BVI News

VI Security officer rescues drowning baby at Nanny Cay

Guyanese national Quincy Mortley of VI Security.

On May 19, a traumatic incident occurred at the pool area of Nanny Cay Resort & Marina.

A six-month-old infant, accompanied by his mother and sibling who is also a minor, nearly drowned after slipping from a flotation device.

According to reports from a VI Security representative who was present at the scene, the infant was in the pool with his older sibling when he tipped from the flotation device and fell into the water. 

Upon noticing the baby drowning, the mother jumped into the pool in an attempt to rescue him. Quincy Mortley, a security guard contracted by the same company, also acted swiftly, jumping into the pool and successfully rescuing the baby.

“One thing with VI Securitywe try to give our officers as much training as we can. Obviously, there is no type of training that could prepare you for this kind of thing, but we are still glad that his initiative could save a life,” the VI Security representative told our news centre, further commending Mortley for his heroics.

BVI News understands that an ambulance was called to the scene, and the baby was taken to the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital in Road Town, where she was treated and discharged.

The incident was not reported to the police, BVI News was told.

In the meantime, the pool area at Nanny Cay has a sign that says, “No active lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk.” Visitors are urged to remain vigilant, especially when children are present.


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  1. MJ says:

    God bless you sir, and may you prosper and find God’s favor wherever you go.

    Like 59
  2. Smack Dabb says:

    Good work! Thank God this young man was there

    Like 39
  3. Keep it classy says:

    No negative comments please. Hats off to you,sir. Tragedy had happen within seconds and it’s good to hear you stepped up and did your part. Wish the baby and the family all the best and also, you Mr.Mortley.

    Like 26
  4. Concerned says:

    Firstly the ambulance did not come to the morher was told by EMT to get a ride and take the child to the hospital
    The child is 8months old and his older siblings is not 10 years old. The premiere was there in nanny and I know he heard exactly what happened he didn’t even cast an eye to ask one question.

    Like 4
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    • @ concerned says:

      did the right thing by staying out of the way and allow those medical and rescue services to complete their emergency task without interruption and distraction.

      Had he popped in on the scene then we would hear all-out how he looking votes and how he in the way cause he ain’t no medical doctor.

      Like 9
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  5. Concerned says:

    Three lives were saved that day with the help of the security guard and the pool attendant

    Like 19
  6. Natalie says:

    God will bless you and put blessings on the lives of your family members! Great job!

    Like 18
  7. Obviously? says:

    What do you mean that “there is no type of training that could prepare you for this kind of thing”?!? Of course there is! It’s called Water Safety Management training. Basic Lifeguard training.

    Like 16
  8. Busy Bee says:

    Well done Quincy, excellent work!

  9. Nope says:

    Im not reading right, a six months old baby in the pool with his 10 years old brother , NOPE, that can’t be , a social worker need to have a serious talk with whoever that woman is, she need locking up…

    Like 8
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    • Guy Hill says:

      Looking up the mother will not solve anything but she needs to be spoke to. Seems like common sense and responsibility has flyout the Window in this instance.

  10. No working ambulance says:

    The Premier needed to know that there was no working ambulance!!! Drive yourselves!

  11. Nope says:

    Please put a Social Worker on the case, we want to know how the hell a 6 months old baby ended up in a Pool with his 10 years old brother , I was told that their mother was a good distance away from them and on seeing what was happening she try a thing but neither she or the little brother know how to swim, Wow, thanks to the bravery of the security guard all 3 of them are alive today ,, someone in authority need to have a serious conversation with this lady, this is utter nonsense..

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