BVI News

Willock being considered for political advisor role?


Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has declined to confirm whether former Speaker of the House of Assembly (HOA) Julian Willock is or was being considered for a ministerial political advisor role within his government.

BVI News received credible information last week indicating that discussions were being held between the Premier’s Office and Willock regarding the post.

Our news centre reached out to the Premier to inquire whether the former Speaker was indeed being considered for the role of political advisor. Dr Wheatley responded, “Generally, appointments would be announced by press release.”

BVI News sought further clarity, asking, “Are you saying that Mr Willock was indeed appointed and that there’s a press release to come with more details?”

“If not, we are just seeking confirmation as to whether Willock is or was being considered for a ministerial advisor role,” our news centre further probed.

The Premier did not respond.

News of Willock being considered for the role comes amid the release of the Office of the Auditor General’s 2024 Audit Report on Major Public Contracts. In that report, Auditor General Sonia Webster raised serious concerns over the government’s appointment of ministerial political advisors, citing their involvement as undermining the government’s procurement process.

Webster revealed that political advisors were often hired through petty contracts before their roles were upgraded to more substantial contracts under the guise of “continuation of service.” According to the Auditor General, “There was a noted trend whereby political and politically affiliated consultants were initially hired under the petty contracts regime, after which their assignments were bumped upwards to a waived major contract.”

The audit, conducted under the Audit Act 2003 in response to the Commission of Inquiry’s Recommendation B18, aimed to identify weaknesses in the contract process, including the misuse of waivers, deficiencies in contractor selection, and ensuring value for money in project completion.

Willock, a known affiliate of the Premier’s Virgin Islands Party, previously served as Speaker of the House but resigned in 2022 after a majority of the House agreed that he should demit office. Willock was later arrested and charged in July of this year with conspiracy to utter a forged document, public official using office for gratification, and conspiracy to give false information to a public officer.


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  1. Bvi love says:

    So what if he is? He born here and could work anywhere in the bvi

    Like 2
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  2. Horseman says:

    Is April 1st?

    Like 5
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  3. NDP Supporter says:

    I want to apply for one of these jobs, I’m not on island but I’m able to work remotely, I have political experience at the highest level.

    Like 3
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  4. Give me a chance says:

    Was there a bid?

    Like 1
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  5. BuzzBvi says:

    No, no, no, no, no. Has this nation and this country gone completely mad.

  6. April Fool says:

    Once he has been to court he will be a little too busy to give advice!

  7. Rats says:

    Looking at that big piece of cheese.

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