BVI News

“Volatile relationship!” CCT explains split with Heritage and Tola Radio

Broadcaster Floyd ‘Heritage’ Burnett

The following is a media release from local telecoms provider, CCT.

Caribbean Cellular Telephone Limited (CCT) wishes to clarify recent discussions in the public domain concerning the termination of our service exchange agreement with Mr. Floyd “Heritage” Burnett and Tola Radio.

Since Tola Radio’s inception as a broadcast entity, CCT has been a supportive partner, providing various services to facilitate the station’s growth and development. These services include tower space for antenna placement on Jost Van Dyke and Peter Island, electricity and backup power service, as well as telephone and both wireless and fibre internet services, altogether valued at well over $60,000 annually.

This support was offered at no monetary cost with the goal of fostering Tola Radio’s success. In exchange, CCT received radio advertising on the Morning Braff show and other Tola Radio programming. This agreement reached its natural conclusion on May 31, 2024, and CCT made the decision not to renew because of the volatile relationship with Mr. Burnett, who has indiscriminately made disparaging and potentially libellous statements about CCT for years.

Nevertheless, in the spirit of goodwill, CCT continued the exchange of services on a month-to-month basis beyond the contract’s expiration and hoped to improve relations with Tola Radio. Unfortunately, Mr. Burnett’s propensity to make disparaging and potentially libellous statements continued and CCT decided to suspend all advertising with Tola Radio and formally end the partnership guided by the expired agreement on July 31, 2024.

Despite the circumstances, CCT extended their provision of services free of charge for an additional month to assist Tola Radio in transitioning smoothly, reflecting our continued desire for an amicable resolution. Mr. Burnett later apologised both publicly and privately for a recent outburst regarding CCT, acknowledging that the incident he complained about was the result of his own software challenges rather than the service provided by CCT. Mr. Burnett also wrote to CCT expressing the same, recognizing the significant support CCT has provided to Tola Radio, and asking for additional time to facilitate a transition. In an effort to continue fostering a positive relationship, CCT continued to provide services free of charge to Tola Radio, extending the deadline for transition to October 31, 2024.

Unfortunately, despite these efforts, Mr. Burnett has continued to make disparaging and potentially libellous statements about CCT, including comments that have even raised concerns regarding the safety of our people. As a result, this matter has been referred to the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force for further review.

Tola Radio can retain the same services they currently enjoy from CCT by becoming a paying customer but CCT is no longer interested in advertising on their platform. We wish Mr. Burnett and Tola Radio success in their future endeavours.


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  1. What!!! says:

    Ever heard of “ don’t bite the hand that feeds you”??

  2. Media interference says:

    The Five families pulling the plug on media they can no longer control.

  3. Damn says:

    My boy that is a serious hit its gonna put real pressure on you. BVI is pure mix up and blender.

  4. Simple says:

    Heritage and Cindy do NOT have any manners nor do they understand business etiquette. It is just shameful to watch!

  5. Migoman says:

    Can’t understand why anyone supports heritage and his show. It’s always filled with controversy and confusion.

  6. Truth band says:

    That man like to much man u don’t hear who he talks he and Boss like man, pay you Bill when u o need to cut u off, give me my service

  7. Cediy says:

    Le he tek da in he a**

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