BVI News

Walwyn/ministry gave public, Treasury ‘false info’ on wall — Auditor General

While noting that Education Minister Myron Walwyn has fed the public with some amount of ‘false’ information, Auditor General Sonia Webster has impliedly described the minister’s recent response to her office’s special report on the Elmore Stoutt High School perimeter wall as an ‘attack on the institutions that support transparency and good governance’.

Webster’s report had cited a number of procedural issues and irregularities with the wall project but Walwyn has since fired back stating that he had ‘no faith’ in the process of the audit and further claimed that the Auditor General’s report is unbalanced, lacking, and inaccurate in some of its assertions.

Walwyn accused the Auditor General of egregiously not consulting with the Public Works Department (PWD) throughout the course of the audit. But in response on Monday, Webster said Walwyn’s claim is false.

“PWD was contacted for this audit,” Webster retorted. “The auditor visited the PWD and conferred with both the current and former directors (together in person). PWD was asked to provide a costing for the wall but the then director declined; indicating that they were not involved in the planning and execution of the Elmore Stoutt Perimeter Wall,” she said.

Webster also refuted Walwyn’s claim that the education ministry satisfied government requirements for payment of contractors who worked on the wall.

Education Ministry sent ‘false information’ to Treasury

She also accused the Walwyn-led ministry of producing ‘false’ information to the government’s treasury department.

The attorney said: “The ministry circumvented the public service payment procedures by sending documents which falsely certified that the work was done and payments were due. Payments were made based on these false certifications which the ministry accompanied with purchase orders and vouchers.”

“The payment process relies on senior government officers to do their part to ensure that government’s resources are protected. The officers of the Treasury cannot be expected to examine the wall to determine which contractors completed the works. They must rely on the integrity of the persons submitting the completion certificates. Accounting Officers who submit false payment requests may be subject to surcharge by the Financial Secretary.”

by the Office of the Attorney General

Webster said the response by Walwyn is “inaccurate and misleading” and “does nothing to convey confidence that steps will be taken to secure improvements in the implementation and management of future public projects.”

Webster further said she stands by the contents in her report on the wall.

“The reports of this office go through several vetting processes to ensure that they are factual and supported. When the institutions that support public transparency and good governance are attacked and undermined at will, and government regulations and parliamentary procedures are deliberately disregarded, we risk becoming a society where the rules that affect democracy and fairness are eroded and rewritten in plain sight and public servants accede to questionable activity for fear of political reprisals. This is a dangerous place to be and cannot be the society that we want the BVI to descend into,” she said.

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  1. Know it all says:

    It does not look good when a public servant publically attack an elected official. Even if her assessment is correct…why go on the attack. Let the report speak for itself and allow due process. This seems too political. Where is the audit on Skelton million dollar paving machine?

    Like 46
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    • truth says:

      public officials are Gods, she did nothing wrong but set the record straight. it’s that kind of thinking that has the bvi where it is today, allowing ministers to do whatever the hell they want even if its unethical and unlawful

      Like 94
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    • strupes says:

      cart yo tail from here

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    • donnie says:

      The Head of any public department is entitled to set the record straight when the competency of their work is questioned in such a public way.

      This is what is happening, and is perfectly right.

      To stay silent is to admit that the false claims are true

      Like 62
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      • Whoa says:

        You lil biased man. You the same one say the minister
        should stay quiet when this report surfaced. So how
        come she must speak up now?
        You all see that yellow site? Read them comments…
        That’s the kind of low mentality team V**has. Future
        real bright with that evil stinking thinking…

        Like 9
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        • Guest says:

          There may not have been anything for the minister to defend publicly since the report was not made public initially. Which makes me ask who released the report to the public??

        • @Whoa says:

          Myron breached the rules by bringing the audit to the public before it was entered in the HOA. No problem talking about it after it was entered in the HOA.

          Like 20
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    • Observer says:

      She is clearing her name you shut-ins no nothing about what is going on. He did an online interview going at her department capabilities and capacity to perform adequately….

      Like 37
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      • Amazing says:




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        • Lol says:

          Boy you supporters of his picking at straws???? rather than the main issues…..

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        • @Amazing says:

          I don’t know who you are but thank you for common sense thinking.

          Why then did she not bring this to the Governor’s attention?

          Isn’t PWD a government agency which should of complied to her request?

          Like 7
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    • Ohhh says:

      You sound aggrieved. The Minister needs to be quiet and let the process work. The chips will fall where they may. The hospital needed a million dollar paving machine?!! Sound so stupid. Don’t pull others into this fray because your guy now finds himself in a compromised position. The Auditor General is quite capable of doing her job and we should let her do it.

      Like 38
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    • @Know it All says:

      The only person attacking here is the elected official- Elected to handle our business with integrity and transparency and the Auditor General report revealed otherwise. Apparently you do not know it all…. SMH

      Like 38
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    • voiceofthevoiceless says:

      Yet it is good and fair for an elected public official to attack another public official whose job it is to hold him/her accountable?

      Yet it is good and fair for an elected public official to usurp authority and ignore due process to release details of a report in an attempt to save his political career?

      Myron stirred up an ants nest and unfortunately the ants biting hard. The auditor general has all right to protect the credibility and integrity of her institution that is crucial to our democracy.

      Like 14
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    • Outlaw says:

      @know it all, so it is all well and good when elected officials attacked public officers. Some of us are just sickening.

    • Hah says:

      @know it all, that’s the same way of thinking that led to guys like Hitler. We should always call out wrong especially when done by our leaders.

      Like 15
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    • RZM says:


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    • Anonymous says:

      A pig with lipstick is still a pig. A c—k is a c—k even though you dress him up and make him a politician. If there was no monetary gain for him, there was no reason th circumvent the proper system and method. The wall was a scam unless the wall is 2-3 miles long. The renovation of the school is being handled in the same manner. When are you stoops going to say enough is enough. How are these people getting wealthy. If you can’t figure it out then you deserve all that is shoved up your a$$es.

    • Reader says:

      True. Why go on the attack. From the start, the report seemed to be written in a personal manner. It should be more based on facts (legitimate “facts”)…

    • Janice says:

      Are you defending the c——-t Walwyn?

    • oh please says:

      She did not attack anyone the TRUTH did! All the lady did is the job she was asked to do and now she is being attacked because she found discrepancies and unethical and intruthful actions. The truth is an offence not a sin.

  2. Handcuff Time says:

    Time for handcuffs

    Like 34
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  3. Wowww says:

    He’s dangerous.. After this I hope the airport & pier park investigated

    Like 42
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  4. Well says:

    He need to go jail!!

    Like 33
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  5. Haha says:

    Thumbs up if y’all rather Andrew now as premier over Myron

    Like 32
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  6. Hmm says:

    Myron, Dr Smith & Mark d——–s

    Mitch & Ronnie power H—–

    Andrew Fahie real people and the best option to move this country forward

    Like 25
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  7. Hmmm says:

    All I can do is shake my head. This is nothing new I’m sure, just waiting to see what the other audits have to say next (that’s if we ever see them). Sad, sad, days for our country as we seem to be collapsing from all sides and even more from within. 🙁

    Like 24
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    • @hmmm says:

      I’m all for the transparency but something smells fishy but I’ll wait also to see if the audit for the Pier Park and the Airline ever comes to light. The country out 7.2 million on an airplane, 80 million over run on a Pier Park and bullets being fired for a million dollar wall. Is it because of the Ministry or the Minister. It’s election season so anything at this point is possible. Don’t get me wrong if the allegations are true, yes MW needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent.

      Like 13
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  8. truth says:

    Awesome job Ms. Webster; thank you for your work.

    Like 47
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  9. Parody 665 says:

    I am glad to see that people are finally being held to account over the misuse of public monies. This is long over due. Keep the pressure on them. Let us understand what really happened

    Like 33
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  10. ndp heckler says:

    His mouth is what got him in trouble…LOCK HIM UP!

    Like 19
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  11. son of the soil says:

    See why we don’t want island man premier now?

    Like 17
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  12. son of the soil says:

    See why we don’t want a island man premier now?

    Like 17
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    • @son of the soil says:

      Shut yuh inbreed face….. Big fricking head

      Like 9
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    • @son of soil says:

      And you damn Tortolian men is the most ignorant, backwards MUMU’s. I’m Tortolian and I would not give a Tortolian man the time of day. I need to send you some Gorilla Glue to glue your mouth shut Son Of Soil.

      Like 5
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  13. Still Lost says:

    Who is really misleading? I’m very sure that the minister
    admitted that persons were paid and works not completed.
    There was also an explanation as to why this took place.
    Was this information also ignored??So now I see
    a shift from the cost to this?? And this warrants a police investigation when the same information has been released.
    I’m still struggling to understand what the issue at hand is. Minister speaking auditor speaking by time this is done the
    police will have nothing to do.

    Like 11
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    • Hah says:

      You cannot falsely certify documents to confirm that work was done to receive payment. Sounds like a crime in most civilized territories. Getting paid before completing the job is not a crime. The problem is due to protocol Government would not have paid without the contractors first completing the job. It sounds like someone premeditated the criminal act by deliberately falsifying documents in order to expedite or secure payment without the work being completed. I hope It is clear now.

      Like 20
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    • @ Still Lost says:

      That’s why its important to go to school and get an education! Then you wouldn’t be so LOST!!!!!

      Like 8
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  14. TurtleDove says:

    TRUMP 2?

    Like 10
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  15. hell no says:

    Can you imagine Mark and Myron running the finances of this territory?

    Like 19
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  16. ndp heckler says:

    It’s a scary moment thinking that this guy could be premier…Now i see why Ronnie wanted no part of the NDP

    Like 23
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  17. See says:

    This is what happens when you are consumed with your political ambitions. Consumed with achieving the highest office in the land…..only to see it slip away due to your actions. You were packaged as the best thing since slice bread in BVI politics, my my what a fall!!!!!

    Like 18
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  18. waylox says:

    You all see why he wanted to q—t the press now?

    Like 15
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  19. no not for premier says:

    If this man becomes premier who will watch over him, Mark? Marlon? Alvera? Diego? Hubert? Sandy?…………….HELP US LORD AND DELIVER US FROM EVIL

    Like 29
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    • @ no not for premier says:

      When Andrew become premier who is going watch over him the biggest rat.. The GALLOWS which Haman prepared for Mordecai. That is the same gallows Haman was hanged on Esther 7:9. Hon. Walwyn God is still on his throne sitting high and looking low..

  20. People says:

    M—– is perverting the course of justice and should be arrested.

  21. Clearly says:

    It is clear that this M———r has the mentality that no one is qualified to hold him to account on the spending of the public’s funds or on anything because his actions are always above board. This is the sign of a very dangerous D——–!

  22. NDP Supporter says:

    I think Myron has gone over board now. He needs to stay quiet and let this criminal investigation take its course.

    Like 15
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  23. Truth says:

    An example of London Bridge is fallen down. For the bvi to move forward and recover justice must prevail. There are too many injustice kept under the carpet. The bvi people deserve to know the truth we are tired of politricks

    Like 7
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  24. Public Servant says:

    When a public servant is being investigated they are interdicted and put on leave. Well the same should be for a Minister of Government. He needs to be removed as a minister until the criminal investigation has been concluded. Governor and Premier please get this done. Do the right thing.

  25. 2 Grand says:

    Word to the wise. when in quick sand keep calm don’t move or if you wriggle deeper you sink. Loose lips sink ship too

    Like 12
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    • VICKIE says:


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  26. Know it all says:

    Look at what happened in the US 2016 election when the FBI picked a side. You guys just don’t get it. Ms. Webster need to remain quiet and allow due process. It’s like she has already formed her opinion of the man and made her report reflect her feelings. 3 separate reports form 3 reputable individuals or firms show a similar dollar figure. The real question here is …why are her figures to grossly different?…Ronnie in this people…Ronnie pushing hard

    Like 7
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    • Just ice says:

      AAAAW…is your crooked little buddy getting some trouble???LOCK HIM UP!

    • @Know it All says:

      Please go to school and get an EDUCATION!!! So that you learn how to think critically and analytically and your intelligence be displayed in your posts!!!!

      All your posts show that you also lack COMMON SENSE but hey COMMON SENSE ain’t so COMMON these days as even the educated LAWYER over EDUCATION lacked it!!! sigh…

      DO the crime be willing to do the time!!!

      Like 11
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    • Hahaha says:

      Auditor up by 1 point, 3 seconds left in the game. I can’t wait to see how Myron try to wriggle his way out of this one.

      Like 8
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    • Vi Chick says:

      Look for online interviews from chatting p**s and you will see who attacked who….

    • justice says:

      Maybe u are one of his money men, and that is why you defending so him hard. Are you afraid to go to jail?

      Like 8
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    • @know it all says:

      STFU forever!!! How dumb can one person be. Sound like a Trump fan trying to find an excuse.

  27. Premier’s Statement says:

    I believe it is necessary for the premier Dr. Smith to come out and make a statement on this matter. Clearly the reputation of the government is affected. trust and confidence is weakening.

    It is plausible a motion of no confidence could be brought against the premier at this time. He must take action to reign in his minister.

    Allow the process to take place, I think the courts will be the ones to bring an end on this matter.

    Like 11
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  28. @ Know it all says:

    Please have several seats from talking foolishness, I feel very lucky to have people like the Auditor General and her team looking out for our country. If what she has written is accurate and I believe it is, this man and his croonies need to have a stay at Balsam Ghut and their name don’t need to be anywhere near an election ballot.

    Like 13
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  29. The Peeps says:

    BYE BYE Walwyn. Take your sunglasses with you

    Like 14
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  30. The Big Juicy Rat says:

    Issssss, R…ie S….on. He is the mastermind behind the whole thing. In due time everything is going to present itself. Just saying, if The Big Juicy Rat is elected Premier, It would be some crazy stuff if evidence magically appears on swearing in matter how much in secret you do things, someone is watching and listening. There are audio and video cameras the size of a pin head. And we all know cameras does not lie. Now that Pandora’s box was opened, everyone in Government who have mismanaged funds etc,have to be investergated. If they are not, every alley cat in the BVI will know who was really behind Walwyn’s down fall.

  31. Sound Cloud says:

    I listen very keenly to Mr Walwyn defending this project. Look if there is no wrong doing on his part then let the investigation take it’s course. Don’t interfere! Why try to defame the Governor and the Auditor General and her staff concerning this report? It would then seem that something clearly is wrong.

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  32. My only comment says:

    This election,I have decided NOT to cast my vote for anyone. If I do,I feel that I am betraying myself. I am only speaking for myself.

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  33. Political Intelligence says:

    I think this is an excellent development to hold MVW feet to the fire when it comes to running the affairs of this territory.

    However, shady practices by politicians in this place is nothing new. Comparing Myron vs Fahie, Myron still comes out on top. Ask yourselves about the shady dealings Andrew Fahie was engaged with when he was the Education and Culture Minister. Can we have an audit on the $700,000 paid out to set up the Festival Village stage? How about an audit on the amount of monies that was l———? Can we have an audit on where the monies given to Fahie went for his after school program? how about the Drag Race Study? The Medical School Study? Re fencing the high school?, furnishing the High School? How about an audit on the monies paid out to Judge M—–?

    Like 4
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  34. Qiestionable says:

    Myron is has a right to defend himself the Auditor General is very dis———t why she did she not publish the section of the findings? Any time your being audited you have a right to respond to what the audit report said so that both persons can have clarity.

    To date there is no evidence indicating that the Auditor has respond to the Ministry of Education questions. As far as I see the Auditor General is acting on a pol——-l basis and not as an independent person.

    Myron has to play tit for tit in this matter. The Auditor General is not being fair you cannot publish half of a report to the public.

    The most important question The Auditor General has not answered is where did she get the total of three hundred and something dollars a square foot when she has not evidence to confirm such whereas the Ministry of Education has provided PWD, James Todman Construction and BCQS with figures per square foot.

    In addition if The Auditor General confirmed that PWD was not involve where did she got the evaluation cost from.

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