BVI News

We can be trusted, we’re not rogues — Fraser


Opposition Leader Julian Fraser has insisted that elected leaders in the BVI can be trusted to implement agreed-upon governance reforms without the threat of a United Kingdom (UK) takeover.

The Third District Representative told residents at a public meeting last evening that he met with UK Overseas Territories Minister Lord Zac Goldsmith during his recent visit to the BVI and shared his position on the BVI’s progress so far on implementing these reforms that were outlined in the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report.

“We are not a group of untrustworthy people. We can be trusted. We are people who have proven ourselves over time,” Fraser expressed.

Fraser said the BVI’s financial services sector remains sound and despite threats from the European Union (EU) and others, the territory has been compliant with onerous regulations that have been imposed. “We, as a legislature, have passed every piece of legislation that was necessary to ensure that we are compliant. We made those laws first, and then we passed them,” he said.

Fraser argued fervently that the BVI does not need the Order in Council placed over the territory by the UK in the event the BVI reneges on an agreement to implement the COI reforms.

“So, it’s not as if we are a bunch of rogues out there that no one can trust. We don’t need to have an Order in Council hanging over our head in order for us to deliver on promises that we have made,” Fraser argued.

We want to operate freely

In the meantime, Fraser said he was questioned by Lord Goldsmith over the sluggishness of completed reforms and asked why only 12 of the 48 recommendations had been delivered upon so far.

“I said, that is not a fair assessment because those 12 of the 48 were done during the time when we were setting up,” the Opposition Leader explained.

Fraser said he told Lord Goldsmith that the government’s Implementation Unit, which was established to help streamline the implementation of the reforms, had to be formed and he assured Lord Goldsmith that things will be different after this period. According to Fraser, there was consensus from the OT Minister and his team over Fraser’s position on the delayed reforms.

“I think what you’re going to see though, is some UK folks coming under the guise of working on the implementation of the plan — those 48 recommendations,” Fraser suggested. 

He added: “The government has been under pressure. The government is still under pressure. That is not the position that we want to be in. We wanna find ourself in a place where we can operate freely as we have in the past, serve our people freely and I think that time is coming.”


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  1. YES TO UK says:

    Julian Fraser, When you say we can be trusted I hope you are not talking about our Representatives because you guys cant be trusted this is why we are where we are today.All of you need to be gone.

    Like 33
  2. No you can't.... says:

    And yes you are.

    Like 13
  3. Taxpayer says:

    “Opposition Leader Julian Fraser has insisted that elected leaders in the BVI can be trusted”.
    If you have to insist on something being true…

    Like 23
  4. Not true says:

    – Derelict boats
    – Broken roads
    – Broken Sewerage
    – Dysfunctional school system
    – Burning of garbage
    – Corruption
    – Bankrupt NHI
    – and so on…

    Like 27
  5. Rubber Duck says:

    Methinks he doth protest too much.

    Like 17
  6. Barber Chair says:


    Like 12
  7. Seriously!?! says:

    Sir, you’re the biggest rogue of them all!!!

    Like 24
    Dislike 2
  8. Captain BVI says:

    “We are people who have proven ourselves over time,” Fraser expressed. That has to be the most accurate statement that Fraser has ever made in his whole life. Everyone should print and frame this quote!

    Like 22


    Dislike 19
  10. Mad Max says:

    I don’t trust you!

    Again, all talk and no action. Just get on with what needs to be done and the order will be lifted. It’s not rocket science!

  11. Good one says:

    @captain bvi you deserve a medal for that post. We should all frame that quote. Quote of the century. Delusioned Frazer put your hands in the air. Sadly these are the leaders that you people would reelect to represent us. Smfh.

    Like 10
  12. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    You may or may not be rogue (?) but I’d take a closure look at your barber. I think he is a little rogue letting you leave his shop with that hair style.

  13. What!!! says:

    Totaly trustworthy NOT
    Tell us about the horbour marina with tax payers money on private land and the money given to your brother to produce nothing

    Like 16
    Dislike 1
  14. Nothing rogue... says:

    ….about selling Crown land to the family, not receiving payment then leasing it back to Government.

  15. lol says:

    Facts are facts and stats are stats… The fact and the stats suggest that you are indeed untrustworthy rogues.

    Like 11
  16. @Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Google ‘Frederick Douglas’ and click on images….Mr Fraser wants us to take him seriously as an elder statesman while his record is indeed that of a rogue.

  17. Wow says:

    What kind of opposition is that?? Yeah sure, you can really be trusted. LMAO

  18. resident says:

    Every elected representative needs to go, all of them stood by and allowed our country to be abused by the coach and others they all must go

  19. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Well this man is no Frederick Douglas. Let that hair style and the Hitler style moustache, stay historic. Fredrick Douglas did so much for his ppl. I mean if the WaterMan want to, let him bring back the French cut or Craig Mac

  20. @ SERIOUSLY says:

    If he Takea good look in the mirror he might see the real rogue, but then again the mirror might broke ?

  21. Add to Not True says:

    Add to your list, Pier Park, Peebles, $7.2 million on a ghost airline, all those studies never released (medical school, drag race strip, govt efficiency study), unsolved murders, rampant narco traficking, BVI Investors Club…..

  22. Mole says:

    Former Premier under arrest
    PS sent home
    Representative – Stealing money from Govt and serve time at Balsam Ghut
    COI called in
    40 million stimulus given to farmers and fishermen who never plant a seed nor pull a fish
    Immigration Personel taking bribes giving out passport for money a few years ago
    Contracts over priced so some can get cut back

    What you call that honesty

  23. Who is a rogue says:

    The dictionary definition of a ROGUE-
    dishonest or unprincipled person.
    Well sah then how would you describe the Former Premiet?
    How would you describe the VIP representative running in the 8 District for VIP?
    How would you describe the VIP team who stood by and was afraid to stand up to their Leader for:
    a) misusing the 40 million of Social Security money as stimulus package ?
    B ) putting his friends on board to run a country that they had no knowledge in that field ?
    C) making them sign that they cannot go against him
    D) putting up obeah green cloth all over the country and is kneeling down with hands in the air calling on the name of God yet evoking obeah man from Senegal. ?
    Would we as a nation put back those ROUGE people in power . Well Say . Fraser you need to go if you can be so rouge and crooked !!

  24. Scb says:

    Shane dem could tell what a gwan back then..but Dem ain’t saying shizzz

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