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Stop leaving HoA for other functions, Premier told

“Premier … you got to stop it. You cannot leave this House of Assembly in a sitting to go attend some other function.” — Fraser

Premier Dr D Orlando Smith and other parliamentarians have been publicly rebuked for delaying House of Assembly sittings to attend other functions.

Third District Representative Julian Fraser lambasted the culprit parliamentarians while speaking at the latest sitting of the House last Thursday.

According to Fraser, the practice is becoming the norm, which he described as disrespectful.

“I have seen it repeatedly – some functions that have been scheduled by the very government on the same day that we have a sitting, [and] we take a recess and members go to it,” Fraser said.

He added: “A time is set to come back and nobody knows when they [members] are coming back. Nobody comes back and we set the sitting for another date. That has to stop.”

Just recently, the very first sitting of the House was prematurely adjourned so members could attend the swearing-in ceremony of the new Deputy Governor, David Archer.

HoA members operate like street boys/girls 

Fraser compared the modus operandi of members to that of ‘street boys and girls’.

He said he has never experienced the behaviour in his nearly two-decade-long stint as a politician.

“People treat us the way we treat ourselves. We have no respect for ourselves,” he stated.

Premier has to lead 

The Opposition member further called on the Premier to lead by example.

“Premier you’re the leader, you got to stop it. You cannot leave this House of Assembly in a sitting to go attend some other function. You cannot do that. It has to stop … If two members want to go to the college for some function, let them go. But the business of the people must continue. These sittings go on, and on, and on …”

Fraser pledged to continue to speak out if the issue persists.

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  1. Ms. Lewis says:

    While Fraser may be right I’m still disappointed that he didn’t r—– for the last 3 years. He was just a st——– tr——. Fahie was better helping. I guess it that time of the year.

  2. Sam the man says:

    Frazier you have a point but unfortunately your track record makes you irrelevant ! Maybe if you’d led better previously you’d have earned some r——–? Unfortunately you didn’t so don’t bleat about it ….respect is earned and v few from the “No Direction Party” have earned mine so far – some of their younger members just might but so far haven’t shined just when they are needed to so come on MT step it up….

  3. Diplomat says:

    HOA meetings are scheduled events and saved for genuine emergencies the meetings should not be delayed nor interrupted. Treat the HOA business as important, urgent and serious. Schedule other events around scheduled HOA meetings. Bottomline, pay homage to and respect the privilege, not the right, to serve the people in the House. If elected members do not take the conduct of government business seriously, why should civil servants and unelected officials. Elected members should set the personal example.

  4. Brother J says:

    It is soo unfortunate that frazer is one of the best politition in the bvi. If he had only stop to think that attitude is everything he would of been the premier today.

    • Diaspora says:

      Indeed. … He has good political insights yet lacking in basic political insight. How can that be? In spite of his good political insights, his e—-, a———- attitude…….etc. limit the altitude to which he could have risen. For example, the handling of the VIP leadership leaves much to be desired. If you cannot follow, you cannot lead effectively. A strong dose of h——-y could have propelled him to the zenith of the political mountain.

      Is the electorate opinion and course of history reversible? Yes. But it will take a complete and genuine make over to move things off of top dead center, starting with improved interpersonal relationships. Is he in the VIP or not? He should sh….t or get off the poe!

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