BVI News

UK funds new Rigid Inflatable Boats for RVIPF

Not the exact vessels to be purchased.

As local law enforcement officers continue to police against smuggling activity in the BVI, the United Kingdom is financing the purchase of four Rigid Inflatable Boats to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF).

Overseas Territories Minister Lord Zac Goldsmith made that announcement on Friday during the final day of his visit to the BVI last Friday.

“It’s great to be at the marina today (Friday, February 3) to announce that the UK has funded four new Rigid Inflatable Boats for the Police which will provide a real boost to their capability,” Lord Goldsmith said.

“We are building a stronger, modern partnership between the UK and the BVI—and that applies not only to the UK’s commitment to ensuring the safety and security of this beautiful territory. It also applies in other areas like health, education and energy reform, where there is room for a stronger and better partnership—sharing best practice, technical expertise, encouraging investment into the territory.”

The Office of the Governor has portfolio responsibility for the RVIPF, which continues to report incidents of illegal entry and smuggling activity in the BVI.

Just last month, nearly two dozen illegal immigrants were discovered on the sister island of Virgin Gorda. The group of immigrants was found aboard a vessel and comprises about 12 men, four women, and four minors. The were said to be Haitian.

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  1. Gimme a break says:

    Pure nonsense. 4 inflatable boats. Smh. They bought those from the petty cash draw and have them to us.

    Like 3
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  2. Tasty says:

    There will be no maintenance on the boats, and they will be broken within a year or so. We will need to reclaim some more land to store the non-working boats on.

    Like 12
  3. typical them says:

    Nothing for schools only prisons and police

    Like 6
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  4. Yep says:

    400HP? You better triple that if you want to catch meh haha

    Like 9
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  5. VISAR says:

    Replaces their inflatable rescue boats every 3-5 years depending on use. The 4 new police inflatables will be the same.

    Like 5
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  6. LOL says:

    Where is the support for the Schools? Every time we hear about something it’s always prison, police etc.

    Like 5
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  7. @ LOL & GIVE U A BREAK says:

    where was your tarp when the royal navy was turned down ,for those sophisticated BARGES ? all they have to do is say we don’t need them again / WE GOT BARGES , OR INSTEAD BOF YAPPING , DONATE SOME TO THE GOVERNMENT , CASE CLOSED

  8. Hard working citizen says:

    Where is the coastal surveillance solution!?
    Before we have to spend 15000 a week on barges again!

  9. You said it! says:

    The story of the jungle.
    Roundup and cage them in an effort to train and civilize.
    BVI was once and not too long ago,a population of educate me and walked miles,traversed and travelled just for that.
    There was no need for them to be hunted rounded up caged and monitored. Locks and gates were for protection from the 4 legged animals.
    Overnight it has become junglified and cannibalised and soon to be dust to dust.
    Sa d ly we hail.

    Like 1
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  10. Big Price says:

    “WE” never had to pay for barges.
    “We” made that personal choice for continued criminality and “we” personal gain.
    “We” are now a stationary object of scorn ridicule and embarrassment as a result and deservingly so for the remainder of our life, living or dead.

    Like 6
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  11. Resident says:

    Thank you, UK for your continued help and oversight. We need it.

    Let’s hope we get the radar/surveillance options improved and operational; with personnel from the UK rotated through to man it so they can’t be intimidated or corrupted. The UK will need to drive this as the local authorities are too conflicted by the drug trafficking trade here.

    Like 10
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  12. @gimme a break says:

    getting worried about your powerboat ‘business’?

    Like 4
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  13. Anonymous says:

    Look in the mirror.
    Train up your children.
    Build your own schools can’t you?
    We need at least 2 more prisons,currently and that is under the responsibility of the UK.
    Handle you business! Build schools or have you acknowledged its not necessary given the aptitude and inclination of your pickneys.

    Like 4
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  14. hmm says:

    make sure the captain have their STCW

  15. @ gimme a break says:

    But what do you give them (RVIPF)? I thought the narrative wa that the UK doesn’t give us anything. Maybe they could donate a lemur’s brain and fund the transplant here. What you think about that?

  16. @gimmie a break says:

    Go look up how much them “inflatable boats” does cost.

    Like 1
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  17. Governors mandate says:

    Is Police and Prison. The Premier/Minister of Education are responsible for Finance/Schools/Education

  18. Ungrateful says:

    You do realise uk doesn’t have to do Jack for us. Be a nice person
    and be thankful for them giving us something
    we clearly cannot afford since our taxes have been stolen
    by our own government.

  19. Teacher says:

    Good Thing, but also make the student finance scheme in England available to our children with over 3 years education here in BVI.

  20. UK taxpayers says:

    UK taxpayers funded these boats. Why? Because BVI is an embarrassment to the British flag. And will become a HUGE LIABILITY if the finance sector leaves and the drug traffickers take over (if they haven’t already). Tortola is tiny, but BVIG can’t even sort that out. All due to personal greed and selfishness of the ruling elite, who would rather have a big house and stolen money in their private bank accounts, even if their neighbours live in a pigsty, schools failing, roads full of holes, and rubbish burning openly. What a twisted corrupt little island, full of twisted corrupt politicians.

  21. UK Rule says:

    the governor is in charge of the police thats why the police gets more pay, equipment and training vs the local authorities like customs and immigration who fall under the dept of Finance ran by the premier

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