BVI News

Wheatley addresses statements from VG ad hoc committee


Minister of Health Vincent Wheatley has addressed the House of Assembly (HOA) regarding the Ad Hoc Committee for Urgent Enhancement of Healthcare on Virgin Gorda, which has called for a preview of the government’s preliminary estimates for the 2025 budget.

The committee was formed in response to increasing public frustration with healthcare services on the island and voiced concerns that community needs are not receiving adequate attention.

During his statement on Thursday morning, Wheatley emphasised the need for better public education on government processes and advocated for the transparency of the Standing Finance Committee’s (SFC) discussions. This committee examines the territory’s Annual and Supplementary Estimates in detail and oversees government departmental responsibilities.”

It goes to what I’ve been saying, we have to do more in this Honourable House to educate the people out there,” Wheatley said.

“Let us make Standing Finance public,” Wheatley stated. “There seems to be a lack of understanding of how the standing finance process works,” he added, referring to the Ad Hoc Committee’s press release.

He also offered apologies to the Ninth District, which includes Virgin Gorda, acknowledging his role as the representative. “I apologise to my district, but we have been busy making sure we get these works done, to improve the system of delivery for healthcare,” Wheatley stated. “I’m not making excuses. This is the reality. We’ve been in the House every single day this week.”

Wheatley reiterated that the issues raised by the committee are the same concerns being addressed by legislators in the House. With the 2024/2025 budget expected to be announced by year’s end, the ad hoc VG committee expressed apprehension that the community would be overlooked in budget allocations once again. They urged the Health Minister and the government to prioritise critical funding needs and requested updates on action points from a community meeting held in early September, citing a lack of communication from the ministry since that time.


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  1. Ah soeh go. says:

    Looking for more and greater streams rolling in invisible silence. Well, well, well.

  2. Something Is Not Right says:

    How can we have a NHI scheme that allows private health providers to build multi-million dollar facilities while at the same time government services are crumbling. Can someone make this make sense.

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