We’re ungrateful! The BVI has too many gov’t critics — Patsy Lake
Local businesswoman, Patsy Lake, has complained that the BVI may have too many critics, especially when it comes to decisions made by the government.
Appearing on the Honestly Speaking radio programme recently, Lake defended decisions made by the current Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government, and noted that they were not receiving sufficient support.
“We have got a country full of critics – experts in criticising everything – that in particular, the government has done and is doing and their voices are the loudest,” Lake stated.
“I want to blame myself too because we sat down and we allowed them to air their voices and to be so vocal and we said nothing in defence of the government or the way that they were protecting us or anything. We just sat down and we allowed them to have their sway,” she added.
I am one of the guilty ones
Lake apologised and expressed regret that she had not stepped forward earlier to defend the VIP as they received flack for several decisions from a “loud minority”.
Agreeing with host, Claude Skelton Cline on the adage that evil triumphs when good men do nothing, Lake described herself as one of the guilty ones who said and did nothing in the VIP’s defence.
She lambasted critics for accusing the government of not having a plan to combat the coronavirus spread in the territory and said the VIP had a plan all along; despite what detractors might have said.
“They screamed for the country to be opened – ‘open the country, COVID is here, we have to live with it’. Can we live with what’s going on now?” she questioned.
We are burying our own
According to Lake, the BVI is one great village and now has to bury its mothers, fathers, sons and daughters after the recent COVID-19 outbreak.
“We are burying our very own,” Lake said. “We are not hearing about this anymore … we are actually experiencing it.”
The businesswoman said residents have not been thankful to health officials and the Premier for keeping them safe.
“We are an ungrateful people … and maybe that is what we’re paying for now,” she stated.
Since the start of the outbreak, some 25 persons have died in COVID-related circumstances at the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital while more than 1,600 persons were recorded as COVID-19 positive at one stage.
Positive cases have since reduced to a little more than 1,100 persons, according to the latest figures released by health officials.
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It is holding governments to account and it is the cornerstone of democracy.
If a government cannot answer the criticism with logical, transparent and sensible answers, then there is often a valid issue being raised.
She has been doing well with govt work, no contracts and no receipts – it is people like her that are the problem in the BVI.
Come the day when they ask her to choose between Balo and her hotel, I bet she goes for Balo.
So, freedom of speech shouldn’t exist in the BVI???
Patsy are you worried all your deals with Boy Foy gonna stop? He gave you a deal for rent like your building is located in midtown Manhattan or Paris. The BVI is third world. Do you and boy Foy think everyone is stupid? Sit down with the rest of your worthless clan and stfu. A family of cr**ks is what you are.
Says one of the few that is VERY grateful for this current Government!
I am amazed you even spoke up after your last few go arounds with the COI.
To be honest I am not sure who I *** more … your *** self (that loves to claims glory by being barely associated with a true patriot of our country’s past), or this current (and past) Government! Regardless, I wish you would both just leave!
She managed to take the government “teat” out of her mouth long enough to comment?
I too would have been saying these same things if my buildings were rented to government for 5 years and over and i was on multiple paying boards
And as a businesswoman….keep no récords LOL
she has been recalled by the COI and now needs protecting by the government…..wait and see!
they did not keep us safe, they just put off the the carnage and created far more problems by keeping us in a little disconnected bubble from the world, look to other caribbean nations infection rates, death rates and they have been open through most of the pandemic, it is the ignorance of the people on Tortola thinking they were invincible to Covid-19 that has brought this problem and they thought his due to the government keeping them in a bubble from the real world while the outer islands straved and shut down.
To be fair, they tried their best and we have to remember every country and its people are different. We have to take responsibility too. Even if Government did all the right things, if we are negligent with the protocols anything could happen.
she certainly has a lot to be grateful for. not so much everyone else.
Why she dont say “WE ARE GR**DY” also ?
If my memory serves me well, for a significant portion of this government’s term in office, there were nothing but criticism and blame on the NPD government. Are you telling me that although the government’s performance has fell short of the voting public’s expectations it is not ok to criticize them? Give me a break.
On the point of re-opening the country, I would agree that there were many cries…. However, there was a responsibility to ensure all COVID related protocols were in placed and adhere to and the necessary enforcement for failure to comply.
Fast forward to our current situation, 25 individuals have lost their lives and the government has formulated the burial protocol after the fact. Is this what you call planning? The public have no idea what the daily statistics are for COVID and sometimes it can be days without an update. Further, no information provided on whether the delta variant to another variant is present in the BVI. I would reserve my comments regards the issuance of stimulus checks for now. But if the aforementioned doesn’t warrant criticism, then I don’t know what does.
Sometimes the best support you can give someone is to tell them the truth!!!
Actually the last Govt Live mentioned that we do not have a variant of interest circulating in the BVI (and NOT the Delta variant). Blame was put directly on persons not following protocols during all of the graduation ceremonies and parties.
And the graduates spending their time in strip clubs along with people associated with our preschools.
If I was in the fortunate position of being appointed to every statutory body no matter how unqualified, and collecting the “ stipends” therefrom., being exempt from laws about keeping records, having my “ hotel “ ( shudder ) permanently rented by the government and being assured of the government ( aka my cousin ) renting everything I build at inflated rents , then guess what, I might love this bunch too.
And you are one of the most ungrateful person in the BVI. How long have you been in government, 45+ years? During that time have you mentored an individual? VIP supporters cannot continue to speak false claim on this pandemic. What does ungratefulness have to do with the pandemic?
Did she get the documents for the COI?She don’t keep records. If you honest you keep records and if you dis****st you don’t.
With respect to Ms Lake, we worry for her mental acuity and memory given she couldn’t remember any details about the numerous lucrative government contracts she has been awarded, when formally asked by the COI. Perhaps Ms Lake should take the opportunity to gracefully retire from public life given the onset of … I dont think anyone cares too much what she thinks. She has certainly been very well taken care of by this government.
Why are we even writing about this woman and keeping her relevant? Nobody cares what she has to say. She has zero influence in this community aside from wth AF. L***h on our society and tax posters dollars. On ask these Board’s making a muck with the amphibian. Sthu
You are kidding. She runs the place.
Yall please stop hailing these people as patriots. They dont love this country… Clearly!
In 1967 Patsy Lake was a member of The Positive Action Movement which organized several public demonstrations and marches on Government House and the Chief Minister’s Office in support of locals right to land ownership. These actions resulted in the FCO appointing a Commission of Inquiry (COI) and a tremendous wrong being righted.
In 2021, following years of corrupt and inept government, the BVI is once again subject of a COI. However, this time Patsy Lake is now critical of local taxpayers who want to see corrupt officials held to account.
When I hear stories of Positive Action Movement, I hardly hear any mention of this lady when it was time for any real action.
Was all she did during positive action was making limeade for the guys who were planning the march?
Not fair! She has made a positive contribution to her own pot of gold.
lol funny how the dissatisfaction of d**n near everybody looking on watching this circus (including people who voted for them last election) can be belittled as just a “Loud Minority”. Keep it up the “Loud Minority” gonna sort them out next election.
The voters will return them to office just watch.
I remembered clearly Jessie Jackson proclaiming that he had Martin l king blood on his clothes when king was shot. Turned out not to be true. Can someone without unbiased info give us who were not there or not yet born the true status of the empress involvement.
We dont want to take away any iconic status from anyone is is so deserving. But I believe the true icons of our nation are the nurses who give selflessly of their service in deadly circumstances. Our teachers, our police officers, prison officers, our men and women who labor in the mid day sun debugging and fixing roads. These are in my opinion our true national icons and deservingly so.
To be fair, they tried their best.
Yes. Their best at looking out for themselves.
I’m glad you’ve included yourself in this, Patsy!
But, IT IS the right of others, to criticize this and any other government, if they so feel fit to do so!
And I believe, that if Premier Fahie and his government feels slighted,all they have to do, is to go into the House of Assembly, and procure the documents commensurate to the arguments put forward, and address the people accordingly..
..Much ado about nothing..a mountain made out of nothing, but from a mole hill!
No disrespect, but woman go sit your sorry @$$ down, you to have a hand in ALL the cor***tion in the Territory.
Corruption never ends because of human emotion. Affinity will cloud your judgement every time.
If they would listen to the masses, show compassion, be good and honest people, respect the treasury.be responsible with the people’s money
The table has turned. Wasn’t she a great critic of the last administration?
I am curious were the last administration her tenant?
If this Government had done what the people elected it to do instead of wasting tax payers money and electing people like her and others to the various boards they would be no critics. I am happy for the COI to expose the wrong doing. To bring all the corruption and nepotism to the light of day. I am neither NDP or VIP. I am for country.
She’s very … lady. God don’t like ugly.
Who’s We?
No Conscience.
This greedy family are what’s wrong with BVI. No BVi love from them. Fill your boots and don’t care about anyone is there Moro. You should be ashamed and asking for forgiveness every time you go to church. Disgrace, greedy disgusting people.
This greedy family are what’s wrong with BVI. No BVi love from them. Fill your boots and don’t care about anyone is there Moro. You should be ashamed and asking for forgiveness every time you go to church. Disgrace, greedy disgusting people.
The names that I know associated with the PAM were Noel Lloyd? Lindy De Castro and Cromwell Nibbs. They are the ones who went to jail. Where exactly was this good lady ?
She was on the side checking which piece of wickhams cay she could … Those three gentlemen have no property on wickhams cay. Lloyd has standing room only and the other real fighters have nothing to show for their struggles.
That lady is very …
She is one to talk. She better go focus on looking for them contracts and receipts. I wonder if government have lease agreements for all her properties them in or she done destroy those too.