BVI News

Walwyn: Gov’t blaming all their shortcomings on poor Andrew

Disgraced former Premier, Andrew Fahie.

Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has accused Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley’s administration of strategically blaming former Premier Andrew Fahie for the government’s shortcomings.

Walwyn made this observation on Tuesday, September 2, during a press conference with members of the parliamentary Opposition, where they discussed the motion of no confidence they plan to bring against Premier Wheatley.

According to Walwyn, the Wheatley administration has been using Fahie—who is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence in the U.S. for drug trafficking and money laundering—as a scapegoat for errors that reflect poorly on the government.

“Everything that leaves a stain on them, they throw it on poor Andrew. Everything is Andrew—Andrew this, Andrew that,” Walwyn said, pointing out the Auditor General’s reports showing that government grants were questionably awarded to relatives of elected leaders during the COVID pandemic.

“We just laid down a bunch of [those] reports with the names of all their cronies who got money three and four times. We had a set of reports before then where we saw a bunch of money given. Cabinet approves one amount, they go back and give who they want. For instance, there was one church where the Cabinet approved $20,000, but when you go back, you see the church got $260,000. And so when you bring those issues, they say, ‘Oh, that’s Andrew,’ as if the rest of them were there doing nothing. But whenever anything is good, it’s them. That has been their behaviour,” Walwyn stated.

20 indictments

The Opposition’s no-confidence motion, which Premier Wheatley has sought to block on a procedural technicality, includes 20 clauses detailing reasons why the current government should be disbanded. One clause Walwyn highlighted was the government’s rejection of the $400 million loan guarantee the UK had offered to the BVI for hurricane recovery.

“They’ve been falling down on the job for a very long time. The issue of the loan guarantee was raised; this is where all this started. Before the election of 2019, the exchange of notes, letters, and discussions with the UK regarding the loan guarantee were already done. Whoever would’ve won the government in 2019 just had to pick up from where we had negotiated and start the discussions with the lending facilities. The loan guarantee was withdrawn, and then you see that the Premier, on the last occasion, went back down to the UK to try to ask them if they were willing to put it back,” Walwyn added.

Premier Wheatley and Walwyn have clashed over the issue. The discussion originated from a question Walwyn posed in the House of Assembly (HOA) in September 2023, asking whether it was the right decision for Andrew Fahie to decline the UK’s offer after Walwyn’s previously governing National Democratic Party (NDP) had negotiated the loan guarantee before being voted out of office in 2019.

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  1. Facts says:

    Hon Walwyn is on target. If they could blame Bvi Premier Fahie for the 20 million short fall slowande would have done it. Maybe he have said it is the technocrats that Andrew hired. Bvi lost a good man in Andrew Fahie. Slowande for a thousand years would never get the respect that Fahie had. Bvi has to be the laughing stock of the world. A minister of finance who never even taught primary school arithmetic. Never was in charge of a food stall where he had to check days earnings. Whatever you give to him for reports he have to accept.

    He is of the I’ll conceived belief that rubbing shoulders or being in the presence of other esteem leaders would automatically enhance his image. Slowande could not even be a senator in any Caribbean island much more hold down a ministry. Yet they call the Caribbean islands and their citizens down island people. Yea we might be down island location wise but we are hard working industrious and let me say it loud and long brilliant people.

    See Nigel Clarke from Jamaica just promoted to be deputy at the world bank. See Mia Mottley Barbados the Caribbean prime minister. Not Kamala but Mia the most influential woman in the world. Look at the infrastructure of the Caribbean islands, look at the water, electricity and sewage management implemented. Bvi is second only to Haiti. Hate me or love me facts is facts. Whatever you feel about me I feel about you 100 times over.

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  2. Code says:

    It is true. All that money that was given away to fake farmers and fishermen, churches, money to their boyfriend and mother, belongers to their husbands and wives they were all apart of it. But now it’s convenient to act like Andrew did this all by himself. Andrew was one person. Cabinet is made up of 5 ministers. So now the Premier is trying to shed his skin like a snake to appear clean and not culpable in all the previous wrongs. All the blame now is on Andrew.

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  3. Time will Tell says:

    Not a soul say they had to borrow the entire 400 million, but now we bawling we need to borrow money. We got enough money coming from FSC, we just got to manage it well. Poor FSC staff up there in a million building, with half the staff under paid and this is how the gov’t waste their sacrifice for the country

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with “Time Will Tell”.

      Some FSC hard workers are underpaid for years.. Pushing hard work daily with no kind of compensation/ reward!

      Bu…..GOV just out here wasting the money!

      Wickedness.. FSC need to treat their staff better.

      Lots of employees are complaining and on the urge on leaving..


  4. Hmm says:

    Poor Andrew. Why don’t you go and defend him.

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  5. This less Spreemier says:

    Continuously casting blame on poor Fahie and don’t want anyone to highlight is incompetence

  6. lol says:

    “poor andrew” really? sometimes i wish andrew got away with his deeds just so his blind supporters can take lash from his corruption.

    not even eye contacts savin yall

  7. Poor W----n says:

    W—-n only love Andrew because he and Andrew in the same boat- both have charges

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  8. Styles. says:

    Fahie had a terrible and fraudulent administration.

    You know who were part of this incompetent administration:


    Them now claiming the previous guys sucked is a bit odd.

    Like 13
  9. Be careful says:

    Let’s hope Myron don’t end up like Andrew in jail

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  10. opinion says:

    Let us examine ourselves do not see bad in the others persons, look within and see if we all are not human some have more knowledge than others.
    People see the bad in Andrew its like he never did anything good! that is wrong and i am not taking sides.

    Stop judging ourselves! let God be the judge he knows us more than we know ourselves; we just dont believe there is a God any more after he lift us up to higher ground.

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  11. False Intentions says:

    The money is probably being stored in Guyana, Asia, FISHERS AND FARMERS, Churches, family, friends, and acquaintances multiple times over, and into other countries where it is locked away Incognito with a number for a name.

    Think those trips were just for the travel? Keep thinking, while your country goes broke and HAITI.

    They, led by the headman, went in with a Self-Enrichment Plan. Some, maybe one, said so with own mouth and words.

    The head was cut off, but the second in command, a major formulator of the plan rose to the top.

    There from, all noticed the reckless and conspicuous spending. Most thought it was just that, but was it? The details are in the Bills, The greedy Bill, The Fishers and Farmer, The others, you know of them.

    And now we are all seeing the fish scales hit the fan, with a no confidence call on the reckless non-productive spending government.

    The style, image purpose and manner of governance have changed tremendously since 1960. With the establishment of the FSC and the Tourism Sector, government and governance have caught the eyes of the greedy.

    Thus the Greedy Bill and other predatory legislation, mainly by young under developed minds with no political or financial experience, but with a vicious desire to get rich quick.

    As a result, have plunged the entire future of the Virgin Islands into the abyss of enriching SELF others, while the countries, people and developmental needs have gone neglected.

    Those are horrible painful results to pay for one vote in the hopes of improving ones country and self.. False intentions they were and stil so.

  12. Come on W says:

    I like you, don’t defend Andrew. He was the main one sticking the double edge blade in your back. He was the one that was black listing your w*

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  13. Blind man says:

    Andrew coming like Donald Trump just not going away by time he comes back it would be as if he never left the way they calling up this man name how can we forget about him hurricane come back coach they miss you I too miss you , you had lyrics and you were here you would have defended and shut then down a bunch of hypocrites .

    Like 1
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  14. @ BE CAREFUL says:

    all he did was try to put food on the little man’s table / why don’t you get the government to sue those hypocrites , for the money for the unfinished wall or complete the job that they were paid for ? ( they live here , they ain’t lost OR INVESTIGATE WHY THE GOVERNMENT IS AFRAID TO GO AFTER THEM ❓️ OR WHY DON’T YOU DO YOUR OWN INVESTIGATION , UNSTEAD OF TALKING SH*T

  15. Pot calling kettle says:

    They’re all on the government bosom, looking for another free meal take your pick ,just an obvious falling out amongst thieves.

  16. careful says:

    Remember when the melee started with the former governor there were a set of paid UK bloggers out of force pretending to be local. Look at the struggle of the Irish the BBC did a report that there was upwards of 200 British 007 actors aka Spize layered into a small area and some of them were doing crimes down to murder and highly protected by the UK.

    If all the confidential informants were revealed up and down, we would be shocked. Some of the same criminals we ask why they dont ship them off would be on the list i’d bet anything on that.

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