BVI News

Willock chided for COI absence, criticises Commissioner Gary

Speaker of the HOA, Julian Willock.

House Speaker Julian Willock was chastised on Monday after being absent and neglecting to respond to a summons for him to appear before the ongoing Commission of Inquiry (COI).

Through attorney Richard Rowe, Willock was told he was in breach of the Evidence Act, after his non-appearance for a reason not covered under the law.

In explaining Willock’s absence yesterday, Rowe said the speaker had been scheduled in an arrangement planned since 2019 to address the Commonwealth Association of the House of Assembly (HOA) and was therefore engaged in a pressing matter.

Rowe had reportedly submitted in writing that his client was protected by Section 16 of the Evidence Act which allowed for the Speaker to be excused if he was engaged in a sitting of the HOA or was absent due to a meeting of the committee, among other things.

Speaker’s absence in wilful default of summons

But COI attorney Bilal Rawat said no application was made on behalf of the Speaker to vary the summons sent.

The Speaker reportedly requested to attend the COI during the afternoon session instead after first being summoned to appear in the morning.

He was subsequently rescheduled to appear this coming Friday at noon.

“I appreciate that the Speaker has other obligations and important obligations to the House of Assembly. Those obligations are effected in the Evidence Act – which means that he’s not compellable when the House is sitting and he is compellable when the House is not sitting – which means that he’s in wilful default of the summons today,” Sir Gary Hickinbottom explained.

Speaker lambastes COI, Sir Gary

Even as the discussion about his absence continued, the Speaker was at the previously-mentioned engagement where he once again denounced the COI, this time taking particular aim at Sir Gary.

Willock’s gripe in this instance appeared to emanate from a request by the Commissioner as to how submissions should be made by members of the House on questions of good governance.

“The one-man Commissioner had the audacity to ask the 15 grown adult members of the legislature to write him an essay on what is good governance,” Willock said in his speech.

“Even more insulting and disrespectful was for him to tell professional men and women that we are to use numbered paragraph with no less than 1.5 line spacing and a font size that is no less than 12 and that footnotes should be avoided,” the Speaker added.

He further complained that Sir Gary was high-handed in suggesting that any statement that does not comply, will be sent back for amendments. 

“Students nowadays in high schools and colleges are not even given such insulting instructions for a term paper,” the Speaker said.

According to the Speaker, the Commissioner continued to violate the rights of HOA members and held no regard for the schedule of the House.

Sir Gary was further accused of ignoring the HOA’s schedule which Willock alleged he was aware of in advance of issuing a summons for House members to appear this week during a House sitting.

Among other things, he further argued that the COI lost its legitimacy because items under the governor’s portfolio such as the police, and issues of spending and staffing within the Governor’s Office have been omitted out of the inquiry investigations.


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  1. Anonymous says:

    “We are to use numbered paragraph with no less than 1.5 line spacing and a font size that is no less than 12 and that footnotes should be avoided,” the Speaker added.

    “Students nowadays in high schools and colleges are not even given such insulting instructions for a term paper,” the Speaker said.

    …. these are the MOST basic requirements for a submitted essay or paper, and EVERY high school student will be have done this countless times.

    Plus, it takes about 15 seconds to make the font 12, and set your document to 1.5 spacing, and footnotes mean you have so much to say, that you can’t fit it in the actual essay.. so unlikely to be a problem here.

    Like 76
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    • humility says:

      Honestly…I seriously don’t see understand how formatting instructions can be construed as demeaning. And if the 15 members are so well-versed in good governance, writing a paper should be a breeze.

      P.S. most students ARE given these types of instructions and tasks, with penalisations if they are not followed. You are not above them, or this.

      Like 51
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    • Foolishness and Stupidness says:

      There is still an unanswered question as to whether the Counsel to the Commission of Inquiry is admitted to practice in the BVI. He is carrying on regardless, even after he was put on notice of the concern. If he is committing a criminal offence, then each occasion that he does work as a lawyer in the BVI without being admitted is an aggravating factor when it comes to sentence.

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      • @Foolishness says:

        You are apparently so stupid and uneducated that there is no hope for you. This response is for everyone that has read your garbage. AGAIN, the COI IS NOT A COURT OF LAW!! This is an inquire which does not require the presence of lawyers. AGAIN, anyone can participate that has the necessary Grey matter. You Sir obviously don’t so crawl your a**e back under the rock fro where you came

        Like 38
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        • Lawyer says:

          Lawyers practice law – this does not only mean they go to Court. The counsel to the commission was appointed by the AG to be counsel (ie lawyer) to the commission. I bet he now tries to get admitted – even the Commissioner accepted that he should be. However, at the moment he is committing a crime.

          Like 2
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      • Hot one says:

        Expect him to be quietly admitted in the next few days, and then we can all pretend that the criminal offense never happened.

        Like 1
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      • So says:

        Is it a court though? If it is then why is $5M of tax payers being used. If it’s court then there’s criminal activity and that is personal to the criminals. I am lost

        • @So says:

          The COI DOES NOT have the power to levy sentences or make final decisions. They are a body that is investigating. Once complete they will make a recommendation to the UK based upon their findings. This is not a Court of Law and again anyone can participate. Further, the BVI has an Arbitration Center where attorneys represent clients and are not admitted to the BVI Bar. Soooo learn and become wise, if possible.

        • BuzzBvi says:

          Because our politicians are well practised at wasting the VI’s money on pretty much everything. Why not waste a mere 5 Million on this. Courts coming next.

        • strupes says:

          More than 5M of tax papers money is being used to send citizen on strip club sprees, so what’s your point.

      • smh says:

        He is still here therefore he legality(rights) is obvious. Plus go read the constitution. The fact that he can summons and it be made mandatory for them to show says it all, furthermore, this is a waste of response. Ignorance in the BVI seems to be often practiced

    • Proper English says:

      I hate listening to Rowe talk

    • WOW says:

      You said it best, its standard writing instruction , however since following the COI and listening to the responses from elected members. Most responses are embarrassing , and it appears that we are led by persons with little comprehensive skills, less humility and great ignorance.

  2. Really? says:

    Utterly pathetic from Willock. The HOA members have already undertaken to assist the COI in any way possible and being invited to make representations on good governance is just an extension of this. The stuff about font size and format is standard for proceedings such as this.

    The fact that Willock sees this as some huge insult says more about him than the COI or the Commissioner.

    Like 103
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  3. Reader says:

    In ignoring the summons it would appear that Julian Willock thinks that he is above the law.

    People from overseas will be reading this nonsense and thinking that is is somehow representative of the people of BVI.

    He is an absolute embarrassment to the BVI and everyone who calls it their home.

    Like 116
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  4. This….. says:


    Like 28
  5. How? says:

    How he became the Speaker though? Such a shame for someone who thinks they are so learned.

    Like 62
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  6. Anonymous says:

    Julian Willock, The Commission of Inquiry was right in asking 15 grown adult members of the legislature to write him an essay on what is good governance because they can see all of you act like children who don’t know what they are doing, always fighting in the house, can’t find files, most of the government people who have gone before the COI can’t give straight answers don’t know where this is, will have to get back to you and all the crap that goes along with their answers. The only member of the house I have seen so far to give straight answers is Sharie B. de Castro. Julian Willock, I don’t know who you think you are, in the first place you shouldn’t be the speaker of the house because of your background so humble yourself and go with the flow you are not going to be the speaker much longer.

    Like 69
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    • can you comprehend says:

      Sharie B. de Castro. Did not give clear answers she gave politically couched answers never directly answer most. All while producing falsified documents.

  7. not again says:

    Last time the speaker decided to get into an unwarranted legal battle with a district rep. It costed tax payers and an arm and a leg. Someone tell him hold it down, if he creates unnecessary legal issues again he should pay for it himself.

    Like 63
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  8. Oh Please says:

    I am not happy for a legislator to be writing essays to the Commissioner what’s the point. It’s a complete waste of time. These are grown adults people are so blind. UK legislators would not be required to this. Instead they would be invited to come an answer questions. We are so blinded by our hate for own people that we can’t see when our people are being disrespected.

    Like 7
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  9. Bar exam says:

    The CoI commissioner has a great idea to instruct the 15 members of the HOA to write an essay on the topic of good governance.

    The essay writing should be conducted similar to the bar exam for lawyers:
    1) No electronic anything. 6 sheets of lined paper and some sharp pencils with good erasers.
    2) All 15 enter the essay room together and sit at their desk for the 3 hr. writing exercise. Start writing at 10am and pencils down at 1pm. No talking or collaboration during the essay exercise. All 15 leave the room at 1:15pm. No questions!
    3)Essay date should be next week so that all 15 have a week to study for this essay exercise.

    Like 27
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    • @Bar Exam says:

      Because they are some dunces. My 12 year old daughter can write the same essay with ease. Who doesn’t know how to write a essay? They should be made to write a 2 page cover letter as well.

    • Reality says:

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…………can’t stop laughing my a$# off.

  10. Silklaw says:

    It seems to be Willock that is instructing the j***rs at Silk Law – none of whom are in silk.

    Like 31
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  11. heckler says:

    This guy is too nuff wid heself

    Like 32
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    • Resident says:

      I’m thinking the same thing. He cones across as someone too big for his breeches!! Humble yourself man. You not Jesus!!!

      Like 2
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  12. Rubber duck says:

    I with the speaker on this one 100%

    Like 2
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  13. Whooooo!!!!! says:

    Friday is going to be epic.

    Like 23
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  14. Krazebaldheads says:

    He has a right to tell Buttonhick it is a racist COI set up by a disgruntled UK national who couldn’t get his way with the legislators. Even Ray Charles could see what is the aim of the UK, but when they root up an ants nest, they better be prepared to be bitten by red ants.
    Sick of whypopple thinking only they know how to do things.
    Chase those ballheads out of town.

    Like 3
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  15. Really says:

    Too many haters on the blog. You people are to racist.

    Like 2
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  16. Sniffn says:

    He was busy trying to get a plane ticket out of there

  17. MK says:

    @Oh Please, The government brought this on themselves, they always acting like children.

    Like 24
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  18. X says:

    I agree it is insulting and disrespectful to ask the members of the HOA to write an essay. They are not in school.

    Like 4
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  19. Come Friday says:

    Willow shall p**s them drawers.

  20. Lack of knowledge says:

    The speaker is demonstrating both a lack of knowledge and of professionalism. The formatting specified is important when digital analysis is part of the process. He needs a basic course in good manners.

    Like 3
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  21. Known Scofflaw says:

    The Commission of Inquiry should already know the that esteemed one’s current position is nothing less than political payola.
    So especially reassuring that a known scofflaw is the Speaker of our territory’s legislature.

    • And says:

      Was he not dismissed from a previous position within the government for wrongdoing????

      Like 9
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      • Oops says:

        Meant to click like

      • Known Scofflaw says:

        @And – Exactly. The “esteemed one” is too important to follow the law.
        He was allegedly fired from his top public service position for not disclosing his ownership of the “yellow” competition to this site. He’s camouflaged that ownership now.

  22. lillian says:

    most of these lawyers are corrupts facts!

  23. @ RUBBER DUCK says:


  24. Just words says:

    The members of the HOA refer to themselves as Honourable or Esteemed, they must learn that respect is earned. If they behave like an unruly mob they will be treated like one.

    Like 10
  25. Andrew says:

    Please control this outta order, wasn’t elected by the people, can’t represent the people runaway horse.

    Like 8
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  26. Better choices says:

    The BVI must make better choices and must stand up when they know that someone should not be in a particular position. Mr. Willock should have never been made Speaker of the HOA. He lacks some of the fundamental qualities required for that post and it continues to show almost daily. Why the need to be confrontational with the Commissioner? Isn’t the country already at a difficult place enough and now to have the Speaker make it worse? This is about him projecting himself to be seen and heard. Is this the type of person, with all his prior and constant indiscretions, that we think should occupy this seat at this level? But we said nothing when we knew this would happen!

  27. @ FOOLISH & STUPID - NEST says:


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    • @FOOLISH & STUPID - NEST says:

      Happy that you can portray your brits as wholesome white dives. Just wish that has a semblence of truth to it.

      Fact and truth are, the Black race and BVIslander have emulated you the european very, very well.

      They have lerned from you how to be evil, corrupt and wicked.

      Question: Does the Black man have a history as evil and wicked as yours? Isn’t it not a fact that in all developed countries corruption, nepotism and other ills are the normal every day way and manner of business, living and existing?

      So why are you so horribly disparaging your students?

  28. NKVD says:

    The secret and paid is out in force on this one.

    See no comment, on the best of intellect and day ever garners sthumbs up that we son often, including this one, on a daily.

    Who then, are they trying to pursuade or influence?

    Self engrandizement is a very poor and sheepish way of existence. What a an obvious pity.

  29. @ @ FOOLISH & STUPID-NEST says:


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