BVI News

Walwyn laments BVI’s ‘flat-footed’ economy

Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn criticised the government’s efforts to stimulate the economy amid recent changes to financial services legislation.

“The economy is flat-footed. The tourism sector is flat-footed. The cruise industry is flat-footed,” he stated while reflecting on a noticeable decline in economic activity and the reduced number of cruise ships visiting the territory.

He added: “It’s one thing for the government to be able to say we are collecting our monies, we are on budget in terms of our collections. [But it’s] another thing to say whether or not that money or the majority of that money is passing through the economy and benefiting businesses… So even if you report your high numbers, that distribution, that dollar distribution that is needed to stimulate the economy, is not happening.”

Walwyn was particularly critical of the government’s legislative efforts regarding new initiatives that have yet to yield results. “We come with a big bill, say we’re gonna do marijuana. I don’t smell one plant yet,” he stated.

He continued: “So nothing that we have said in relation to stimulating the economy has since happened. And that is where my concern really comes from. The economy needs some serious, serious injections. Look at the infrastructure of the country.”

Walwyn compared the economic situation unfavourably to neighbouring islands such as St Thomas and questioned what was really happening with the BVI’s economy.

The Sixth District Representative stressed the significance of diversifying the economy, highlighting the need to focus on and develop the tourism and agriculture industries.

Walwyn expressed concern for the tourism sector, questioning the absence of a clear strategy to promote such a crucial industry. “I’ve been asking about a tourism plan… where’s the plan?” he asked.

He touched on some of the struggles within the agricultural sector, sharing the frustrations of local farmers. According to Walwyn, farmers want to be able to contribute, but they can’t get any water.

“Every day people calling me telling me they can’t get a little water to grow little plants.”

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley pushed back at Walwyn’s claims, noting that there were several gains in the economy over the first quarter this year, particularly in the tourism industry, where the best-ever arrival numbers were recorded.


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  1. Shameless says:

    Bvi gone to the dogs I guy could be arrested and charged and make it to the house of parliament

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    • Indigenous BVIslander says:

      I don’t complain to much that the Government does not help my business, but I am really upset that it gets in the way of me running my business.
      If I ran my business like the Government runs Trade, Labour, and Immigration then I would be as broke as the Government!

      Like 14
    • @shameless says:

      you could be reasonably confident that the DPP will mess up the prosecution and you won’t be convicted.

  2. Jokey says:

    The Premier didn’t hear a word you said Walwyn, his ears still popping from all that globe trotting around the world first-class.

    Like 32
  3. SMH says:

    Even though I am not a fan of 6th District Representative, I am in agreement with his views. The Premier always quick to comeback with his so-called statements, but yet to display any clarification or physical actions taken. People should be able to see what is being done and what was actually completed. The Premier saying it, is not acceptable. PERIOD!!!

    Like 18
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  4. Walwyn Is Fit To Be The Next Premier, BUT WILL SELL OUT THE COUNTRY says:

    Walwyn Is Fit To Be The Next Premier, BUT WILL SELL OUT THE COUNTRY

    He is seasoned, intelligent, strategic and result oriented. BUT he will sell out the BVI. 🙁

    All BVI Nationals will be thrown out of their head posts and replaced by Non-Nationals.

    Like 7
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    • Hottie says:

      The DPP needs to be the first to go.

      Like 10
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    • Roll eyes says:

      How does this comment about Myron replacing local heads with non nationals make sense? Isn’t it the Governor who is responsible for the terms and conditions of employment of the civil service?
      Also is it me or do I not hear Myron always in the house looking through the Bills and speaking out for the interest of BVIslanders. I honestly have not heard anyone defend the BVI and its people more than Myron.

  5. Seriously.. says:

    …How do we expect people that never ran a business, never did anything except work for a Government entity, to understand economics and really feel what we feel? We are beating a dead horse! This is an example of the consequences of voting based on stupid f**kry! Electing officials is not about who you like, who buy you a rum, who says good morning, who went school with Aunty Idah, its about who can function in the positions of leadership. These people are CLUELESS and we are raising our blood pressure for what? They won’t do anything because THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND!

    Like 19
    • Deh Watcha says:

      You said it yourself, voting has consequences”.

      All persons up dan down talking about a $1mil wall that you can see and $7mil for a plane.

      Yet no one can tell you what benefit was derived from the stimulus (I’ll need AFs’ calculator for that one). How much more is being produced by farmers, how much more is being caught by fishermen? What effect on the economy?

      But this is what BVI voters like.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What did you expect? Walwyn’s wall cost more than $ 1 million and used dozens of contractors. Where is the value added? Look at the state of the place. The roads are bad, electricity supply woeful, waste management worse. It’s madness to think that wee’ll get different results through polemics. Cronyism and glad handing never elevated an economy in the long run. Neither did unexplained wasted public funds, or our inability to complete any major project on time let alone on budget.

    Like 6
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  7. my2cents says:

    Fair points but the government doesn’t take constructive criticism well, they get worried about re-election and think everything is a threat so they can’t even listen to the advice of their supporters

  8. Antigua says:

    He will get elected in zone six again but premier h**l no!!! I not supporting any island man for premiership

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  9. Not He says:

    Walwyn is not fit for representation of a country. He should be in * just like the other one. The only thing is he will enjoy * more with the greese.

    Like 1
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  10. To Antigua says:

    Of course your comment makes sense because BVI is a continent. It makes sense because even when one can see the travesty that is the pathetic leadership of someone with a slave-master-indigenous surname, they will prefer him over someone who has potential to turn this mess around quickly. That’s the stupid continent we living on right now called the BVI.

  11. Smh says:

    This is what happen when you vote for people just because of what color they wearing. Real talk yall had expect better? Just look at the squad.

  12. @ ROOL EYES says:

    ir got to be that yello canary from the yello site , he’s got a personal vendetta with walwyn , and wwhats even crazier is he is calling him island man and he is not a full bred tolian , his dad is from the same place that walwyn parents are from / but it’s yhe same thing with the members of the NDP XENOPHOBIA THAT TRIGGERED THE ( IMPLOSION ) AND IT TRICKLE DOWN TO THE LAST ELECTION , THE OPPOSITION WAS AT WAR WITH THEMSELVES AND THE REST IS HISTORY ■ WHERE ARE THEY ? ALL THEY GOOD FOR , IDS PLAYING THE BLAME GAME AND POINTING THEIR DIRTY FINGERS AT THE UK , WHILE THE COUNTRY IS DETEOREATING FROM THE INSIDE OUT BY THEIR OWN DEEDS / DON’T ASK THE PASTO FROM CGB BECAUSE HE WILL SAY *WE AIGHT * may the lord forgive that piece of sh*t

  13. Idiot says:

    You are saying he is good but sell out the country . The locals sell
    Out the country for 30
    Pieces od silver . Look wey Andres is ??? Oh h Ho a great politician evet in the history od the BVi

    You hate your Caribbean brother’s and sistets that you prefer Natatio take the country down with inept policies and incompetence than put someone born here without deeps roots who has the experienced and competence to move the country forward
    What idiotic and ignorant and stupid and foolish thinking

    Hate , racism and prejudice will
    Destroy this country and it is heading
    Downwards d

    Like 4
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  14. XENOPHOBIA says:

    is being used by those sophisticated wannabe politicians / who uses it to stir up their ignorant virgin islanders , who are not educated as they are , so manipulate & exploit them using that kind of narrative as a front while they take advantage of their own brothers and sisters / for instance the ( island people saga continues ) don’t WE ALL know what is an ( ISLAND )? yet we calling down our Caribbean brothers and sisters / who are of the ( SAME ANCESTRY ) BUT it’s all about (POWER) AND THE LAST ELECTION REVEALED TO US AS CLEAR AS DAY – WHO IS WHO – THE COI EXPOSED THE CORRUPTION , BUT HYPOCRITES ARE STILL USING RACISM & COLONIALISM AS AN EXCUSE TO HIDE THEIR GUILT AMEVEN AS THEIR CLANDISTINE OPERATIONS ARE BEING BROUGHT TO LIGHT / WE ENEN HAVE A CANARY ON THE YELLO SITE WHO IS LIKE A BROKEN DOWN RECORD HOLLERING OUG ” FREE THE DREW ” ) ALONG WITH HIS DAILY RACIAL RETHORIC / SO WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FROM THESE SET OF ACTORS ? WHO’S OBJECTIVE IS TO MAKE IT LOOK REAL ENOUGH TO FOOL THEIR OWN PEOPLE, CSC SAID IT RIGHT ” WE GOT FRIGGED “

    Like 1
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  15. That is a blatant lie.. says:

    You are an UK imposter seeking to plant. and spread seeds of division and destruction among the people of the Vigin Islands, that the local people hate the upper Island people.

    In essence you are saying that the people are hating themselves. But how can a people who are one in the same hate itself?

    Who was it that started to point out the Virgin Islander VS the Eartern and Souther Caribbean Islander?? Was not thatbpractice began and promoted duringthe dehumanizing people into slavery trade by the Britian, USA, France, Belguim and therest of the heartless, soullless christians? ..

    So the false. narraties are noted and will not rise to truthful statues today. We see yah and we got got cyah

    That is a blatant lie…

    The people’s of the Virgin Islands donot now or never hate the peoples of the upper or lower Caribbean.

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