BVI News

Walwyn slams integrity bill over conflict provisions

Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has criticised the Integrity in Public Life Amendment Bill for containing provisions he suggested were unnecessary and could potentially get public officials into trouble.

Speaking in the House of Assembly recently, Walwyn highlighted its potential to cause significant issues for public officials. The Integrity in Public Life Bill, which aims to regulate the conduct of public officials to ensure transparency and accountability, has been controversial. While some laud its intent, others, like Walwyn, warn of its possible implications.

He pointed to the section on gifts and benefits, arguing that this is so stringent that it might prevent officials from accepting anything perceived as a benefit, thereby stifling customary exchanges that form part of the BVI’s socio-cultural fabric. “Why is that even there? Sometimes you go from one area to the next, another country, you do a little exchange of a cultural something, and you could get caught up in the Integrity legislation for that simple cordial thing,” Walwyn stated.

“Where do we get these definitions from?” Walwyn asked. “A lot of things that happen, we call them conflict of interest when they’re not really conflict of interest, and we write the things in such a way that if they’re tested, they really can’t stand up.”

UK doesn’t understand us

Further complicating matters is the bill’s approach to the definition of family, which includes not just spouses and children but also stepchildren and any person considered like family. “It is not practical to hold a public official responsible for the acts of grown children. You may not know what your children are doing. They might be your children, but you may be estranged. You don’t know what they’re doing with their life,” Walwyn argued.

He continued, “Almost every child in a village is a child of the family. That’s how the BVI is. It was worse before, and it’s the same way now.”

“I think a lot of what is being imposed on us is coming from a lack of understanding who we are, and to me, that’s an indictment on the UK,” Walwyn argued. “Because you are the administrators for the territory of the Virgin Islands, but from the very legislation that you have and the things you imposed, it tells me that you know very little about the culture and the living of the people that you’re supposed to be a partner with.”

The bill also includes a clause that allows the Integrity Commission to impose fines for breaches of the Act. Walwyn suggested that such penalties should not be imposed solely at the discretion of the Chairperson. “The fine should be imposed in concert with the full [membership] of the Commission,” he said.

We have to eliminate the perception of corruption


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  1. little exchange says:

    Sometimes you do a little exchange of a cultural something and sometimes it’s an expensive watch.

    Like 11
  2. BuzzBvi says:

    Oh dear this Lawyer confused again. We are trying to stop corruption, stop doing things the way they were in the past. He wants things to carry on as before as he thinks corruption is part of our BVI’s socio-cultural fabric. He can see no wrong in the benefits to friends and family system that is draining all our tax money. Anyone, especially public officers should be getting fined and arrested and jailed for accepting anything perceived as a benefit. It is exactly these customary exchanges that need to no longer be an institutionalised corrupt part of the culture of the VI. There must be good reason why he wants this corrupt culture to continue. How must he be benefitting and what has he got to lose?

    Like 23
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  3. Arrested and * says:

    He thinks corruption is his way to the premier seat but he better watch himself with that wall case over him

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  4. Head coach says:

    That explains it then cultural exchanges $500,000 for 3000kg a month plus 12% of value . Now I understand its merely good manners Venezuela and the British Virgin Islands social & culture one love exchanges just a big misunderstanding thank God for that I thought it was serious for a moment .

    Like 12
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  5. WTF says:

    Corruption is part of our social-economic fabric. He said it, not me.

    Like 10
  6. hmm says:

    The more Walwyn speak the more I fear this man ever getting a chance to lead this country.

    Like 14
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  7. When will we wake up? says:

    You see this BVI? I pray for the people to become more aware and stop from attacking their own people. The job of the opposition is to bring to the attention of the government things that could affect people. The government will come with a Bill pushed by the UK and we the public have no idea what it entails. It’s is people like Myron who read the bills and bring out the concerns that he sees. We need this in our government or else we wouldn’t know what is going on. Rather than attacking the person who is highlighting things we should be thankful I think. We are going to play and play until we lose our country. We better wake the hell up and stop acting like idiots.

    Like 6
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  8. The Stiffling and Reversal of Progress says:

    The only remedy to this apparent intrusion into the lives, both political and personal is to get out from under the beast.

    Those intrusions reported by the Hon. Minister and others, appear a new shift and a modern arm of neocolonialism.

    Hence, more voices are needed to push back against the seemingly new invasion of our people as implied by the minister.

    We may shout self determination, whichis a natural right for all peoples of the earth, but the tenets of neocolonialism have a an opposite, self interest and detrimental purpose, that will clearly and negatively affect the governance of the country, and redirect the riches of it directly to those who do not own it.

    Indeed, political arrangements for a profound shift in the relationship between the Virgin Islands people and the colonialist United Kingdom must begin immediately.

    As, a paradigm shift away from the current relationship is the only way forward that will ensure the peoples and Territory’s continued success.

    Like 1
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  9. This co**upt says:

    Cl**n should never lead this country..



  11. Over Ambitious says:

    The man is desperate: he will do anything and that is very dangerous.

  12. @Over Ambitious says:

    Pure untruths and pi** you ah talk, just like the reat OK folks comments on here.

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