Whistleblowers will be penalised for baseless reports
The Whistleblowers Act — which will, among other things, reward persons who report individuals involved in corrupt practices — was today introduced in the House of Assembly.
The legislation allows any public officer or private worker to be able to legally make reports without penalised by the employer.
But while giving more details on the Bill on Thursday, Premier Andrew Fahie warned that whistleblowers must have evidence if bringing a report.
“There is a reward for the person if the information that they have brought to the officials is of worth. But there is also a penalty for the person if they brought information that has no basis or no evidence,” Premier Fahie explained.
The Bill also provides for the identity of a whistleblower to be protected.
In the meantime, Premier Fahie said the Whistleblowers Act 2021 is part of a suite of good-governance legislation his administration plans to introduce.
The bill is introduced at a time when his government is being investigated in a UK-sanctioned Commission of Inquiry.
Premier has made it clear his government was not instructed or pressured in any way to implement this legislation.
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Snitches get the stiches?
Another scare tactic and another form of victimization. #staywoke
How is penalizing false news and slander a scare tactic. A lot of y’all run with everything you hear without even knowing if it’s true.
Not all things reported are not facts. Sometimes the hard paper evidence is not there. Just about Everybody knows who is who and who connected to who in the BVI. If we can’t report to at least put a stop to what going on based on our knowledge and observations then what sense does this policy make. It should be up to the board to review what is reported and come with a decision; why would a whistleblower be penalized; that is not good. Back to the drawing board because it seems like there will be no change to what’s happening. A policy for the shelf.
Cut Deep check Gazette for Cabinet Decisions posted last Thursday and let us know what you think about conflict of interest with those contacts and being employed with the RDA.
Are people applying to work at the RDA to get the inside source on contracts for companies they are partners in or associated with?
More than conflict of interest. They are getting contracts because they are working with the RDA and they are also partners of companies who are getting the contracts.
I am pleased with this latest move by the Government
Much respect to the Government
Just let the UK take over. The locals can’t govern the territory that’s pretty clear.
Marines are getting ready for the takeover.
When the people investigating reports from whistleblowers are themselves corrupt, the legislation seems somewhat worthless
He’s saying tell me what you know; if i don’t find it valuable to me i can shoot the messenger. this is the reason why so many crimes are happening are nobody in their right mind no matter how much they know will ever come forward. this man will listen your story, report it to the ‘relevant persons’ and get you killed.
So now we see the real purpose of this act; to scare off any would be witnesses to malfeasance. Who is going to decide whether the whistleblower has no basis for his report?
Why the very people the whistleblower is trying to report of course. Especially in the government.
So thats alright then.
So after some heavy shredding your claim will be found baseless. That will be a lesson to you to keep your mouth shut.
So who will the whistleblowers be telling?
The government?
Andrew Fahie you are in and there is no way out, all your moves are showing the people that you have something to hide. Just sit back and let the investigation take its course. I was told that they are going back 20 years. It’s about time we put a stop to this corruption. Do you really think that someone will bring news to you about you and your government?
Just trying to scare anyone thinking of talking to the COI
And who gets to decide whether it’s baseless ? THE SAME PEOPLE THAT ARE BEING TOLD ON !