They know why they left, party more united for it — Walwyn

Minister of Education Myron Walwyn. File photo
Chairman of the National Democratic Party (NDP) Myron Walwyn has suggested that persons who have and are resigning from the party are doing so for less genuine reasons than they are letting on.
NDP vice-president Michael Turnbull and former political candidate for the party, Shaina Smith, are two members who went public with their resignations and have now moved over to a new organisation.
Reportedly, more are expected to follow.
“Those persons who have left the party know the true reason why they have done so and many members of the public are also well aware. I wish them all the best in their new venture,” said Walwyn who says their departure will serve the party well.
“We now have a more united National Democratic Party to go about doing the work that is required to truly rebuild the Virgin Islands. I have had many Virgin Islanders reach out to me, wanting to be more involved and I look forward to welcoming more citizens to participate in the political process and ensuring the NDP is truly representative of what and who we are as Virgin Islanders,” the recently-elected party leader said.
I am not going to abandon my party
Meanwhile, NDP founding members Michael Thomas and Lloyd Black have expressed disappointment at the actions of the two resignees.
Though disappointed, both Thomas and Black said they are not surprised. They said they suspect the resignees have been plotting to leave long before their resignation.
“I am not going to leave my party,” Thomas told BVI News when invited for comment on Tuesday.
“I believe in the ideals. If they (the resignees) believe we got sidetracked, I think it’s our goal to try and put the party back on track and continue to do the right thing that we’ve been doing.”
“I refer to what has happened like this: If I go to a church and I’m not happy with the pastor because he may say certain things that I don’t like, instead of trying to go and get that rectified and corrected, we go down the street and start a new church. A couple years later, somebody in the new congregation ain’t like what that new pastor saying so they get up and they do the same thing. So we keep fractioning the whole thing all time. But, you got to have some type of loyalty to something at some point,” the founding member added.
“Yes, we (the NDP) might have gotten sidetracked in certain areas but when you look at the bigger picture where the country is concerned, the country is thriving and the country is still growing,” Thomas said.
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I’m not a big fan of Juggy but I like Myron and think that when it is all said and done the NDP will come out as the better choice to lead the BVI. Hon. Walwyn please keep the people involved, tell us your plans and do not get sidetracked by the other nonsense going on. The BVI is in rebuild mode and need doers at the helm and not talkers.
Not a BVI Islander, but being a reporter in my home country, news gets me. I follow the politics of this country. Myron is doing a wonderful job. All who want to leave let them go. The ones who stay are the ones who will move forward! They are just full of talk and dead weight – like dried leaves they will fall… Team Myron – I support you.
You must be paid blogger. Please go sit down.
Thomas and Black,thanks. There are a lot of people living in Maryland who have some type of connection to the BVI like myself and for me it is team Myron all the way. Myron, everything is for the best, it is good that they left, kool Ade and Merlot don’t mix.
Is you how don’t live here pay tax here and do nothing for coming voting and leave our little country the way it. Sit you need to to take look at the us.
I think I know who you are. Lol
Your mother son from another father pal.
Your brother from another father pal
Disunity is what it is never mind Walwyn spin.Action speaks louder than wordz.
Shut your a….ss you reaping so it’s all good for you to say that .
If you can shut it you can close it. Another Maggot brain blogging p**s.
Continue doing what right thing? Michael, you and MW need to go and sit down because you guys have no int—– and the lawlessness, greed and curruption must come to an end. It is obvious that the territory’s best interest was not paramount on NDP’s agenda and MW has fed the people enough lies and has never taken responsibility for his wrong doings…he’s too proud and I am sick and tired of his cunning ways. Absolutely no t————-y…the people of the Virgin Islands deserve more. So i say to you…oh please.
First let me state categorically, I am not a member of any party. I vote my conscience and according to whom I believe closest represents my politic views, and will serve the country best.
Now, I find it troubling that these people who have resigned the NDP membership have not only resigned, but reportedly gone on to join another political party.
It’s one thing in my view to quit an organization based on principle, something I can respect. However, it’s a totally different matter when such persons not only quit, but move on in short course to join another political organization.
That kind of move in my mind smacks of disloyalty, backstabbing, backbiting, snake in the grass like behavior, and any other similar adjectives one can ascribe to such behavior.
Loyalty is important to me as a person, and if I cannot trust someone, I simply cut them lose.
Then you shouldn’t support Myron, Juggie, Mark. Ronnie, Mitch, Shania, sowande because they all jump ship at some point and time.
They didnt leave in this manner. These peoole were forming a new party while in the ndp. Thats way different.
The Turnbulls haven’t really achieved anything politically and it seems that if they can’t have their own way they sulk and throw their toys out of the pram! Not exactly grown up behaviour but they are just naive, power hungry and totally inexperienced – I fear they are just being used as puppets and jump when they are told to …they should name their new group the Disloyalty party!
What do we as citizens achieve by blogging hatefully and critically instead of posting suggestions and plans that may actually alleviate some of our territory’s issues for circulation like the petition for those marches earlier this year?
Why can’t we use our human capital to demonstrate to politicians what we want to vote for instead of struggling to accept what they force on us?
It’s a new era in the BVI where party politics, wasteful rallies, personal favours and empty promises should no longer be accepted as the norm.
BVISLANDERS rise up and use free public platforms to let politicians know what we will and will not vote for instead of simply hating on those who are sacrificing personal time and peace to serve the public.
“as soon as he took over the party all the thrushies flew away”
Who next alvera or marlon? LOLLLLLLLLL
This man is building his party with pure island people children, watch the game people!
Which island you or your parents come from. Play on..
And tagging each other when they post on fb. Political pawns.
So I wonder where you’re from….. are you from a continent or an island???? Please go shut down with your BS from talking sh****
Stop it. Be wise.
We will make the BVI great again
Never see smoke without fire!
This is the very reason he was able to get him and others to vote for him as Chairman. If you are going to give interview be honest. So sad. The power of $$$
5th district u couldn’t said that better well said I am a 5th district my self
Exactly!! Imagine two founding members are on this new party but are still sitting with the NDP Government. All of this because the one person they love to hate won the elections to become the NDP’s new leader. Now they have displayed this classless behavior for all to see and in a few months they will be seeking our votes. Shameless!
That should not be. They need to pee or got off the potty. If they had any honor, they would have done the respectable thing and resign from the party a long time ago if they knew that was their intention.
Just what are they sticking around for? To put more knives in the remaining members’ backs? I share your view: it’s shameless.
Maybe they were trying to make it work too????????♀️
First let me state categorically, I am not a member of any party. I vote my conscience and according to whom I believe closest represents my politic views, and will serve the country best.
Now, I find it troubling that these people who have resigned the NDP membership have not only resigned, but reportedly gone on to join another political party.
It’s one thing in my view to quit a political party based on some principle, something I can respect. However, it’s a totally different matter when such persons not only quit, but move on in short course to join another political organization.
That kind of move in my mind smacks of disloyalty, backstabbing, backbiting, snake in the grass like behavior, and any other similar adjectives one can ascribe to such behavior.
Loyalty is important to me as a person, and if I cannot trust someone, I simply cut them lose. Unfortunately, I simply cannot see how I can trust any of these people who have fled their party be it on the NDP side or the VIP side to lead the county.
I see their action as self serving, divisive, and a political power ploy.
None of their public statements or rumored reasons why they have left their party appears genuine. I personally don’t see how I can support any of these new parties with their runaway crew.
Finally, there are whispers that the real reason some of these former NDP members are fleeing is because those people fear that the Mr. Walwyn would become Premier should the party win. In their minds, that cannot happen because he is not a true BVI Islander, whatever that means.
Well, if that is really the case, I am not surprise, because there are some among us for generations who have always thought that only people born in the BVI should have/get anything in these part of the woods.
There is a history of calling people from other islands “garrots” or “islandman” which are small minded pseudonyms. It’s discrimination plain and simple.
However, if this is the real reason why some a jumping the NDP ship, I say shame on those people. Mr. Walwyn has been the top vote getter island wide each time he has contested office even fetching more votes than the Premier.
If he was good enough to help the party seal the deal and achieve victory, he should be good enough to become Premier.
As some bloggers have stated, this is perhaps nothing more than the typical small mindedness, and bad mindedness among some, and that is a shame. Small mind and bad minds get you now where. People will succeed despite of.
People should not reward these disloyal people at the polls. Vote for people who genuinely care for the country as oppose to those who have sinister motive or just contesting elections to gain power.
You wrote all of this to say what really??? This man has done more damage to the education system than good! We steady hear about all these implementations but have any of us seen the actual statistics to prove its working?
You have to not only look at the people who left but you must also consider why so many persons are opting to not be led by his leadership! Also we must never forget the million dollar tax payers school wall that serves no purpose today oh and need I say, big time lawyer that went ahead and pushed the millions of dollars deal for a plane that was smoke and mirrors!
Yes they all are in fighting because they all are consciously aware of who stole what moneys and how they were able to get it done! They were disloyal in HOA and they are disloyal to each other and most of all they continue to play on our minds because we allow these people to feel like they are more intelligent than us!
As a leader he promotes div—– behaviors, encourages a c—–t nation, solicit young persons to do his bidding by ——— them with our tax paying money, selecting young persons who did not bid for contracts but because he wants the kick backs — hires them, getting our tax paying money just under the amount it would take so that it doesn’t go through financial screening.
You young people must wake up! These things are not done in your best interest! A true leader will put things in place that would have reflected by now, some eight years later! We would have seen true progress!
Ask yourself, is your life any better than it was 8 years ago? Are you in better financial standings from 8 years ago?
Are you only getting solicited money in high drives around election time?
Are you the direct player in this solicitation?
If not, are you dependent on someone else helping you to get by daily because they are affiliated with this leadership?
We need to stop the smoke and mirrors! It’s time for the nation to wake up!!
“You wrote all of this to say what really???”
First, I think my post is quite clear.
Second, I am not here to defend Mr. Walwyn; I’m sure he is quite capable of defending himself. However, you are alleging quite a bit in your post about him. Where is your proof?
Lastly, I am awake. Please don’t misinterpret my intent in asking: what are you really saying?
Are you ok with the manner these former NDP members have left the party or are you ok with it?
I am not a member of any party but I have certainly been around for a while and know a lot about politics in these islands. A lot of persons are quick to criticize those who have left the NDP under the leadership of the new Chairman Walwyn. I do not think these people would have left if there were not strong reasons to leave. Those who criticize should hear both sides and then judge!
From the little that I have heard from supporters and non-supporters, it is obvious that the way the new chairmanship for the NDP was achieved was rife with underhandedness! We forget that people in these islands love to talk and information will come out! The new Chairman is not being honest and not giving the real facts, but he forget that there are those who know the facts!
It is a democratic society and people are free to choose. The Territory is at an all time low and we need better. Look at how the NDP is now putting foreigners in top positions that BVIslanders can fill- the Prison, the Port, and the same was to be done for the Elmore Stoutt High School but the people got wind of that and spoke out so maybe that was stopped. There are BVIslanders who can do those jobs! Can we go to St. Lucia and fill any of these positions? This is a very unfair practice! If this is the future of this country, then we are doomed!
Oh please!!!!!! You already gave away yourself so quit the charade! Just because you lost the election doesn’t mean it was underhanded. You guys plotted to remove Dr. Smith with your UNDERHANDEDNESS and it backfired, simple. Guess what? It won’t be too long before you hear the same bickering over in the new party, just look at the proposed list of members and candidates and you can already sense the confusion brewing in there. Nobody is buying your bs story about being an outsider.
Integrity is more valuable than loyalty to me in politics. I don’t want my leaders to be loyal to a party. I want them to be full of integrity and loyal to the people and their principles.
Let the rats scurry towards the sewer. Rats always turn on each other eventually. H*ll, they may as well name their Political Party RATS-R-US.
Is there a word as “loyality” …if not…then there must obviously be none. You sound like a paid blogger.
No BOBO, Keeping it real, not a paid blogger, just a team Myron supporter.Myron you got this.
Listen if Mr Chairman wasn’t elected as chairman he would have formed his own party too.
If you don’t share the vision of your leader then you have a right to move on. Nothing new here.
Don’t feel no way Myron,the NDP just had a bowel movement, the party may have use up some extra toilet tissue but you’ll be ok.
Suggesting if MW did not win he would have left or maybe he would have been forced out. Can recall the great effort to oust him by referring to the constitution. This was before the chairmanship vote wasn’t it. The big wicks from the Continent believe back then that he was an outside but happy to have him to win in a landslide. Now that he’s shown ambitions and drive to challenge the indigenous people for party leadership and won its time to stop pretend. Lol! Can someone please elaborate on the brilliance of the former finance, present health minister. If he was so brilliant why was he not return to finance ministry after they return to power? Why was he not return to the wings of deputy premier? As per your last sentence can you please tell us what vision he has because he has not shared it with the voters but am sensing it’s a BVC or CBV thing.
Marlon will go. He has been bought by the TCParty. Let all those who cannot fight the battle go.
The founding members of the NDP especially the ones behind the scenes are worse than the ones that were elected. All of the undeserved contracts led to the mess we in right now.
Myron, remember the story of Gideon? Let all who could not lap the water up, go home to other parties. They are the canker that was eating at the party. God will fight a victorious battle for you. Now, when the purging and cleansing has taken place, just give Jah praise and take this country forward. Let the one without sin, cast the first stone — Team Myron and the new cleansed NDP, National Development Party. Go, boy, go!!
Don’t feel no way Myron,the NDP just had a bowel movement, the party may have use up some extra toilet tissue but you’ll be ok.
The members who left have been trying to talk to yall. You wouldn’t listen. The party isn’t was founded on Skelton block by Skelton and a few others. None of you were Around when the party and is principles were founded. But now want to talk. MVW is a Johnny come lately.
I applaud all those persons who are willing to stand up for what they believe in and not just stick with a party just because! To be able to part ways with a party you founded speaks integrity to me. It says that you are principled.
Party politics and blind allegiance to political parties is why our country is in the mess it is in.
I am voting for people not no darned political party!
Thanks son.
When you can’t take the heat in the kitchen all one can do is leave! This is not about loyalty, rather it’s about a broken party and poor leadership. Mistakes were made too numerous to mention and no corrections are being taken.
M has failed his members and has failed his country. He has usurped the group’s hierarchy and undermined its previous founders in a major power grab!
Only to later realize he does not have the backing of his own members. He seriously lacks diplomacy and tack, major weaknesses going forward.
This whole NDP fragmentation reminds me of this song
““Yes, we (the NDP) might have gotten sidetracked in certain areas but when you look at the bigger picture where the country is concerned, the country is thriving and the country is still growing,” Thomas said.”
It’s called internal cannibalization. When you do good, good follow you. When you do bad, Hmmm.
None of you come by my house talking shiggidy.
Myron, you fight. If you don’t, we will fly out and you know what. They don’t want you to be leader because your parents were not from the BVI. Just who the H*ll those bunch of nappy headed people think they are? Myron, you have just as much rights as they do.They are hating and plotting because they are scared and they know they can’t beat you at the polls. The RATS and TWO HEADED snakes will be turning on each other very soon. Myron you got this. Rats are bad for business. #MYRONFORPREMIRE. The only true one that is fit to run the Country.
It’s a democracy, people leave and people come. That’s how the world it. That’s how life evolves. Not everything is for a lifetime. The NDP was found because persons were not happy with the political parties of the day, so yes, people leave if they are not happy. It’s like a marriage some couples stay and fight for the marriage and others opt to leave and start new lives.
It’s how things are!
No BOBO, Keeping it real, not a paid blogger, just a team Myron supporter.Myron you got this.