UN report recommends clear independence timetable for the BVI
The United Nations has released a report recommending that the British Virgin Islands (BVI) establish a clear timeline for independence.
The report follows a visit by the UN Special Committee on Decolonisation in August 2024, where officials assessed the territory’s progress towards self-governance and gathered feedback from residents on their future political status.
Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley welcomed the report’s findings, stating that the government supports its recommendations. Among the key proposals is implementing a national education programme to inform the public about the independence process. The UN suggests that this initiative be supported by the United Kingdom and facilitated by the UN itself.
The report also calls for the establishment of a timeline for independence. According to its recommendations, the BVI should achieve some level of self-governance midway through this period, with the specifics determined in agreement between the UK and BVI residents.
The report urges discussions between the BVI government and the UK to facilitate this process. It suggests that, if necessary, a UN-appointed arbitrator could be involved in these negotiations, provided both sides agree. Additionally, the report highlights the need to assess whether an independence referendum is required. If such a vote is deemed necessary, the UN advises that an extensive public education programme be implemented to ensure residents are well-informed before making their decision.
Premier Wheatley confirmed that the report will be presented to the House of Assembly in the coming weeks as part of the constitutional review process. The government also plans to organise a public forum where residents can share their views on the findings. He encouraged the public to read the full report, which is available on the government’s website, and to participate in the upcoming discussions.
This UN mission was the first of its kind to visit the BVI since 1976. It provided an opportunity for international officials to engage with government representatives, opposition members, and civil society groups. The visit also came at a time when the BVI is nearing the completion of governance reforms recommended by the UK-led Commission of Inquiry.
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None sense.
Becoming independent would definitely erode the British Virgin Islands.
Nooooooo no!!!!!!!!!!! We don’t want any independance
There is definitely a very serious problem in the British Virgin Islands. Looks to me like the British Virgin Islands is in trouble.
Total madness.
There are very huge factors to consider when such a very country with just tiny fishing villages is granted independence.
Depending on oneself in all aspects of the word, is the matter at hand.
I submit that a matter of “depending” on oneself must not come at the cost of reaping the benefits of the host.
Besides that the BVI must demonstrate their sincerest ability to handle themselves, economically, socially and also POLITICALLY.
The latter leaves much much to be desired and note that with some investigation one may very well find that those pushing for independence are those who stand to personally benfit from the political aspect.
In contrast, the USVI, Puerto Rico etc. enjoys being part of the USA for obvious reasons.
Premier only person pushing for this. I wonder why? Would independence give the Premier more control over the country? What would he do with such control that he doesn’t have already? What really is there to gain from the people of BVI if they had independence?
Those promoting independence need to open their eyes and see what a mess other Caribbean islands have got themselves into by opting for perceived independence.
In swapping one kind of dependency for another they have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Amen to that.
VIslanders would not get independence. Just the rich political cronies. Leaders can’t give a proper minimum wage now, what happens when all VIslanders enslaved under these crooks.
Coming either from a UK,colonial minded, who has zero concern about the Black people of these islands, or a helpless programmed house n+++er of the past.
One will see the political, freedom illiterates, UK spies and zealots and Black haters all over this article today.
Long live the VI and her people. May they rise to realize their fullest potentials as they will notbe realizedunder the UK, her governments or people.
I don’t think we would be better off especially with leaders we can’t trust to do nothing properly. The premier seems obsessed like he is some freedom fighter trying to ‘give us free’ lol. I can’t imagine the level of corruption and conflict of interest and abuses of power, questionable contracts and giveaways of public funds that will be going on the second these man don’t have to worry about the UK doing anything about it.
Did the Premier’s brother write the report?
if we go on our own under these crooked politicians i for one am moving to somewhere else
Is the UN aware of the amount of corruption that the BVI has experienced and how that would be exacerbated with independence?
Yes, the UN is very aware of the corruption here and that is why they want to insert themselves here. There is a lot of corruption in the UN and it won’t get better in BVI if they show up. Ask Haiti about their experiences with UN. They brought cholera to a village and then tried to cover it up once found out.
Premier is really daff he need to go siddown!!! he need to go africa.
We are doomed if the BVI gets independence
“the report highlights the need to assess whether an independence referendum is required. If such a vote is deemed necessary, the UN advises that an extensive public education programme be implemented to ensure residents are well-informed before making their decision.”
so wait we the people do not hold the power decide if the nonsense happen?? “if its deemed necessary” like really? if is one thing yall need to march for is that right there!
Have yall seen our court systems? how every criminal in serious crime like murder,drugs,sex with minors get off scot free??
you see how many people caught red handed with gun getting bail every minute??
have yall seen how greedy and manipulative our leaders are? greedy bill, pay raise on their alrdy good salary, refusing to pass a sex offender list, letting people with criminal record being granted citizenship.
you had our previous leader willing to work with kartels to run drugs and people in high position willing to work with despite our outcry for crime and drugs
you alrdy see our youths getting deep into crime before them even finish school!
you had all government parties refusing to cooperate with coi which brought transparency!!
you had the our current leader denying the uk news about out hiding our public register for offshore banking that can be involved in money laundering!
take a look at other Caribbean countries that went independent and how they are doing… crime through the roof!, cost of living through the roof, politicians living lavishly and not caring for their community. Trinidad in a state of emergency with lawyers and magistrate being gun down. Jamaica with them high murder rate and other Caribbean nations running from their homes to find a better life else where
if independence ever pass any one in middle and lower class are screwed! while upper-class with their friends and family live like Kings and Queens with no repercussion and drugs will run rampant as we are a big central point being near USA. the USA will then target us heavily when our drug trade start to get out of hand. yall will be under a microscope whenever you travel
look how high the cost of living is here alrdy
look how high our bank interest rates are alrdy compared to other caribbean nations
look how long them dragging out raising minimum wage and getting proper price control. and you want to go independent???
plus we import every single thing
and Godforbidd we lose the USA dollar especially with all our drug trade and money laundering.
dead on arrival just parties, poor roads, poor infrastructure, 80 plus rental companies/laundries, high rent, no running water, high gas prices and light bill never going down they wont give af
good luck mehson
excuse me! we do not want independence! yall dont want to be monitored so you can continue doing nonsense and pocking the publics purse. we are good thanks!
We all know why the Premier is pushing this agenda.l. So he can do whatever he wants with nobody looking over his shoulder. Independence would set the BVI back to the Stone Age. The US dollar would be revoked. No British passport opportunity. All businesses would pull out. It would be devastating.
Are they ready for that? It seems there are so many problems while under the UK, so excuse my doubts or questions about them being able to handle independence. A young adult cannot live independently of his parents’ support if he cannot even commit to taking the trash out or paying a bill. With independence comes responsibility and maturity. Perhaps, the premier and elected officials have some more maturing to do.
Independent BVI mean gone to dogs, God save this country
The premier persistence on this knowing well that the majority of the public don’t want this is concerning. Might as well be a dictatorship if what he wants outweigh what all of us want for the bvi. Bout just set date for independence they not even saying ok after you educate your people on the pros and cons then have a referendum that way whatever happens it was everybody decision. Even if independence is inevitable I honestly can’t say I can sleep easy knowing is HE and his administration leading us into it.
This man always running to the UN on our tax-money. Sure he telling them how we can handle our own finances and we are far from it. Just look around people getting rich right and left from our tax-dollar and we the people don’t even have decent roads to drive on or water supply. Stay home and do what you are supposed to do!
The premier and his ‘special envoy’ brother have no mandate from we the people. Its total assishness! Just stop it!