BVI News

We have to eliminate the perception of corruption

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has stressed the importance of eradicating corruption and the perception of corruption surrounding officials in the BVI.

The Premier’s statement comes as the government seeks to tighten the integrity framework and ensure transparent governance.

Premier Wheatley’s remarks were part of the debate on legislative amendments to the Integrity in Public Life Act to combat corruption among public officials. He emphasised that the existing laws must be stringent enough to discourage any acts perceived as corrupt.

“A person in public life commits corruption if he or she seeks or accepts personal or private benefit for himself or herself, a member of his or her family, or a person associated with him or her, whether or not the benefit places him or her under an obligation to the person giving or offering the benefit,” Wheatley explained.

The amendments focus on conflicts of interest and the responsibilities of persons in public life, ensuring that no personal or familial relationships interfere with their duties. “The private interest of a person in public life includes any advantage to himself or herself, to his or her family, and any person or organisation with whom he or she has business relations. It includes any liability, whether financial or work-related,” Wheatley outlined.

No loopholes! Airtight integrity framework

Wheatley was adamant about the importance of these changes, arguing that without them, the public and those further afield might perceive the government as having bad intentions. “We have to be careful of the loopholes, and we have to make our integrity framework airtight,” he stated.

Premier Wheatley explained that the amendments to the Integrity in Public Life Act were necessary due to developments since its initial passing in 2021, particularly in light of the recommendations outlined in the COI report.

The report highlighted concerns regarding members of the House of Assembly contracting with the government. The reviewer, Denniston Fraser, found that the issue was not necessarily with members engaging in such contracts but rather with the integrity framework, which required strengthening. As a result, Fraser proposed a series of recommendations to strengthen the Integrity in Public Life Act.

Respect separation of powers

Dr Wheatley highlighted the need to respect the principle of separation of powers. “We came to the conclusion that it was important that House of Assembly members were taken out of this Act. This is because we wanted to respect the universally accepted principle of separation of powers. The House of Assembly should be governed by an institution specifically set up for the legislative branch,” he explained.

Despite these adjustments, the Premier said the Integrity in Public Life Act will still apply to government ministers as a part of the executive branch, junior ministers, and statutory board members. Dr Wheatley emphasised the broader goal of these amendments: “Our reform programme aims to strengthen the framework of integrity that holds members accountable, ensuring good governance, accountability, and transparency.”

Walwyn slams integrity bill over conflict provisions


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  1. Smudge says:

    It a joke… we all know every politician is bent…corrupt and purely in it for the $$.
    look at how they leave the office.. millions to their name.
    No Mr bent premiere you don’t have to eliminate the perception…eliminate the act of corruption…

    Like 70
  2. Feed up says:

    It’s time you removed the picture behind you of the most corrupted person that head the highest position in the BVI and abused it

    Like 64
    • Just Wrong says:

      Oh yes. I agree totally.

      Like 29
    • Reasonable Man says:

      Standing in front of Andrew Fahie’s portrait and speaking about corruption as a perception, that’s ironic.

      Like 45
    • @Feed up says:

      That’s right. That picture is a constant reminder of corruption in this place, and it’s staring us right in our faces.

      Removing that picture already as it is nothing more than a symbol and reminder of corruption in this place, one of the worst in our history. That’s a good place to start to demonstrate he means business.

      Every time I see his face, I get triggered and blanked off. Remove it already and show you are serious about corruption even if the person was once one our your collogues.

      Like 12
  3. BuzzBvi says:

    Stop being corrupt, stop hiding things and get on with the COI instead of being obstructive and remove your criminal guiding light mascot that you have being your head and that the perception will go away. You do have to stop favouring family and cronies and pursue honesty, transparency, fairness and start fixing things. You actually have to stop being corrupt and stop speaking like a moron for the perception to go away.

    Like 44
  4. wait says:

    so yall gona be eliminate yourself??

    Like 26
  5. W says:

    What the f**k he talking about he is the ones who running the country like dis no one else to blame

    Like 19
  6. Perception says:

    It’s not perception. It’s confirmed corruption by COI, BVI courts and US Courts. Why are you pretending it’s only perception? That makes your complicit to it…

    Like 45
  7. Clean slate says:

    is the only practical method of removing corruption from all aspects of the BVI government.

    Fortunately the upcoming UK takeover will accomplish this lofty goal and end corruption forever in the BVI.

    Unfortunately all the corrupt persons in the BVI government now and in the past 40 years will be criminally charged then suspended without pay or pension while awaiting trial.

    Like 13
    Dislike 1
  8. Charging a fee no note taking says:

    Access to HOA register of Interests these are the actions of our honest representatives!

    Like 17

    is saying )> our boss ) let put on my mean look and hope they buy it

  10. What!!! says:

    “Perception “ of corruption??
    This guy is a total joke and embarrassment to the country.

    Like 29
  11. WTF says:

    The man is the definition of co***ption. What he gonna do? eliminate himself?

  12. TRUTH! says:

    To eliminate the perception, just stop teefing. How simple is that? Stop pushing large capital projects just to skim off the top because it is less noticeable. I am truly impressed with the competence, courage and integrity of the Auditor General. Thank you for your service young lady.

    Like 28
  13. correction says:

    I am not one to take a headline and run with it and run away from the rest of the article. However, we must eliminate corruption and not just the perception. This place dirty bad

    Like 13
  14. BVI Talent says:

    Some of these speech writers are funny enough for SNL , the comedy club a new location BVI HOA it’s Hysterical .

  15. Si Mon Pow Err says:

    Gettig rid of corruption in any country is going to be hard to do. Especially here where everything is personal ,and everyone knows but they wont tell. My experience has shown me that there is corruption on the police force, within our healthcare system, within our educators and of course the house of assembly, on both sides of the floor.

    Like 13
  16. Tough Look says:

    Look at me, I’m tough, not to be messed with village boy

  17. lmao says:

    This is coming from Mr “its not in the public interest”

  18. Styles says:

    So Natalio,

    When are you firing the current minister of health and the minister of education who took Covid grants and gave it to family and fiends?

    Until then your words mean nothing.

    Like 16
  19. Reality Check says:

    Pass the “Unearned Income” act and that will take care of future corruption. Pass the act and let the chips fall where they may!!!

  20. piakchu says:

    is this the same guy that got andrew fahie pic up in hoa directly behind him? lol ok

    doing well to get of that perception buddeh

  21. @ FEED UP says:


  22. no says:

    you have to eliminate corruption not just the perception of it…

  23. Just… says:

    eliminate the corruption, then there won’t be perception of any!

  24. Busy Bee says:

    “We have to eliminate the perception of corruption”

    Does this mean the Hon. Premier would, for example, oppose someone such as the esteemed one running for the House of Assembly under the VIP banner?

  25. LOL says:

    Corruption will never be eradicated in the BVI. Rent overpriced offices from your MIL – so you do not have to declare any interest in the transaction. you are not she.

  26. A Capitalist Who Loves the BVI says:

    How comically ironic that Fahie is the photo on the wall right behind him

  27. Hey buddy says:

    How much did Music Fest make?

    Sorry, better question, how much did YOU make off of Music Fest?

    Like 10
  28. Bad look says:

    Take the picture off the wall, it’s a low down dirty shame.

    Never mind AF mentors all VIP members, head coach was dirty to the bone.

    Also stop using AF deceptive ways to govern the people!

    vip ministers all continue in AF footsteps scheming and scamming the people.

    Do not be fooled by VIP government, they seek to take from the people.

  29. @ @ FEED UP says:

    i like the part of the 3 hypocrites , can you * save the seeds * of those 3 holy gentlemen , my PITBULLS will be blessed with their holl seeds after I done bar – B – Q them , for them

  30. Simple says:

    Hire British companies to audit every gov contract

  31. Ausar says:

    Getting rid of corruption, eh?

    And, just how, do you propose to do that, Premier?

    You see, corruption is rampant in this country.

    In. every. facet. of. society!

    And, none of you officials, are really interested, in curtailing its effects!

    Soon many of you, are its beneficiaries!

    I mean, look how hard it is, to get many of you-representatives, to register your interests prior, to running for office, and after leaving office..

    Come on, Premier..You full well know, this is preety much, a kind of, feel- good conversation- going no where, no time soon!

  32. Tafari Zharr says:

    Inspired by Sharon Jones’ song Pass Me By
    Bye Bye!





    All In – But – Locked Out – is the question?

    Next time you find yourself locked out ride it out! Perhaps, you’ve theoretically neglected the introspective house that needed a Spring cleaning-up and of all days today’s the one day you forgot about taking out the garbage. You Panick- did I light the oven? Stolen minutes become hours, identifying your Absentminded self.

    Subconsciously, Present in time, makeover your to do lists and craft your vision board. When will I get in touch with the locksmith?

    However, for internal peace, do not panic because you’ll get in again. Subsequently though it might cost you. In the meantime, do find a good place to chill out so you might unlock your heart, open your mind, and hang on to your soul. Nothing feels better than taking stock and getting back balanced autonomy. Control Your Life. Pride Yourself In Your Priorities and Your commitment to participate in the process of single prayerful productivity to understand whatever is ruining you through the distractions! Amen!

    The issue is if you’re not growing peacefully in life perhaps it’s because your groans in love is a stagnant indicator that you’re not getting enough of the nurturing you need to get into your bliss; and as a result you can dig a cave or break the leasehold you have on the tenancy of your rental – until you’re confronted if you were homeless or too homesick; but Dont rule out being lovesick because love hasn’t struck the way you imagine –

    Ready or not refinance – kick the romance, mentally redesign your home, emotionally stop keeping house, and sweep something into escrow rather than keep up appearances of making sole payments on your mortgage!

    Meanwhile, joy is knocking and by the time you’ve answered the perfectly honest knock be prepared to rediscover your key fob was already securely placed in your pocket. So pocket your thoughts into being open when things are out of order!

    You would have discovered that there’s a difference between finishing and finally. Yield to your goals and safeguard the key, if this message is for you – good- if not amend your senses by acknowledging even you can’t get the best out of nothing. I’m not a witch and you are not a warlock – As Charles Bradley sung – I wanna live and zi wanna give – we’re both getting too old to keep searching for a heart of gold!

    Don’t be afraid to seek eviction from any occupants giving nothing. Put on your life vest because bare attention to the erection is only keeping up some pretentiousness that all is well within the confines of your walls! No applause for Harbingers!

    Well as the songs go “ a house is not a home…” and if you’ve “Lost That Loving Feeling” put your hands up and move the hell out minus unanimous consent. Voters You Can Go Your Own Way! Do what you gotta do next time , Cause That’s what I’m going to do!

    Politics requires a certain degree of egoism and honesty your political house is “ always coming home baby” and we don’t know what they’re going to do.

    The author disclosure- this is not an advice collection but a work of fiction

    (c) 2024 Tafari Zharr. All rights reserved.

  33. help says:

    Perception of corruption and corruption are two totally different things. We ought to eliminate all forms of corruption.

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