BVI News

Turnbull to meet with UK OT Minister at climate conference

Second District Representative Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull

Minister for Natural Resources Melvin Turnbull is set to meet with the newly appointed UK Overseas Territories Minister Lord Zac Goldsmith at the Conference of the Parties (COP27) that is now underway in Egypt.

Turnbull is representing the BVI at the COP27, which is one of the most important climate change conferences attended by governments around the world.

According to the United Nations, COP27 Climate is a unique opportunity for the BVI to strengthen its partnership with the United Kingdom government through the newly appointed Overseas Territories Minister Lord Goldsmith.

Turnbull is positioned to meet with Lord Goldsmith to discuss support mechanisms that the BVI can access as it seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The minister is also set to collaborate with other British Overseas Territories, Small Island Developing States and Latin American states to influence the global conversation about climate change solutions; particularly as it relates to the negative effects of climate change on our ecosystems and weather patterns.

Minister Turnbull said that climate change is a global crisis that no territory or country can afford to ignore. He stated that the territory is at a crucial place in history where life will be greatly altered if action is not taken.

“Globally, the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events is impacting the lives and livelihoods of millions of people. Rising global average temperature and rapid global warming are causing alarming consequences on human beings and all other forms of life on earth,” Turnbull said.

“In the Virgin Islands, we have first-hand experience through increased flooding, stronger tropical weather systems, which includes the devastating Hurricanes of 2017, Irma and Maria. The universal goal of COP27 is to accelerate global climate action through emissions reduction, scaled-up adaptation efforts and enhanced flows of appropriate finance,” he added.

In speaking about the BVI’s mission for COP27, Turnbull said: “It is important to note that small island nations such as ours typically have the smallest carbon footprints and produce the least amount of pollution but, however, suffer consequences that we are far less able to mitigate than larger countries and states, whose contributions to climate change is greater. This is why our presence and participation in COP27 along with other small island states is crucial.”

Minister Turnbull added that he looks forward to the response from the international community to the territory’s concerns, and to the technical and financial partnerships that will materialize from the BVI’s participation in COP27.

The conference will focus on the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement, political discussions with focus on climate finance, emission targets, and the role of large states.

Countries at the Conference of Parties have signed on to the world’s major climate change agreements: The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, or the Paris Agreement

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  1. Seriously says:

    The BVI worried about climate change. How about worrying about how you produce electricity. Burning diesel fuel which is the most inefficient method and pollutes the most. Let’s discuss the garbage dump which by the way could be producing electricity. The politicians of the Territory are all smoke and mirrors. What a subhuman bunch. Still not allowing solar or wind generation? Politicians can’t figure out how to get their greedy paws into this. When they do it will be full steam ahead. UK please take over!!! Can’t afford a fuel surcharge more than the bill itself!!

    Like 19
  2. Anonymous says:

    Take a deep breath! Only a few more months and hopefully he’ll be gone with the rest of the elected elite. ?

    Like 15
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  3. Lodger says:

    in two months time 30% of our energy will be from renewable sources. What happened?

  4. well meh boi says:

    A 1st class ticket to Egypt to visit the pyramids costing taxpayers close to $20,000.00 plus he racked up more frequent flyer miles than all those boys added together…. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?

    Like 14
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  5. Crazy Joe says:

    Apparently 400 private jets went to the conference. So thats good for co2 isnt it .

    Btw very few people seem to know how much of the atmosphere is co2.

    Its 0.04%.

    Yes this tiny percentage of the atmosphere controls the climate ( according the legend of warming anyway ).

  6. Sn*ke. says:

    The power … Christian used over 20k of government money for this trip. Did he flatly refuse to fly business class which was much cheaper? This man is …

  7. Nope full stop WRONG says:

    Small island nation like BVI have massive per person pollution and inefficiency. Small ships bring goods
    no recycling
    Diesel power gen and small scale = inefficient
    Import all goods so none local made = inefficient
    No regulation enforcement=pollution, overfishing , reef spoiled
    Running cars in lots to keep cool?… no investment in infrastructure
    Shit roads so patch every12 months and spill oil into sea cause no sewers
    Bush ass spoilers of environment. Don’t look handouts. Grow up fool where our fkn solar and wind? Ur department spend $$$ millions and what come? A trip to Egypt?

  8. Well sah says:

    He is getting so full of himself . A little power is dangerous . Now it seems as if he has forgetting what is the real cries of the majority :
    Cracking down on the RUDE Immigration and Registry personal who hold up
    on the status of people , don’t send their letters on time , hold up
    People passport and hardly answer their phone , crack down the policies on who are not in their
    There is a generation of children born in the BVI who are given a rough time to get their passport.. You need to look into this policy
    Soon the BVI would be begging for people to be in the work force … the young people who can leave are leaving .
    Be careful !! Food security self sustaining needs to be acted up
    Quickly !! We are heading into a bad state

  9. .... says:

    BVI burns trash at Pockwood, does not regulate cruise ship pollution, does not support recycling, is not on board with renewable energy.

    Climate controll & emissions complete failure.

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