BVI News

Two males detained after being captured at sea

Two males are now in the custody of local law enforcement after being captured at sea yesterday, Sunday, September 6.

Police Information Officer Akia Thomas told BVI News the incident occurred at 5:35 pm.

She said the men were intercepted as they were heading towards West End, Tortola.

“Two males were met and were subsequently detained. The investigation is ongoing,” Thomas said.

She said the men were detained for illegal entry. The police information officer did not disclose their nationalities. However, news of the incident comes as the territory has heightened its border security to stymie the increased smuggling activity that has been happening between the BVI and the neighbouring US Virgin Islands.

BVI News will provide updates as further information becomes available.

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  1. yes says:

    Months ago when you said the border was closed the security was not there people were going in and out of the BVI to the USVI, If you were doing what you are now we won’t be in the condition we are in right now. “How many are slipping in? Because you don’t have the man power needed.

    Like 23
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    • Little too late says:

      From the time this virus was detected in the territory, THE BOARDERS SHOULD HAVE BEEN SECURED from DAY ONE. But, our boarders have been open for too long and the government did nothing to secure it. From since Irma, the news on the street was that many criminals activities were being done back and forth from the BVI and St.Thomas.

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      • Lost Lemon says:

        You mean ‘borders’ right?

        The actual ‘boarders’ themselves, Government seems to be able to lock up with regularity. 😉

        Like 11
    • Sugar says:

      oh sweet sweet BVI. Imagine US people breaking laws to come here…Long ago it used to be the other way around. Tortola must have some sugar in it….

      • Anonymous says:

        Its unfortunate and looks very bad on the bvi with the illegal immigrants coming over from the usvi. News from rock saying ,WE ARE GETTING A DOSE OF OUR MEDICINE LET THEM DEAL WITH THE BORDER PROBLEMS NOW WHEN WE USVI HAD THE PROBLEM WITH IMMIGRANTS COMING OVER BVI WASN’T HELPING US.

  2. Local says:

    Well one have to wonder what is over that these people insist on coming even knowing that the boarders are closed.

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  3. GTFOH says:

    Who need the navy. We have the resources available locally all we needed was to make it a priority and take the job seriously.

    Like 11
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    • Rubber Duck says:

      We didnt catch the ones who brought in the Covid or lots of others.

      Like 17
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      • GTFOH says:

        If You think the UK catches every criminal that enters their borders you are a fool. The navy ship isn’t built for speed. The speed boats that the criminals use will outrun them. The Navy is heavily armed but will not shoot the vessels unless they are threatened so all they can do is scare them.

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        • Harrigan says:

          You not notice England came with big ships and small boats on IRMA? They pros at this. Our guys are like kids compare to them.

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        • @GTFOH says:

          The navy ship is usually carrying smaller weaponized go fast vessels that can be dropped at an instant so make sure you educate yourself. Also they can flag these vessels and use what is called a RADIO to call local marine authorities to intercept just like we have the barges doing. Aside from the drones, if they wanted to they got the helicopter on deck. Wa drugs you on to be so far behind on this info my boy?

          Like 19
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          • GTFOH says:

            The local border patrol guys have radios as well so what’s your point. You would be stupid to think the UK guys know these waters better than people that sail the water daily for legal and illegal purposes. You think the US coast guard don’t have the same technology and every year drugs, guns and human smuggling reaches the shores of the USVI, Puerto Rico and the mainland so what will the UK navy do differently. Just because they name navy or UK don’t mean they are perfect.

            Like 7
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  4. Great.... says:

    Bring them right in! Introduce them to each police officer! Shake hands with them!
    What is wrong with you!!! We have a Covid Pandemic going on. Send them back where they came from and call the USVI Police.
    You are getting us all sick! How dumb are the BVI Police!?

    Like 12
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    • If says:

      If they are belongers, you cannot turn them back. You can detain, fined, and/or imprisonment. That’s not only here in BVI but throughout most civilized countries. The solution is to fined them so heavily, seize their vessel, and/or imprisonment them to deter others coming in/out without proper clearance and the only way to enter the country now is thru the airport, get tested, and Quarantine!

      Like 6
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  5. Sounds says:

    Sounds like Belongers again. Notice that when it’s other nationalities the nationality is always mentioned. When it’s Belongers, they are referred to as “persons”. What else can you expect from racist ignorant people.

    Like 30
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  6. Cuse says:

    How many are not been caught?

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  7. Lowrdy says:

    Bvi ppl. That’s why them never mentioned their names

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  8. Anguilla says:

    Anguilla has no British Navy ship guarding our border we do it on our own

    Like 7
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  9. One of the males says:

    We were drunk. Sorry.

  10. Give it up says:

    Say their name as you always do with outsiders. Equal rights!!

  11. Hello says:

    Some of you people don’t even think, like to blame the bvi for every thing that happen. so people move back and fort illegally from both bvi and usvi, but yet you jack***es still blame the bvi alone. so what happen to the usvi,they should share the blame to.we just have to work together as a community.

  12. Silly People says:

    If you all must know, they were white guys..

  13. koffe says:

    we came for the woman and coke

    • One of the males says:

      no actually we just wanted to use the fuel dock but we were labor day drunk and the best judgment wasn’t used. Also we were both covid free, of course the tested us again to make sure. We really weren’t up to no good. Just needed fuel. I apologize, it cost us 10 days of our lives and $1000 each.

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