thing should have been, fire the woman, & charge the son, & all those that are involved. O beautiful Virgin Islands ??‍♀️

  4. Negrito says:

    If you know Blacka that man half r***rded smh how you trust this fool with a deal like this. If it sound to sweet to be true its diabetes.

    Like 31
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    • BVIslander and not Proud says:

      They deserve to be where they at for their greedish selfish ways. Let them pay the Piper now. Two clowns.

      See how this administration treat poor people just bc they are not from here. See the disrespect poor people endure at Labour Department at the hands of this stupid Administration.

      Like 16
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    • Meemee says:

      “If it sound to sweet to be true its diabetes.” An instant classic.

      Like 1
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    • phoenix says:

      The fools fell for the oldest trick in the book.As they say in America”a sucker is born every minute”

  5. Why says:

    Would drugs be coming from st. Thomas to the bvi in the first place backwards nuh fuk. The head coach prayed before the 83k for the senegal fella he was posst to meet in st. Martin for political “fixing”

    • Nah Wuk says:

      I told y’all those green rags they put up on those poles all over the country were Ob€@# shit. Somebody need to pull down all those f__cking green cloths that done soak in duppy water from Senegal. They look ugly

      Like 8
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      • Native says:

        He asked “Don’t you know who I am? I am Andrew Fahie.I don’t have any drugs or money.”
        He should of said instead…AH BORN HERE.A thing they like to say…Take that in ago skin now.hmmmmmm

  6. Who is govt official 1 says:

    Grocery store man or wah

    Like 6
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  7. hmmm says:

    She looks like she’s been living off the fat of the land for a while now.

    Also, Blacka wasn’t just making money, he wanted to take kilos of cocaine to sell in the BVI heself. He wanted to poison his country.

    Like 8
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  8. Mastermind!? says:

    You have got be fooling? These all the dumbest folks in the BVI to get caught in the USA trying to ship containers of coke (did they ever watch TV? These American Drug Agents don’t mess around when you visited they home turf).
    This whole mess makes our country look bad. Time to move away from these clowns. Better they stay in the USA and get what they deserve. We got more important things to do now…

    Like 4
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  9. Village says:

    Thank God they are all born tortolian none from what they call us down island people they are worse than us fahie should be a role model for the country definitely he is not what a shame and disgrace down island people sit back and watch the tortolians go down in the drain they act as if we are the worst

    Like 18
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    • #Facts says:

      I was lookin through the comments and listening the conversations of some ,and I am glad they were non from the other islands . Bec the tortolians especially wud have a grand field day. Regardless this don’t look good at all but still happy they were. It from the other islands

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  10. The Loving Dog says:

    How many times will you allow the Dog you love so badly to continue to bite you before you get rid of it, because if you don’t, one day that bite is going to be fatal…Yep.. it is now. That’s a mother’s love, to the grave or to the prison..True unconditional love. Stay smiling Ms. M. It was about love.

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  11. Down Islander says:

    Those of you, especially from other countries need to lie low. We can’t trust that all other government leaders in other countries are straight. Everyone seems straight until their actions catch up with them. Also be mindful that most police officers are not from here. Do you know how many of them are paid to look the other way. Some persons who came here from other islands were elevated to various positions in exchange for ill-gotten gain. Your employer may be involved. What would happen to you if the business closes because investigation shows it’s a haven for money-laundering? Allyuh need to lie low, humble yourself and pray. Most people don’t know who and where are crooks. This may touch you in more personal ways than you know. Allyuh need stop being so cocky and self-righteous just because it’s not your country’s leader. I’m not condoning what happened, but we need to watch our own backs too, and be humble.

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    • Chlomyster says:

      I wonder how many other crooked officials are shaking in their boots. The folks arrested are going to talk to the authorities to reduce their sentences and make a sweetheart deal. Lol hey the DEA aren’t finished casting the nets and will be coming fir the other crooks.

  12. Kevin says:

    This is a good day for us here in America. Let this be a warning to all politicians of the Caribbean. Before the end of 2022 we here in America will be comming for 18 more in in Caribbean starting with Jamaica.

    During the past 14 years, we know exactly was has beeen happening in the Caribbean. Do not bring drugs on our shores in the USA. Ours next stop will be Jamaica. Mark my work

  13. @Kevin says:

    Mark your worK? OK then: you score low on spelling (coming not comming). Low on clarity (coming for 18 what? politicians? countries?) And, if “ours next stop is Jamaica”, why does this have relevance to the BVIs? Spelling error there too. So, low score on relevance. Try reading your post before posting it.

    And, Kevin, I understand and agree with the sentiment for keeping drugs out of the US, but don’t you think something should be done to curb the US’ appetite for such? People wouldn’t be trying to get it there if there was not such a market for it.

    Like 1
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  14. Somepeoplejustgreedy says:

    I see this guy so often and never thought he carried so many weight. Dumb meet dope stupidity

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