BVI News

We have a strong and vibrant economy — Premier

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

Despite reports to the contrary and complaints from residents over the skyrocketing cost of living, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has insisted that the BVI’s economy remains buoyant.

“There’s this whole concept being bandied about that the economy is weak, and there’s really no basis for that in reality,” the Premier argued during a recent debate in the House of Assembly on the Public Assistance Bill 2024.

He continued: “If you look at all the indicators, it tells you that we continue to have a strong and vibrant economy built on two main pillars: tourism and financial services, which are both doing well and holding their own.”

The Premier’s position challenged a pervasive narrative that the BVI’s economic foundations are weakening, a sentiment circulated among the Opposition and on social platforms. Despite his economic stance, the Premier conceded that the territory has its share of challenges, detailing employment issues that persist despite the creation of numerous jobs.

“We have a number of Virgin Islanders, Belongers, and residents who have grown up or come through the system here, yet remain unemployed. Additionally, we see local businesses struggling for various reasons,” he explained.

Premier Wheatley stressed the importance of refining government policies and initiatives to address these challenges and ensure more residents can find gainful employment and capitalise on available opportunities.

“People do not flock to a place where the economy is weak,” he insisted.

BVI not immune to global shocks

Dr Wheatley pointed out that despite the BVI’s apparent prosperity, the territory is not insulated from global economic fluctuations, such as those caused by the war in Ukraine and other international conflicts. These global events have led to high inflation rates, impacting local prices, including fuel and basic necessities, which the government is attempting to mitigate through various relief measures.

“The notion that those issues are the fault of the government is misleading. These are global pressures that we have little control over,” Dr Wheatley explained.

He highlighted government initiatives like duty exemptions and electricity relief to ease the financial burden on residents. Meanwhile, amendments to the Public Assistance Bill were praised for their intent to significantly enhance the support systems for the population’s most vulnerable sectors.

“This bill is about more than just monetary aid; it’s about building a sustainable nation where everyone, regardless of their economic status, can live with dignity,” Premier Wheatley stated.

The bill proposes, among other things, to reassess the assistance provided to ensure it meets the actual needs of individuals and families in distress.


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  1. Borrowed time says:

    BVI economy is the weakest it’s ever been with this man as the Premier. His government is inept and delusional. Hopefully in 51 days he and his cronies will all be gone when the UK takes over.

    Like 46
  2. Salty Fish says:

    I’m speechless … f-ing delusional clown! I can not seriously believe he is that blind. Our Country is absolutely in trouble with this guy at the wheel.

    Like 33
  3. YES TO UK says:

    Natalio Wheatley You just prove that you are not fit to be the leader of the British Virgin Islands, Who are you trying to fool any fool can see that you are full of C**P.

    Like 28
  4. Laura says:

    I’m not sure what planet Sowande lives on but it surely is not this one.

    Strong and vibrant in the same sentence relating to the BVI is bonkers.

    None of the wealth being accumulated is being trickled down to the small man in this country so it will always be a topsy-turvy environment of more people struggling to make ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck.

    His head is in the sand like a duck, and it’s time this government faces the reality that they are not coping with leading the country. The BVI has never been this low and it is seemingly getting worse.

    What are the solutions? A pay increase to $8.50 is not even a stopgap or talking point…we are way behind and with such limited resources, it surely would have been better for them to have taken that loan and rebuilt the nation properly because everything is falling apart like a leaky old house.

    No one wants to visit a dirty, smelly country much less to live in one continually. If you’re going to be paying through the nose to live in a so-called High-end country with a high GDP then your pay should reflect such, but sadly gone are the days of fair wages.

    We are in a deep crisis and it doesn’t seem like those in charge know what to do, or how to improve things.

    Change must come but how will it come!!

    Like 26
    • Eldread says:

      But I back sowandie for saying his economy is bright, isn’t he paid handsomely along with lots of traveling allowances flying all over the world to meet white colonizers where ever they call him as a boy to come? Wheatley correct the economy good cause his bread butter and upon leaving office his greedy bill click in.

  5. Resident says:

    our premier has turned into a comedian

    Like 17
  6. HEAR HE says:


    Like 15
  7. SMH says:

    This man is beyond delusional! If he stays within the territory and prioritize the issues within it, he would realize the economy is far from good much less thriving and vibrant. Of course it’s great for him individually, he’s getting paid. An ostrich with it’s head buried in the ground has more sense than this nyn*******.

    Like 15
  8. Question says:

    What is he smoking?

    Like 13
    • @question says:


      Like 3
      Dislike 1
      • @ Question says:

        Must be Flakka.

        • @question: says:

          Peyote….with some shrooms! He on dat potent hallucinogenic, mind-altering shamanic trip. No, not that flying in metal can trip, that high altitude mind bending trip where the economy is glowing and our roads are paved in gold.

          It’s all sunshine for these a**ogant p**pous plebs!

    • @ Question says:

      Not what he and his head went were smoking, but what they went in for. All yo forgot the phrase, “them before me did so i going in to. do the same so shut your mouth.” Are they doin? me nah know. i

  9. A Capitalist Who Loves the BVI says:

    I’ve tried to find this information but cannot. In what field of study did he obtain his PhD? I doubt that it was in something premised upon science or mathematics.

  10. WTF says:

    This from the MINISTER OF FINANCE

    Vote better BVI

    Like 12
    • Deh Watcha says:

      @WTF…..Ask O’neal in VG.

      He became the finance minister because the former minister got into an accident when he went to the United States.

      In fact, the accident was so bad he still has not returned to the BVI. He is now being held for further observation.

      Like 11
  11. Unknown says:

    The economy is booming probably for him cause he’s using tax payers money to fly around the world while not really observing what is really happening on the island. A increase in crime in a good indicator that people are struggling.

    Like 12
  12. BuzzBvi says:

    Booming for you, your family and friends, but no one else. Start doing what COI says or all the other people in the VI going to push for UK to come and save us.

    Like 12
  13. What? says:

    How deluded can you be? I bet if his wallet wasnt being held up by tax payer dollars he would be singing a different tune.

  14. if if says:

    If the economy so good why my grocery bill keep increasing every week?

    I’ve made no changes to the list and there’s only 2 mouths to feed. wtf

  15. Old k**t-a-lauwe says:

    His head up in his @$$

  16. Straight Jacket this DUDE says:

    When last has he taken his shots?

  17. huh says:

    How can it be vibrant and thriving when weed is still illegal to plant and we all know a lot of young people are spending money on it.

    Spending money on dubious products with no over sight to devious adulterants never mind uncontaminated with mold or pesticide.

  18. He an his says:

    The man knows of what he declares! The economy is booming for him and his updeislun in laws mate and friends. The infested fest of music for instance ,delivered from the VI tax payers..where are the figures, the accounting? He knows and him and affiliates,dem set.

  19. Jordan Roll says:

    Is this his normal?
    Those of you who has known him from youth..isn’t he now … challenged.?
    Perhaps medication?…Heaveny Father,Jesus,take the wheel.
    Yo all put Andrew in power knowing he was a crook over and over,.
    Now allyo gone and put in a …

  20. Wow says:

    This is very sad

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