BVI News

Why isn’t BVI doing fish farming?

Why haven’t local stakeholders made significant efforts toward fish farming in the British Virgin Islands?

Fish farming, which has the potential to bolster the BVI’s economy, has been discussed on various platforms but remains an unfulfilled promise. Talk show host Violet Gaul recently raised concerns on the Talking Points show on ZBVI Radio about the lack of action in this area, especially as nearby territories like the USVI advance their fish farming programs.

The idea of fish farming in the BVI isn’t new. As Gaul pointed out during the show, the topic was discussed in August 2022 when guest Clive Petrovic advocated for introducing fish farming to the territory. Petrovic conducted thorough research to ensure the practice would be environmentally sustainable. Despite his considerable efforts and public discussions, no tangible progress has been made.

This delay is particularly frustrating in light of recent developments in the USVI. “A couple of days ago, I see [a news headline]… ‘Fish farming programme to launch in the USVI’. What’s wrong with us over here?” Gaul asked.

Co-host Elvin Grant echoed these sentiments, noting that discussions about developing the farming and fishing industry in the territory have been ongoing for years without significant movement. “I think this is just a further extension of all of the arguments being made by the fishermen and farmers. You know, we’ve had the Junior Minister on, we’ve had the Premier on, and they’ve all talked about various grand plans for agriculture,” Grant said.

The BVI has historically struggled with promises to revamp its agriculture and fishing industries. Grant highlighted that commitments to rejuvenate these sectors have been made by various administrations but have yet to materialize.

The discussion also touched on the government’s broader approach to raising revenue. Both Gaul and Grant pointed out that while the BVI excels in tourism and financial services, the lack of innovative revenue-raising measures, such as fish farming, leaves much to be desired.


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  1. Eldread says:

    Just stop you crap about fish farming, we eat healthy catch wild fish, the colonials has created nomaclature for our sea now called blue economy, and our leaders will start to wield some corrupt deal over our sea resources, so these fish farms are created to retard fishing development so the large fishing corporate business can come into our international waters and take our fresh catch fish, just like how the labels on food mention non GMO ,so to will fish package fresh wild fish will price higher than farmed fish. We are participating in our destruction by calling for the solutions prepared by our former slave masters.

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  2. Styles. says:

    Climate change.

    Fish farming is terrible for the environment (and the fish)

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  3. Answer says:

    Why? Because it takes planning, financing and know how.

    I’d edit penultimate paragraph to say that BVI has historically struggled to fill its promises. Not just fishing or ag.

  4. Outdoor jobs says:

    are not sought after by BVI youths. Indoor jobs in AC cooled offices with some meager pay are more desirable.

  5. Politics says:

    The people of Anegada should establish a collective corporate export fishery.
    Outsiders have tried- but the people should do this and the government should support them.

    In other words, it will never happen.

  6. Blah Blah! says:

    The BVI isn’t doing much of anything because we have way too many talkers/complainers and not enough hustlers/doers, that’s it, THAT’S ALL! A bunch of lazy complainers always playing politics and take comfort in blaming the government of the day for everything. If that energy was put into doing proper research, taking risks, investing finances, time, effort, much more would happen. The people who are focused, are doing well. The people who are complaining, will keep complaining.

  7. Tola says:

    Why should i do fishing farm when i can get easy money from the fishing stimulus package.

  8. Not Happening says:

    Where is the fisheries department and market?

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