Stricter screening for expats coming for employment, renewing work permit
While noting that the territory’s borders have been open for far too long, Premier Andrew Fahie has indicated his government will implement policies that could make it more difficult for non-locals to remain or move to the BVI for work.
The Premier made the announcement during a national address on Sunday, June 2 while explaining some of the changes to be made to the current Labour and Immigration policies.
“When the government is finished implementing the reform package (expat regularisation) that will be given to us by you, the people, there will be stricter screening procedures for allowing persons into the territory for work, and also for the renewal of work permits,” the Premier stated.
He further said: “In terms of renewal of work permits, we have welcomed the suggestions brought forward at some of the public events, that the employer applying for such, must furnish the Labour department with a good standing certificate from NHI, Social Security and Inland Revenue.”
The Premier said these new adjustments will provide greater protection for BVIslanders and Belongers in the local workforce.
He argued that it will also create better chances for locals to attain the once hard-to-get jobs. But, Premier Fahie said the backlog of expats seeking regularised status in the BVI issue must be resolved before any of these new measures can be achieved,
“The sooner these issues are put to rest in a transparent and accountable manner, the sooner the government can move forward with the rest of planning and implementing protections for our people,” said Fahie who is also the Minister of Finance.
He said he believes these issues were ignored in the past and for that reason, the territory is now experiencing many problems in the local Immigration and Labour sectors.
The leader of government business assured that all these problems will be reviewed and rectified under his administration.
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Well that will totally kill our economy then as we need good skilled labour for our recovery….and to undertake all the jobs that others won’t do…
pay your d**n taxes and all statutory fees
It’s long been known the majority of Companies that don’t pay NHI or Social Security are local BVIslanders. I could name but 10 which are well known, but there would be no use as it’s common knowledge and placed in front of the courts on various ocassions, to no avail.
I agree, but the operative word is “skilled”, and we seldom get that. We get people learning on our jobs because the skilled workers are employed at home for good pay.
He promised that he would enact a Whistleblower Law. When does he do that? Why hasn’t he told us what happened to our $7.2M plane. Is he trying to protect someone?
There is a wave of xenophobia sweeping these islands at the moment, and it is getting ugly.
More bureaucracy and interference.
Just what the economy needs.
A work permit should never be given out if a bvislander can do that particular job
I am a belonger and y’all SUCK at customer service (for one), and you know it! Not many belonger wouldn’t want to clean foot and slave in restaurants.. SO YOU GO ON. FACTS OVER TALK
It hardly has any BVIslanders in customer service to begin with. And it’s mostly these new BVIslanders born of expat parents. Our culture was never being lazy or begging. My fore fathers crying in their graves. I hardly meet any Locals with deep BVI roots. A lot of them are of expat parents.
It’s the expats who have the ***** jobs!!!! It’s mostly them who you are meeting! And they don’t have any manners because they are disgruntled by the Rich BVIslanders using them as slaves.
I left BVI because I’m tired of being last class citizen in my own country while outsiders getting ahead for doing the bare minimum.
Might as well Noel Lloyd didn’t throw away his sanity for us because we gave away way more than he protected.
First World is wayyyyyy worst with customer service than BVI.
Just give the country to the expats because it don’t seem like we want it by how we treat each other.
“”””I left BVI because I’m tired of being last class citizen in my own country .””””
Thanks for sharing that sobering truth.
There are many like me who did not run away, and now today wish they did.
We stayed and sacrificed amidst unimaginable oppression.
If only some of the gross abuse of human, financial and professional rights were to be presented to this Premier and government officials, it is wondered what if anything they would do to bring thhose horrible people to task, at least, for the horrible deeds they have perpetrated on their people.
Yes, there are some demonic BVIslanders, many of whom are still sitting behind desk, who know of the wrongs committed, but would rather remain silent then go to church on Sunday and ask God to forgive them, while their victims continue to suffer unimaginably.
I wanted to stay and fight for my country. September after Irma I realised the country already wasn’t for BVIslanders and it will be worst because it will be only outsiders allowed to build back the country. Then they could really say, ” they build country for us”
So said so done. I had to fight with Labour to get my few pennies from International Company that treated the locals so bad. I told Labour they are one of the reasons why the country is like how it is. P.S. The East Indians are coming! And some of them already looking for idiot BVIslanders to marry off.
It is never a good thing when you are vastly outnumbered in your country. The masses will have a bigger voice.The BVIslanders that caused this country to go to hell have the audicity to blame the expats. Who brought them here???!
All the BVIslanders talking crap have cushiony jobs in government given to them by last name and status, doesn’t know how the average BVIslander feel. Well, they will all be in the same boat.
The expats are the new BVIslanders and we are being forced out courtesy of Labour, Immigration, Government and the shadow players.
A lot of my family land are in the hands of expats because the old ppl failed to divide land when they were alive. So, it went to the oldest, who couldn’t see past their ‘john’ and sign everything to expat lovers.
PUR LEASE, you could not be more correct. These expat bloggers are talking about themselves.
the worse customer service is given by expats. They are always on a phone and not paying attention. They would ask a customer to hold on while they answer their personal phones. Come again!!!
Never thought I would ever agree with you.
Customer service in the BVI about to get even worse then…
Some of the phone companies bringing in people to do jobs people here can do and that includes locals and people who are working here a long time.
I had a “skilled” worker put down my wooden floor after the hurricanes and it is now popping up, so I have to see if I find an unskilled worker to put them down (that is paying twice for the same job).
I had a Virgin Islander Plumber and he effed up the entire house with bad plumbing.
And I had an expat plumber and water was coming through the walls and electrical outlets when he completed the job and turned on the water. So who effed up there?
The main topic is outsiders now meh boy. There is nothing more that needs focusing on.
Good Job Andrew Now Your Talking Business Some that are here need screening also..
Of then coming in for vacation and don’t leave. They working without a sponsor getting paid under the table and sending money back home. Where is immigration on this to round up all the overstayers. I know a few been here since Irma say they just come see how the country is and still here without a sponsor and working. Time to clean up.
Some of the sponsors need jailing too for sponsoring people as a favor knowing that not working for them. They lie to immigration all the time. This needs to stop
BVI landers are not nice people. They only exploit the foreigners. They’re are humans. You claim to know overstayers, then report it or shut up. You’re condoning it.
BVI Islanders are the nicest people you know. That’s why you are still here. Where else in the world you can go and feel comfortable and positive enough to stick your thumb out to catch a ride. I have never seen this in any of the other Caribbean islands I have visited, including Jamaica, St Lucia, St Kitts, Antigua, St Maarten (to name a few).
How many are around Virgin Queen and the Gas station daily ?
If these ppl were gainfully employed they wouldda be on the job . No ?
Therefore if they ain’t working. The maths is simple
I’m sure there are “ spots” in every community —- but can every. One just turn a blind eye right in the heart of town
Enough is —-king Enough
Clean up the country. Drain the swamp if that’s what it takes. Black and white and yellow
I am from the BVI and I pray to God that everyone know what they are doing….and I will say the BVI can’t stand
The translation for sponsor is Slave Master.
Hear no evil see no evil…The earth is Jah own not yours nor mine when you died you won’t even remember you were f….. here
I hope another imra come an destroy the socal BVI that y’all praise. Y’all some wicked set of people I see how the country will run when you do
When you curse others the general principle is that that very curse will come back to you. You need God.
Be careful what you hope for, but lucky for you your Prime Minister will send a plane to get you, if you survive, and we will have to stay. Oh Jah
Rain comes on the just and the unjust, be careful what you hope for buddy.
Whoever this is, God will deal with you. I wonder if we are so wicked, what are you doing here still?
Lord have mercy on this bitter person!
While I always admired the BVI and what they stands for, in terms of putting their people first, the BVI landers are lazy, hateful people. I don’t know how foreigners survive.
good luck to any expats living here already. Knowing you are not wanted and hated from so many angles by ‘belongers’!
While they at that get rid of the doctors and nurses as well.. all th different technicians who work in the medical field at b&f, Eurkea and even Peebles. Let the locals fill the positions. Let’s see if your own will clean your toilets for $6.00 per hour, or rent your one bedroom apartment for $1200. 00. Just get rid of all the expats and you y’all die hope the BVI gets you through the pearly gates.
Watch the BVI continue to fall, all for political advantage. Without the expats, it will become an island of uneducated workers and drug dealers. How many belongers are still waiting for someone else to do their repairs from Irma? Even clean their yard? The expats aren’t afraid of work and help keep tourism alive.
There is so much corruption in the government. Everyone knows who to pay for a fast permit.
It is sad to watch the BVI continue to crumble.
The next hurricane, who will clean up if all you have left are the belongers?!?!
Let me get this straight we have gone, from fast tracking people that have been here 15 years plus in the last week, two more controlled immigration and labour regulations ? Make your mind up Premier what you would like from your administration and the expats who live and work here. Those who have continued to improve the BVI as we do not have enough belongers to substantiate the working force needed to make the BVI a premier destination. Please give these expats some kind of status, they have worked hard, served our beloved BVI, contributed to social security, tax and NHI, give them some stability. Let’s unite the BVI and become stronger and better and move forward into a new world and become as we keep saying ONE BVI
The bvi is just an grateful place… we as people are also selfish this is not slavery days why so that to the people who help build thw country. See the hurricanes came. Their own people came help up from all over and this is how you all are treating yhem. Lord have mercy on ayo. Any Mr premier you promise them lowee rates of permits etc. You are a l**r like the others. Better NDP stayed in Power cause you going back on your work… thought you was a God fearing man. Enough is enough, we bvi people need to stop, its 2019 time to live in harmony let the people work! They have mouths to feed. Oh my Gosh. I want see who all you calling to help fix bvi next hurricane. Selfish sorry to say am from here.
Why are people getting so offended? Every expat would like to know that if he returns home tomorrow after spending the last 10 years building up another man’s country in the name of making a better life for himself or his family, that the government of his country reserves special rights to him concerning the resources of his country.
From what I have observed, most Caribbean expats are quite patriotic. When they come to the BVI they continue to boast and represent their country of birth. They constantly criticize and compare the BVI to their home country not being careful not to insult the BVIslander. In fact in most instances intending to do so.
When the opportunity came to them back home to work in the BVI, most took it understanding they were being paid in wages with no guarantees to renewal of their work permits much less the rights or privileges of gaining belongedr status. They gave themselves a time frame to accomplish their goals and return home, but overtime, goals were shifted based on a number of different factors.
Many are now drawn in to the recent debates, upset and hurt, using phrases such as ‘they built up the BVI and now being asked to leave’ and ‘BVI people being ungrateful’. Can we be honest? Wasn’t it always an exchange of labor for money? Unfortunately not always fair but an exchange non the less to which expats had the freedom at anytime to refuse and return home to the countries they have spoken such love for. Expats did not do the BVI any favors! They saw an opportunity to progress their and their family’s lives and took it. They did not come to help the BVI with the exception of relief workers. In helping themselves and their families the BVI benefited.
I agree that positive contributors deserve the privilege of status upon meeting the criteria including proof of contributions (homes, businesses, marriages, essential workers and educators).
Once you have agreed to the exchange remember the purpose why you are in the BVI and don’t let hateful talk distract you to the point of being ungrateful for the opportunity you have been given that so many desire.
Descendant of expat.
Good luck with your tourism industry now that only locals (who hate each other, the tourists, and yes even themselves) are required to be hired. Think about how AWFUL it is coming into Road Town through Customs, with their terrible moods and attitudes. Now apply that to every customer service position and you start to see why people will just stay in USVI or on their cruise ship. LOCAL PEOPLE ARE JUST RUDE TO EVERY ONE, WE ALL KNOW ITS AN ISSUE
when everywhere in the world is trying to do away with red tapes in the government, the bvi is encouraging more. they should have centralized system in place as government agencies to check this type of information (certificate of good standing, etc) and not require the people to bring more documents (which I don’t think they even read). another money earning tactics.
and where everywhere in the world, encourage acceptance and globalization, this premier supports division and entitlement.
I am an open minded person but what is see coming out of the counrty is venom and hate. If i did not have a BVI wife, and children, given 30 years of my life here, I would have left this country. A sad place to live. When i go into work, i can feel the silent energy of hate. The throwing of words.
Christian people face who used to smile, now deadly and hard like rock. All exp should boycott their business, like black boycott the buses and other business in the Southern States and see what would happen. If we do not stop this hatred, we would end up with violent ethnic cleansing. BVI be careful the path we take. Do good all people especially christians. State and church do not mix.
Fahie needs to check his administration before he run his mouth. I know for a fact that one of his ministers wasn’t paying a cent for his employees so we’ll see how this works out. This person owe a set of people and want to be talking stupidness as if they all good.
Dem killing people with this work permit anyway one have to pay so much money to get their permit renewed plus they now have to pay $50 dollars to start the application plus u have to pay another $75 for a card u not even receiving as ur ID who is this money going to
MR Fahie you are stepping on our local tow take it easy thing is very hard we cannot pay a lot of money and do too many hard work we are from here employed islander to do hard work please we should sit like king and queen sipping wine/Herb.