St Vincent man charged for Sunday night’s murder

A man has been charged in connection to the fatal shooting of 46-year-old Great Mountain resident, Lenia Green on Sunday night.
Charged with murder is 37-year-old St Vincent native, Rohan Williams.
Acting Commissioner of Police, Alwin James, commended his officers for what he described as “their swift actions which resulted in the charge”.
“I appeal to members of the public who can be of assistance to the investigations to still come forward,” James said.
Williams is to appear in the Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, May 28.
The murder victim, in the meantime, was shot and left on the road at George’s North Side on Sunday, May 26. She was later transported to hospital where she succumbed to her injuries.
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Vincy man them just don’t get it.they think the food belongs to them.
Love people man.
Yea Vincy woman like to come here and put their hands on women for the women them man instead of just taking their anger out on the man. Too much of them always in war with other woman over man that don’t belong to them. Sick of Vincy man and woman just terrorizing this place.
you are so right about that , They are indeed sets of nasty people especially the women .
I don’t know what pleasure they take in spreading their legs for every man the come across.
Is it vincy man alone kill woman ?IS it vincy woman alone take people man
All of you sound so uneducated about Vincy this and Vincy that. How many BVI men killed women / men of other nationalities. Wrong is wrong and you can’t blame an entire country for the sin of this individual. Most of you here talking s**t is idiots.
Love people husband.Breakup my marraige. Interestingly my ex husband don’t even want her now. Just good for a fling. Set of nasty women.
All vincy women are not the same. Yes there are the one’s who do that s**t, but don’t case the blame on all of us. Y’all must learn how to formulate fking sentences properly.
Thank you. Bunch ah idiotic comments. No one is condoning what R—- did, but don’t be blaming tom dick harry sally and mary for R—- action.
Ha ha imagine you chastising people for sentences and you wrote (case the blame) instead of cast the blame lol you got to be that Vincy teacher from Greenland who slept with the people husband and teaching at the George’s lmao… girl have several seats please…. you’re just as nasty!
You give lots of f**ks, else you wont be here all in your feelings. Try stay away from me your Vincy self or I will formulate and enunciate some f**ks in your rass.#still unbothered.
Before telling people they need to learn how to formulate sentences go and take your own advice. Did you meant cast when you said case? FOH
I personally think that a better back ground check should be done on some of these to residents who come to the BVI to live and work.
My heart fill condolences to the whole family. Lisa i feel for you deeply.
While a back ground check might be of help, remember things happens for the first time, I might be a law abiding person everywhere I go, but it only takes one situation to make someone do something stupid, it all comes down to self control.
What is there to talk about – They come to the BVI to act out their violence and crime – PUT THEM OUT -SEND THEM BACK TO THEIR HOME LAND TO DO THAT KIND OF CRIME – WE DON’T NEED TO HAVE THAT BEHAVIOR IN OUR BACKYARD.
So what when tortola people do how ayo don’t bad talk them…??? And not only vincy people do wrong in tortola smfh
Do the usa do back ground check when ayo tortola people like run to there country to make children if you look at the college half the kids there r not locals yet ayo want to talk bad about down island man when half of ayo family from down island
Thank goodness she was capable of giving the culprit’s name before departing. Now time to let the wheels of justice roll, he serve his time followed by immediate deportation and eradicate the lot of them that live among us with the customs from that place! BVI done have our own woes we definitely DO NOT need to add their norm to our community! Now is not the time to be handing out status here without know what horrors we are allowing to permanently be apart of this community! We have enough problems with our OWN!
Women. Leave Vincy Man Alone. Once you with them, it’s only one way out. The Government need to stop allowing them here. Ban Vincy Man. The good will suffer for the bad but from their behavior; it’s only a matter of time until they trip out. Women, you will thank me later. They too jealous and can’t take pressure. They Don’t respect life and people. I’m so sick of this. This behaviour is to common and we have to take preventative measures against them.
AGAIN, you are dortish like a bat. It has nothing to do with him being a vincy. If he was tolian, Dominican, Kittician, Bajan etc and wants to kill her he would still kill her. Stop your stupid ass comment. Talking about ban vincy men. Is vincy men who up there doing the hard work you all lazy asses don’t want to do. IT IS NOT A VINCY THING.
Yes it’s a Vincy thing….99% you hear a man kill a woman or try to kill her you can bet your bottom dollar is a Vincy man. Look at the stats for the last 50 years.
I agree with you!!! Too many Vincy Scary Stories. #saynotovincymen.
Domestic violence has all different nationalities attached to it..but (VINCY IN A) by themselves.
FOH! SVG men are known for killing woman and then killing themselves when last you check their news! FOH sounding like a sympathizer of this monster! Every carnival woman must get chop up! You mind you business and ignore the cat calls next minute you being dragged off the buss and chopped up! Drop the BS… It is a KNOWN ST. VINCENT NORM! AND WE DO NOT WANT IT IN BVI. Let the hardworking, educated ones with no intent on malice or murder come and eradicate all the deviants like him! SVG IS KNOWN FOR EXACTLY WHAT IS IN THIS ARTICLE
@Again, I not sympathetic towards Rohan Williams. Let his a** rot in jail. All I’m saying is that you can’t judge all vincy men by that. I don’t care what statistics says. There are bad and good men in vincy like any other places, Tortola is not exempt from it.
@sins of his mother
BUT you just judged all tolians #sigh
what d a** u know bout vincy every year it have chopping up that is false, and everywhere it have crime. When yall get hit hard from disaster it’s the same vincy who donated all their skills and time. Ya’ll acting like vincy have nothing here. If ya’ll was so independent why send for us. Plus all those who complaining about vincy woman taking their man whose fault is it that u have a nasty man nor can you keep your man. If u had what the man want he wouldn’t go looking. Condolences to the victim’s family still.
I wish you i could like your comment 1000 times. Women don’t take away men that does NOT want to be taken away, him leave because he want to. Let them deal with dem dutty man.
It is a vincy thing!!! That was not the first time a vincy man attack a women nor would it be the last, It needs to stop!!!
so fed up of these generalization
Sadly they are true though.
So are you saying its OK to “ban the Vincy men” and let the Vincy women in? Hmmmmmmmm
Noooooooo. Dont let the Vincy women in either. Pleaaasssee
Why you don’t want them to let the vincy women in? Please give whatever statistic you have to make that rational. Do you know that a lot of qualified experienced vincy nurses are because of shortage in the BVI? I am not against serious steps being taken for entry of the men, but why the women as well?
You all cannot behave. That is reason enough. WHERE IS THE PETITION. VISA FOR ALL ST. VINCENT NATIONALS
Angry I am. I’m angry at this young man, very angry. It has nothing to do with where he is from,nothing.
ReX FeRal, thank you. It absolutely don’t. People does behave like they don’t have sense. He made a stupid decision.
So your screen name suppose to hint something FOH a stupid decision is calling a woman a B and cussing her off for wanting to end things THIS VINCY SCUM BAG MADE A MURDEROUS DECISION! SOMETHING YALL ACCUSTOM OF DOING DOWN THERE! CHECK YALL HEADLINES EVERY OTHER WEEK A WOMAN MURDERED FOLLOWED BY A MAN COMMITTING SUICIDE FOH you and you low blow of a screen name! Children are now with out a mother because of this piece of feces! I hardly doubt her sins would’ve amounted to his death when he already had another woman he coulda go home to! FOH
No dear, the screen name is aimed at the mother of the Murderer, not the victim.
Some things certainly have to do with where you were raised. If you practice carnibalism at home, you will eat people wherever you migrate to because its part of your culture. Sad to say.
Based on statistics, St Vincent murder rate is #4 in the Caribbean behind USVI, Jamaica and Belize.
St. Vincent is #8 in the world, even worse than South Africa which is #10.
So when you see Vincentians murdering like this, you would be crazy to say it does not matter where they come from.
So we banning everyone visiting from the USVI also? That murder rate is highest in the Caribbean! USVI is higher than South Africa…and Jamaica. Close the border! Stop the ferries!
Obviously not. Would not make a piece of sense.
Whether USVI or St Vincent, or BVI or anywhere — bad people exist and we ought to protect against them. Good people exist and we ought to allow them to live happy healthy and productive lives.
Many people living in the USVI are from other Caribbean nations.
See more current statistics at link. At the same time, one has to consider population size. It is not absolute.
SVG is dangerous, stop making excuses.
What stats you reading boss…cos I check today and St Vincent records only 1 murder in the first quarter of this year. That is lower than even BVI so please check your stats. Are those outdated???
Dingo I am speechless. I cannot believe you would do something like this.
And them unfaithful, bad axxx bvi woman. We bvi (i from here) always ready to call down the outsider and we just like or worse than them. Regularize the people them and let’s live in harmony. OUR ATTITUDES ARE JUST LIKE THEM!!!
You must be mad! BVI women are no match for those women migrating to the BVI. They come with a plan and knowledge of how to execute it.
They will get their dirty A**es execute right back to the grass shacks they came out of back to ST.Vincent. Let me see or catch one of them blink near my husband. I will drown the B***h in the Sea weed that is floating in the harbour. All these dirty Vincy women who is out here trying to F**k up a woman marriage need a one way ticket to the pits of hell. Dirty B***hes.
Judging people from other islands but listen to what this one bout to do for a man. Smh
Smh so if I blink at your husband u ready to attack me but keep in mind it takes two,
so it’s your unfaithful husband you should deal with . Time enough woman stop fighting another woman for their husbands when in most cases it’s the husbands who are allowing wowen into their marriage. A marriage you r willing to kill for but but not a marriage your husband was willing to respect.
The biggest vincy y’all to be careful of is K**** that works at S***’s laundry she will f*** sin an sin an still laugh with yall??
Seriously tho, what happened to Lenia? Where was she? Why did he shoot her?
After all the fxxx up’s of the recent premier the hospital should NOT be renamed. This is what we should be marching for.
Let’s have some pride and dignity. There are many worthy good people if these things have to be named like that at all but naming the Pier Park after notorious b****t etc is not good for the island. The world has google, remember.
Shut your damn mouth from talking crap…google what his contributions have done for our economy while you are at it. This country has lived well and continues to live off of the economic pillars he had influence over. You ungrateful jack@$$… and in fact more should have been named after him than the Pier Park, which should have been named after him to begin with.
What have you contributed? You are just another jealous, bad minded, non contributing factor to this country. Let him rest…
It’s you. You did that,, thought you got clean away but God children don’t sleep..You didn’t get a chance too drink that juice ? .. well Sahhhhh don’t worry yourself,Reality gonna set in ,then u gonna hang Yourself for that Crime u did..Well I guess u got your residency now…But go ahead and try to drink the Juice or hang Yourself..Hope you suffer a million time. ………….My deepest condolences To the Family And Friends
I cant believe you did this. Why would you do this? S****a should not have to grow up without a father.
And the other one who killed the lady up east pleading manslaughter with redacted time. I truly hope these women get justice no one deserves to leave this earth as they have.
Why so many BVIslanders are dating Vincy people. it have to be something in it.
Are they culturally the same in attitude? like being Bad minded, wicked and ungodly. Every year am hearing a Vincentian and a Tolan in some conflict. either the Tolan do something to them or they do something to a Tolan.
You know what!! I believe these people have the same wicked ways and deserve each other.
Citizen you sound dumb. Name one island that this does not happened. Look at Trinidad, it’s everyday people killing. It have Tolians killing secretly too. talking bout why so many BVIslanders are dating vincy. Why don’t you try one and see.
Sins of the Mother, I wish I knew you to give you a hug!
Look at the bigger picture. Bvislanders integrate and date our Caribbean brothers and sisters but those same people in the people island bad talking them and have nothing good to say about them. So now you really see the hate is on the outside not the inside. Unfortunately it seems that the love is genuine and only on one side.
Tola men dating Vincy women so, tola women must date others. Tola men don’t spend time with their tola family, they work 12 hours and then spend the other 12 with other women, so things happen.
To all of you who was saying the perp was not from ST.Vincent, there you go.Big photo for the world to see.
This needs to be looked into as a dangerous scientific trend. How many Vincy man in the BVI do this for the past 40 years. What is different about these folk socialization? Every time you hear this kind of story you can bet your bottom dollar is a Vincy man is the (alleged) culprit.
There he go in living color. The con man from ST.Vincent who murk the lady and destroy a family. I hope they F**k him up in prison real good.Don’t bend down to pick up the lube fresh bait.
Boy I suggest you glue those buns shut when you go up the hill because you are going to feel some serious A** pain when you do. The welcome party is licking their lips waiting for you boy.
Aahahhahaaahahaha. Glue those buns shut.
You come in contact with a Vincy man, run like you running a marathon. They canot handle rejection.
Then when they done they want status and residency! For what? More rights to kill off the locals? Them vincy always like to behave like theyre some wild hogs. 2 faced bad!! They need to stay where they from with this animalistic behavior. Condolences to the family.
Island people destroying locals… omg we can’t have them here no longer.
Not saying it’s right for anyone to kill anyone, but is it ok for the Locals to do it? Because u r saying island people destroying locals, when 98% of killings here is done by Locals.
Pascal Joyles, for to long vincention man been killing woman with in the virgin island Tortola, which is so bad, my advice to these men is to stop killing these ladies they are not our property, if you are in a relationship and it not working out walk away leave it alone.
It washer h*****d when he found out about them pick sense out of nonsense
Now our taxes have to feed another down island man.
@hmm our taxes have to feed the anybody who do a crime if you go by the prison there are more locals their than expats so tell me who is feeding who
you all taxes what the expat paying every month. how many of you all paying the correct taxes every month a lot of you all dont tell the tax man the exact amount of profit you nake to pay the correct amount of taxes.
Sincerest condolences to all loved ones. Please be sensitive to those close to the victim whom are reading these comments, especially children who are now forced to forever live with this trauma.
Again!!!! This is insane ….
That demon! Women of the BVI take warning, take heed! These Vincentian men are not good for us. Look at the statistics in recent years:
(1) Chop off a BVISLANDER hand and then kill himself;
(2) Cut his wife throat in Greenland over a disagreement;
(3) Some years ago, between 1995-1998 next to the Church if God of Holiness in East End, one killed his girlfriend right there in the apartment ‘high day’ and then went up the hill and drink gramazone;
I can’t remember anymore right now, but who remembers please feel free to add.
These men are DEMONS that have ascended unto our shores. Be careful BVI women! If their own want to marry them, good for them, but we need to run, run, run!!!!
Premier, be careful what you are doing. Let them continue to work and send money back home, but please, please, don’t give these murderers status. I don’t care how long they are here.
My heart aches. Oh BVI!!!
@Peaches You only know about four because you got it right it is not a yearly thing and if all the murdered that is happening in the BVI is only vincentian their need to get something done about it
All those who was linking the Husband to the crime, please stand up and apologize. I am not hating on the deceased but most bloggers had her to be a Saint. Sometimes we need not to rush to judgement and let the case play out.The territory has to step up and have a better screening system for foreigners coming to work.(fake police records, and a fingerprint system). It is alleged that Mrs. Green had a restraining order against Mr. Williams, She was not his wife. Was he to be deported? Immigration and police failed the territory in this sad situation.
When screening may help and do help, what about the ones who came here with a good record, and while being here they did there first offense? How do we deal with that? I was one of those whom when I heard, jumped to conclusions, thinking Lena was a saint, knowing her for all these yrs, I was like no Lena doesn’t deserve this, I bursted into tears when I learnt it’s her, as married women we need to be mindful of what we do.
u need to reword this because you are saying she is not a saint and caused a fully grown man to kill her is that correct? as long as she didn’t touch him and he had to defend himself… there is no justifying.
@upfullness those in authority failed her badly. She too should have let the aut6see that this matter was very serious and deport that murderer right away. His girlfriend that he was living with … She should thank God she is still alive.
From since this lady got that restraining order against this man. He should of been deported. As a Vincentian myself I cannot be upset, with how anyone feels about us. I’ve lived her 30 yrs never been in any trouble. Instead I volunteer my services to organizations.
After he gets the guilty verdict can his sentence be to serve time in his homeland because I refuse for a Vincy to murder a humble daughter of the soil and my tax have to pay for his daily needs for x amount of years!
No, he did not commit any crime there. He will have to do the time here, that is where the crime was committed. All inmates all over the world are eating tax payers money. Stop behaving like yours so special.
Right now I’m wondering how his live in baby mother feel. How his daughter is managing. Everyone have to get council. The victim children . ? for the families.
This is what I thinking. Most of them always giving horn and when the woman leave they want kill the woman but she was just 1 of many. Damn!!!
Look him… *riddled* her body with bullets after he *raped*her then *threw* her from the car like thrash. He victimized every woman in here. Prison too good for him.
You in another man’s Country, learn how to respect and follow the rules of another man’s Country. Boy, you brought shame and disgrace to the people of ST.Vincent who is now getting a bad name and shady side looks.
D**n right he ADDED to the shame and disgrace vincy already have here. Smh
I will sigh a thousand times. Evil breed of people.
A couple of weeks ago a Vincy ask me to marry him for $10,000 dollars so he could get his papers. H*lllllll no.
He would have owned you.
I hope you had proof and reported this to immigration and labour.
And imagine this Vincy girl trying to convince a my Tolan friend that God brought them together just so he can marry her. Talk about the manipulation from these people. Women keep your boy children away from these vincy women please.
I am to smart to allow myself to get mixed up in some S**t like that. If I marry a man,It will be my own kind, a local man. At least I know how my local men roll.
Tola man in Balo this man can’t just come here and kill off a local like that. Ayo best deal with this fassy up in Balo. It can’t go so!
Get his A** good up the hill. If a local from Tortola had done this to one of theres in ST.Vincent, they would have put him in front of a fireing squad. F**k him up good when he check in up the hill.
suh lik them tola man aint criminals in balo for killin them own local brothers,someone sister or children #justsaying
Well then that is OUR TOla business not nobody elses.
The Vincy women is Just as dirty and nasty like the men.
Agreed, the women from ST.Vincent is some dirty ratchet B***hes. Don’t be surprise if you find one of those ratchet B***hes laying on the side of the road F**ked up for trying to mess with someone’s husband.
Miss I not from here but I agree with DEPORT HIM. Let him be sentenced and returned back to serve the time in his country. It is done. And you need to stop talking foolishness because something wrong with your country man dem.
He would not the time there. Its not foolishness, its truth. Not all the men are monstrous
Do some on of your understand the deportation process? When you are deported after serving a crime, you a are living your life as a FREE person. Why in god’s name would you want this murderer deported to live his life in his country. You are not deported to their jail, you are deported to live. He needs to serve hard time in prison in a cell, no outside time, no nothing. Just ham and cheese sandwiches and water for life.
SVG prime minister had already warned vincentians living here not to commit any crime and come home
There are gallows in SVG…send him to Gonsalves. Don’t waste BVI tax payers money
You think you have something to prove with that name? Really! Let’s not take out how many Vincy men came to bvi and murder off women here and of the long list only two women manage to survive by pretending they were dead! That country is rotten because it’s popularly known for fathers living in their daughters and men being unable to handle a breakup or rejection then they murder the women followed most times by suicide. No sin from this mother would’ve ended his life or anyone of his loved ones. He made it his business to plot this horrendous crime and execute it versus just going home to his woman and move on. No sin of that mother warranted her to be murdered like they do on a regular basis in St. Vincent.
Helloooo, the screen name has nothing to do with victim. It’s for the murderer. You may not understand but I do. I do not know the victim
Have you ever been to St Vincent for any amount of time. If not Shut The F*** Up.
You is a kakahole, I am vincentian, so i will not shut the f**k up. Did you read my statement as to why my screen name is “Sins of the Mother”? it is not aimed at the victim, I DO NOT know her. The name is for the murderers mother whom i know. So you shut the f**k up and move on. You don’t know why i said what i said. NEXT……
Balo full a vincy guards they going make sure he good
They Can’t watch his A** every second of the day.
I don’t think because one jack ass did something that all vincention should be blame. Am not condoning what he did Hang his ads for all I care. But for some of you to be on here chasing down on vincy like nothing good comes put of here is unfair . not all vincy Ann and woman is the same. Just like how not all tolans is the same. It have some decent man and woman that lives in vincy that have morals and class. Just like u guys. So when u talking say some not all. Because one bad tolan don’t spoil the whole bunch.
When DA jamdown them had the woman killed it was Jamaicans this is Vincy now is Vincy this if it was a tolan you would’ve say what my lil country coming too stop it he a human same way he dead wrong he deserve everything coming his way Buh don’t bash Vincy for him everywhere have this problem 99% it’s never a local. If it was the woman who killed the man you would’ve say all kinda crap again no one has the right to take ones life Buh only she an the man know why this come about the good thing about it all she was able to say who shot her and he is captured just pray for her family
How much status the Government give the people from ST.Vincent, they will never be welcome,like or accepted here. The men and women come here for the American dollar and to marry the locals for papers. Any Vincy B**ch that try to step between me and my husband is going to get F**ED up real bad. I am not afraid to F**K up one of those skeezers. Yeah, that is what they are low life despirate SKEEZERS.
If your husband leaves you for a vincy woman, it wouldn’t be because she had a gun to his head would it? Control your f*****g man. If your man was a one-woman man then you wouldn’t be worried. You might be surprised the snatcher might be a spanish woman, lots of them there too. Shut your insecure a**.
But you all never had it so good untill you land on these shores. If your A** was living so d**n good you would not have left your Country.People here Can’t stand your A**es. The American dollar is what you all are chasing After.
B**ch the only comment I have for you is continue working the pole, laying on your back and blowing D**ks for 2 cents a hour in the local W**re house you dirty piece of garbage reject that washed up on the local beach. Oh, hold up even the local dogs with ticks, fleas and mange rejected you when you try to sell yourself to them for free.
None who get status will be welcomed here. Black or white. They need to understand that, that it is a name only, a loveless relationship and they will never be integrated into BVI because how they went about it was all wrong. They will never be counted as a BVIslander.
Fight your man instead…you sound real f*****g stupid
I would personally look for your husband and take him from you insecure b***h
I usually refrain from blogging on these sites but will proffer one of my long-held perspectives here on violence and the Caribbean woman in light of the tragic loss of Lenia.
My father is a born Virgin Islander on both sides of his family. My mother comes from a Vincentian family of several educators and business persons who have contributed much to that country and other Caribbean islands, including the Virgin Islands. I am very proud of their accomplishments and admire the traditionally rich cultural heritage of Vincentian nationals, generally speaking.
There is no denying, however, that there is a subset of barely literate, or even illiterate, Vincentian men that can only be described as savage in their behaviours towards women and young girls. Their callous disregard for human life unfortunately taints how other Caribbean nationals view their country as a whole. This is unfair to their other law-abiding country men and women that are sometimes ‘painted with the same brush’.
While some may argue that these incidents occur all over the Caribbean and the world, and I agree, I will not be surprised if the numbers are disproportionately higher among some Vincentian men. This may speak to a generational issue about how women and young girls are valued, or not valued, in such societies.
I personally know of individuals and families that have been impacted by physical abuse, including rapes, and even murder where young children were left without their mother who was also the family’s sole provider. I also recall going to a street festival in St. Vincent several years ago and feeling totally violated by some of the men who were dancing in the streets. My cousin and I had to run to escape their touches as they seemingly felt that all women were ‘fair game’ at such a public event as their carnival.
In my view, the mistreatment of women at the hands of these undesirables and misfits in society is approaching epidemic proportions! If we are going to make advancements as a Caribbean people with a common African ancestry, we must respect each other more.
Each country, including the Virgin Islands, must do its part to address social issues such as violence against women in meaningful ways that will minimize this awful scourge. These are the discussions that should also take center stage when regional Heads of Government meet as a collective body.
Improving literacy rates even more in certain Caribbean countries such as St. Vincent, is definitely one of the keys that will help to elevate and enlighten minds and improve rational thinking levels. Nelson Mandela once said that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” While I can appreciate that there are no easy answers to the social problem of violence against women and girls in our society, ignoring the ‘elephant in the room’ is certainly not an option.
May the soul of the dearly departed Lenia Lettsome-Green rest in peace. May her families and friends find some source of comfort as they mourn her very sad and untimely demise.
I’m willing to pay for all the ST.Vincent people on Tortola flight back to ST.Vincent. We canot allow them to be comming here killing our local women. Why stay in a Country where you are not welcome.Go to another Country with the barbaric behaviour. Oh, I forget, the American dollar,papers and F***ing up people marriage that is what they are good for and is coming here to do.
Some are saying the husband need a apology, well, when things like this happens the spouse is the number one suspect. The beast is the one who owes the husband a apology. As far as I am concern,he was trying to frame the husband for the crime.
I feel the same way. I Too believe he was trying to frame the husband…Of course the finger would be pointed to the husband. That is why the thing didnot drink the poison.
I am a vincentian woman and it hurts my heart when I hear my fellow country men are caught up in these atrocities against their women. However, this is not something new to me, as this is a trait among some vincentian men where they settle their grievances with their women through violence. However, not all vincentian men are the same. I read the many comments here calling for all vincentians to be deported and I realize that the comments are coming from people who are angry about what transpired. This is my message to women who are dating men including the misguided few from my homeland. If you see these signs….RUN. 1. They want to know who you are talking to when someone calls your phone, they don’t want you to have friends. They make you feel afraid so you have to be walking on egg shells when you are around them. They have a set of women and when you talk they are ready to beat you down. They lie all the time, and threaten you with violence. They invade your space, and insist on driving you to places even though you could drive your own transport and don’t need them to accompany you. They show up on your job and just hang around. There is always some issue with these men. They even tell you that if they can’t have you no one else will. My sisters, Run because it will get worse…don’t wait till it progresses to the point where you die.
Well suh. I beg all you pardon buddeh!
Run a public announcement, so women here will get the message, thanks for your honesty.
You sound like a babbling Fool. Defending wrong. When the deh kill one of yours you’ll know better. DEPORT Vincy Man
Please point out where i defended wrong? I was defending the fact that all vincy men are being blamed for what this vincy did. Didn’t you see me saying to let him rot in jail? No one is condoning what Rohan did, he darn wrong and should do the crime. There is nothing in any of my statement defending Rohan and he is someone I know and I’m a woman. No one is saying not to deport him, but authorities wouldnt do that now since he committed the crime in Tortola. He has to do the time there, then if or when the times comes for release then they do immediate deportation. READ AND UNDERSTAND
I dont know who I’m speaking to since you are now anonymous and your toungue has changed but you are covering for and justifying their desyructive behaviour instead of adressing the evil that lies within. When you cover, you make it worst. stop turning a blind eye to your friends deadly behaviour. Stop generalizing and sweepung things under a rug.
I am to smart to allow myself to get mixed up in some S**t like that. If I marry a man,It will be my own kind, a local man. At least I know how my local men roll.
I rather deal with BVI bad seeds than expat bad seeds any day! DEPORT all bad seeds of St. Vincent now! Murderous Men and hoeing women. Can’t sit and allow another Vincy to done off another son or daughter of the soil. Nope! We need better social boarder protection. Let’s handle our own bad seeds and get rid of the others. Let they be a problem for their own countrymen.
While you got the “murderous men” part correct, I am assuming that you meant Whoring and not “hoeing”.
By all means, please tell me how they are going to render a woman a “Whore”. Are they going to use you as an example or raid the Whore house? You surely will be disappointed with nationality that will dominate. Google the definition of “dominate” for peace of mind. Have a good evening.
Please h*** yourself in your cell or have someone smuggle you in that special killing juice you vincy like to sluck down. Pleaseeee, I am begging you to do one of the above.i don’t want you eating or getting free medical care on my dime. go ahead BOBO, do everyone a favor and take yourself out.
If I happen to see one of those Vincy W**es getting her A** whip by a local woman I am going to help F**k up the Vincy W**re. I am going to have my local woman backs. F**k those Vincy THOTS. Just remember this you Vincy THOTS, we locals grew here,you Vincys flew here.
Yall bvi women ain’t s**t y all trash dat u y all n***a leave y all wen the meet a vincy lady…yall like toilet paper only gud to wipe a**
At the end of the day y’all rejects w****s from Vincy had to come here out the craters to make a better living here cause you weren’t smack down there. Set of Low lives. Ruining everything in your wake. Most of you living here also quite proud to be w****s from the way you conduct your incompetence in public and private. Beautiful bodies empty brains.
Lazy a** bunch of ppl come off of vincy ah beg… have some down right honest ppl from vincy and well educated to….if God did bless everyone to be doctors and lawyers you all wouldn’t live in houses cause you all hands to nice for cement
Don’t trust them vincy man they have them fake smile.but them is some evil,lying and con artist people
BVI ladies keep far from them if them like you don’t even involved in conversation cut it off.
Wicked fellas
All of them is not the same..y’all need to look around and see what’s really going on in the world crimes upon crimes at some point we all got to go sometimes it might not be the way we expect it but who knows best than the one above get down on y’all knees and pray…Let’s all live right so when that they to come we’ll know where we are going
All the vincys who apply for status in the BVI,deep six or stamp denied on their applications.
Sad to say… you don’t know someone is a fool until they open their mouth! I’m so disheartened to read some of the comments on this blog. Most of you are impervious to the fact that this woman was a mother and her children are left to deal with her sudden and tragic demise and are exposed to your insensitive and ignorant comments. Shame on you!! My thoughts and prayers are with the grieving family and I offer my deepest and sincerest condolences.
I feel for the lady that pass away.But all these dirty comments don’t needed. That only tell me that tolans have something personal against vincy. Every other nationalities came here and do crimes and it just go so, nobody saying nothing. I just feel that you all went to vincy and see how nice we living and full of grudge, thats why you all acting so. We Vincentians should just pack up and leave. We are not welcome here and we can see that. You all must stop blame a whole nation for one man crime and find out what a person do why someone have to take his or her lives. There are 2 sides to a story.
Blame ayo tolians for this because a REAL Vincy man would use a Machette but he come tola and learn about gun by ayo.
You all need go back to ayo country with you all dirty self
we cannot because if we go back ayo gon follow because ayo love us too much 😀 man and woman. we too sweet. :3
To all the fools leaving comments blasting vincy ppl y’all need to shut the f**k up Bvi have the same kind of ppl s**t like this happen all over…so y all could talk all you want but don’t forget no matter what you think bout us y all ain’t better…
Them need to bring visa on them a** just like Jamaicans.
Well now here this to stop all them thing this is what the police them to do ask him where here get the gun from an u find out all who selling them in hold them they must get all of them but like the police man them don’t want to face the guns man them they only know how to pick up body we need to stop all this s**t by everyone I don’t care where we from even we from here or no then it will stop a lot of killing thank u
Some vincy woman came here and try to label vincy man as the worst too. Having the worst thing to say about them own. See who they say to get out now? All of u. Some of them have their good man send for them to come up here to work and better their lives, they up and down with people married man. Look how the one at sol gas station do to my friend vincy friend, very good cool man send for her, she up and down with people married man and more. She was so sexy when she was with the man, now she looking like when garbage full. Black fish looking gal, Her sins have her so. She even make the good man sleep one night in the station for nothing.
It have one at S***’s laundry to nun bad like she will friend you an f*** your husband . All the vincy who’re working by the laundry in tola
To all bvi ladies if you talking to one on social media try cut it off. Them ain’t no good ah set of liars,fakes and killers
LABOUR DEPT: don’t do noooooo more permit for them construction men from vincy
Let’s hope the police do their job because word on the street is not the Vincy and how it was a hit on the woman from another. Police please thoroughly investigate this.
For all trying to say other island people also commits these violent crimes. Two many times it’s Vincentians committing these crimes of passion.
That’s not love,that’s called being controlling. Now stop these crazy comments, a life is lost by yet a other Vincentian and a family in mourning . I pray for the family and hope they can find some comfort.
Some woman needs to keep their legs under padlocks. They are out there hunting for men . Playing cute and doing all nasty things out there. I am not saying that brutal vagabond has any rights to kill the poor woman but women need to becareful of what they are doing . This vagabond needs to face the full force of the hammer. Nothing against Vincy men but they are too brute .
Is the same tolans sending for you g vincy women for work and when the young ladies reach up there only to behold the tolans want them to sell they cat….is the tolans train the vincy gyal them up there….they take after the tolan women cause they learnt it from the best.
Yes a lot of St. Vincent men and women don’t think. This is due to lack of secondary education and being brought up in a society wear little value is placed on life and relationships. many persons do not handle rejection well. St. Vincent is huge many parishes of country men and women who are ignorant. Jamaica is the same too. These are facts. St. Kitts, Trinidad, Grenada, Guyana, Dominica, Dominican Republic just to name a few. Calling you all out FACTS! Get mad if you want I really don’t care.
At the same time I have met very nice men and women from St. Vincent and these mentioned islands who are not of the same mind set. Some are Artisan class people too. They may have made us a homemade tart, cake snack or a drink sometime or brought us bush tea to drink or soup or helped us at home when we were sick or in need. Explain this them why.
The ability to reason and control one self under pressure is one aspect of it, lack or reasoning & coping skills. Upbringing is another. Another is that the bible tells us the devil and his angels were hurdled from heaven and fell on the earth with GREAT VENGENCE. They married and had sex with women on the earth and multiplied. Born to them were the giants of old. They are stronger craftier and have an agenda to eliminate the seed of man from the earth. It is in their blood. Many of us are the descendants of fallen angels. Be careful who you listen to. Be careful who you allow in your homes and bodies during sex! We all have good and bad in us. We know the side we strengthen will win in the end. Draw god near to you and practice love of mankind!
Tolians are the mose thieving people you can meet…try ride off of us….a lot of us have Secondary Education and went on to doing exceptionally well at college and universities…talk for your own people…
Dont seem like you know the God you are preaching about…because you here judging a whole nation based on one man’s actions and for people who reacted in the same manner you yourself display.
Dont seem like you know the God you are preaching about…because you here judging a whole nation based on one man’s actions and for people who reacted in the same manner you yourself display.
Just about every machete weilding incident you hear happens in the BVI or elsewhere comes from Vincies. Something tells me they cannot take a card or they cannot handle renection. So when I say chew the fat and spit out the bone, I mean if the hat fits you then wear it.