US releases BVI’s shipment of COVID-19 protective gear

The United States has released the BVI’s shipment of COVID-19 medical supplies that it had seized recently.
The Office of the Governor, who was tasked to spearhead the mission to recover the shipment, made that announcement on its official Facebook page on Thursday, April 16.
The statement said: “In response to the Health Minister’s request, the Governor’s Office has been working with US colleagues and BVI Health Services Authority to release BVI medical supplies that were seized by US last week. We’re pleased to update that BVI’s shipment has now been released and will arrive here shortly.
The shipment contains $12,000 worth of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to help protect local health workers from contracting the coronavirus.
The US had seized the BVI’s shipment because of the American government’s recent order to ‘prevent the export of N-95 respirators, surgical masks, gloves and other PPEs’.
According to US President, Donald Trump, his administration banned the export of coronavirus protective gear because the USA “needs these items immediately for domestic use”.
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The BVI had Coronavirus in February. We just doing extra.
I am glad you guys got your shipment. No matter how bad some of you may think we are heartless there is no way America would have kept the shipment. I am glad that this has been cleared up. You guys stay safe and have a good day.
America isn’t bad but based on facts the people that reside in the country are the most racist, has the most murders and crime. They Invest more in prisons than bettering the welfare of its residents. On the bright side the cost of living is cheaper if you live long enough to enjoy.
The need to invest in prisons is because the Negro is relentless in commiting crimes. Based upon the Negro population of the states they commit the lion share of crimes. Sooo how would you like Americans to act. The Negro has no respect for the law, their communities or their families. Sorry to say but the truth hurts
Wow, I guess you have no idea who the real criminals are! Think about destroying nation/countries, declared war on others because they are different skin color, massive school and church shootings, depopulation control and new strain of viruses developed in lab to release on mankind… These are not the work of negro. Real true hurts.
If you ungrateful b******s hate the US so much, go buy your food from Cuba or Venezuela. Oh wait then don’t have any food. Why don’t you all sit down and shut the f*** up. If it wasn’t for the US you wouldn’t have food, clothes or someplace to send your offspring for free education.
Free education where they do that at certainly not America whose college tuition is so high students graduate and spend their first few working years crippled with student loans. The cotton that they make the clothes you speak of came from the blood, sweat and tears of slaves. Look at what the US did to the real Americans the native ones after the raped, killed and brought diseases to the land. They went on boats kidnapped Africans, enslaved, raped, killed them for over 200 years then set them free with no money, land or house until most had to go back to their former masters to work for peanuts.
Wow where did you learn all of that. In the racist schools of the BVI? 200 years of slavery? Really!! You are indeed a moron. As for the school tuition, you send your dummies to so called Universities that provide a degree for money. These are the only schools your dummies are able to get into. However they do achieve in getting financial aid which they never pay back to the government. So, these are the facts. You are the Rimora fish of mankind sucking off the endeavors of those who strive to make a better world.
MR America do us a favor an go drink some GRAMOXZONE America to out of order an thief like what Trump ack like he pay for the container he has his own up here been sacrifice..
MR America do us a favor an go drink some GRAMOXZONE America to out of order an thief like what Trump ack like he pay for the container he has his own up here been sacrifice..and dying ..
What hospital do you work in? I am a RN working at NYU Medical Center 25th street and 1st Ave. I hope we are not working at the same Hospital. I think you are a CNA working as a nursing assistant in a Hospital in Brooklyn or the Bronx, and here’s why, A true nurses grammar should always be on point. What nurse use ACK in their reports or in a patient’s chart.
Dont trust nothing coming from America!
Was that a sentence in English or was it Nigerian. I think it was just stupid
According to an article in the business section of the 4/12 Sunday NY Times, “At least 69 countries have banned or restricted the export of protective equipment, medical devices or drugs, according to the Global Trade Alert project at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland……..
In recent weeks, Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, South Africa and Ecuador have all banned the export of protective masks. France and Germany imposed bans on masks and other protective gear, lifting them only after the European Union barred exports outside the bloc, India prohibited exports of respirators and disinfectants. Britain has banned exports of hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug now being tested for potential benefits against the virus. Hungary has prohibited exports of the raw material for that drug and medicines that contain it.”
All countries are trying to protect their own and share reasonably. It was very disheartening to read some of the previous comments regarding the seizure of this shipment as ignorance of the facts are in itself as dangerous as the virus. Seems some of you have no problem with products from the USA, it’s their citizens you don’t want on your island. Stay safe. Regardless of nationality, race or religion, the whole world is in this together.
Thank you Governor. This confirms that the Government cannot work in isolation for there ate some things outside of their control and things which only the UK through the Governor can do.
Thank you, again, Governor.
It appears that there are trolls on this site baiting people with such negativity. This is a hard time for all people. It makes sense that Virgin Islanders would be concerned about not getting goods. It also makes sense that America wants to retain their goods. As a provider in the U.S, I can say that Trump is not actually doing all that he can to provide and even questioned the needs of medical facilities. Nonetheless, many governors on both political sides have been great in ensuring that people are cared for.