Work permit holders prohibited from entering the BVI for 30 days
The territory’s main airport on Beef Island.
Work permit holders currently not in the territory are among a special category of persons who will remain temporarily barred from entering the British Virgin Islands, even after the government-imposed curfew period is lifted on April 19.
This according to the updated Immigration and Passport (Prohibition of Entry) Order which came into effect on Tuesday, April 7.
As stated in subsection 2 of the Order, persons who are neither Belongers or ordinary residents of the BVI will be prohibited from entering the territory for a period of 30 days. This 30-day period runs from April 7 to 11:59 pm on May 7.
Other categories prohibited
Apart from work permit holders, other persons subject to this 30-day prohibition includes non-nationals who have work-permit exemptions and persons employed on contract in service of the government.
It also includes persons enjoying relevant diplomatic, consular or similar privileges by virtue of any Act, or in accordance with recognised international practice.
Husbands, wives, children or dependents of any of the aforementioned persons listed — whether travelling separately from these persons — will also be prohibited from entering the BVI during the 30-day period.
The Order also noted that this period could be extended by the Governor upon consultation with the Immigration Minister.
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It shoulda been longer if yo ask me
thank god no one asks you
@ son of the soil … Lol… I really feel sorry for you.
I expected your comment to be first and so it was.
When you die, your loved ones, if you have any will need to bury you in a country that is at least twice as big as Tortola, since you own the entire country your casket will need that much space to fit it in. If you do not change your hateful ways I know for sure that you won’t have any trouble fitting into hell with all that you plan on taking to your grave with you.
The Bible speaks of ‘sons’ like you. Fools to be exact.
These greedy people do not care what happen as long as they can make the U.S dollar. They will curse you to your grave if you get in between them and money gram. There is no law against money gram bringing back for you some of what you sent out. Console yourself,You saved for a rainy day.
I totally agree with u theg have money outside let that help them
Perfect planning
This makes no logical sense. Why 30 days? How
Work permit holders are still under the confines of immigration!! Remember u are not resident/Belongers. U still need time to reside in the ppl country. Simple at this time of so much uncertainly fly to your county of birth and say there it’s much safer for u.
Going to go back and read it because I thought the bottom part said it was ok for WP holders.
“Apart from work permit holders, other persons subject to this 30-day prohibition includes non-nationals who have work-permit exemptions and persons employed on contract in service of the government.”
It’s saying in addition to or other than work permit holders….these additional persons would also be prohibited from entering.
Great news ! There will be no work for them here anyhow.
Please let us not use this now to get into a from here not from here nonsense.
Now is not the time for that.
The government is doing this for the good of all. Let us continue to do our part to keep this territory safe.
When is the airport going to be open so someone can leave the island
You can leave on chartered flight
Exactly cuz we wouldn’t mind if we get the chance to leave to go back to our specific country of birth.
They should banned everybody from coming in if that’s the case even the belongers?
I agree, not because we are now down to 1 active case mean to let any and anybody in at this time. These people will be coming from other countries that are highly infected and can then spread quickly towards us as we’ve worked so hard to keep the contamination from spreading. Please reconsider this maybe another month till like June, then maybe the borders can be considered for reopening.
When making your suggestions think about all angles. Dont get me wrong I think it’s a great idea but think about it shortly the country will be without food container ship has to come in. I strongly think that’s one month is a test run to try get a reaction from the ppl.
Cargo vessels are not included in this ban. For the millionth time, the BVI will NOT run out of food.
And yes cargo from the islands would come. Cause they need the money.
I strongly agree with you
Will there be a cure by June? That is also not logical?
They should banned everybody from coming in if that’s the case even the belongers?
The virus doesn’t disriminate…. unlike the government.
Every government discriminates when it comes to the welfare of their citizens Yours, Mine, and look what America is doing with the medical supplies.
This is not discrimination. Usually, work permit holders have a home outside of the country. Usually. BVIlanders are not at home and can be pushed out of other countries. They will not have the same liberties outside of the country including access to healthcare. We have to care for our own first. If we bring back everyone and the US increases its embargo, how will we care for them? A country’s government has a duty to secure its citizens and visitors in its borders. They are not required to allow anyone that is not a citizen to come in.
So why stop there? Should the Government start to send home the unemployed? The Tourist Industry is at an all time low right now and many on contract are out of work? It’s like this all around the world and each Government will have to make wise choices for their citizens. Those abroad and at home and it’s not only the BVI? Persons that are unemployed and have no other choice but to return home would not want to be denied access into their country of origin? Would they?
I pray that Hon.Andrew keeps as much restrictions as possible on for the remainder of the year…Dont jus get too relaxed because 17 came back negative and jus free up the country….U will regret it Cancel all Major events for the remainder of the year where there will be large amounts of ppl cause we only kno of three ppl that had this virus but what about those we dont kno of….. Lift the lockdown but keep the pressure on the borders
i understand your plight ,but you cant put a belonger and a work permit holder in the same bracket.belonger is coming back home,while the work permit holder is probably at home.
Or perhaps this is their home and they got caught out whilst being abroad? Just because you “only” have a work permit it doesn’t mean this isn’t where your life is…
Infection has no status … both can be infected … leave the borders closed !!! End of story
Just because you aren’t born somewhere doesn’t mean it’s not your home.
Listen…I really do not let them like ‘S O T S’ bother me. They are just letting out bubbles.
God’s word says that he has placed me on this land and there is nothing that the ‘mouth runner’s’ can do about it. When God is ready for me to leave He will open the door. Meantime the doors that He has open for me, no man can shut.
@happy expat. You are one miserable expat. Cursing people to their grave and back while using God name. You should ask God for forgiveness.
You wanna be fair. Ok so you think its fair for us to be here almost case free and then the belonger comes in and set us back no really think about it. That law passed is the best law immigration ever pass in a long time. And I thinking it a direct result as to how the territory got its cases in the first place. So support the idea dont knock it we seeing the light now 1 person left to recover. Let that remain and I choose to travel I would expect and understand such measures.
The difference is, this is their country. Would you like your family and friends in your country to be saying the same thing about you?
At such a critical time for the Territory and the world, the gov. should rethink and recheck these workpermit holders. We have hundreds unemployed here, and perhaps thousands virgin islanders abroad who need a job. Something too think about.
It look like i am a work permit holder or an alien. I dont know which one i fall under.
I think the Government need to put a cease on issuing new work permit because this country can’t hold the extra burden with all these people coming into this small island. Many saw what happened with Co-vid 19, lots of persons was laid off (majority was expats) and these person is relying on the government to help them during these times. So if we open up our borders and issue new work permits and God forbid another crisis occurs thats even more persons the government have to look out for. This country don’t need no more outsiders entering sorry!!
Morons! American has repatriated 50,000 FREE travel back home just Yesterday! What are you thinking?
I need to get to my home. What about those lovely tourist dollars? A case of I’m all right Jack.
@ my opinion. Live and let your brother live. Just so God go send something on this island. If so all of you all who have kids over season studing they my ask to leave ASAP even the Premier own. Wicked set of human being.
This is the first person who needs to be repatriated. How dare you call down misfortune on the BVI!
You sound quite wicked yourself. Are you that afraid to return back home that you feel you have to act this way on the news blogs? Is things that bad at home? If so, you should be addressing your government officials with all this anger.
Be careful what you say God is going to do, be very careful? People sit in church every Sunday and learn nothing!
@my opinion… you suck. Your only concern is that your share will cut short. Just like you, everyone that works here contributes to NHI and SS, and paying there way, unlike you. So the government needs to be in a position to preserve the economy because if they ship out or deny persons from entering the territory, work permit holder (doctors, lawyers construction workers, engineers) they could be doing greater damage to the longevity of this economy.
So what do you suggest, that the government pays each unemployed persons’ salary until next year; or when and if they discover a cure in order to ensure that the economy is stabilized? Not likely. Not in the BVI, in your country, or anywhere else in the world I would assume. Work contracts are clear, and does not include NHI reimbursements for lose of employment. If that is the case then, unemployed citizens should additionally be entitled to NHI repayment, and again, not likely!
Makes no sense. Please tell me logics behind of this……tolan people selfish mehson
Need some clarification. Are we going to let in the belongers and not the expat doctor or nurse who may be living and working here for the last 19 years?
This is not good. So work permit holders who have to come back for work or fulfill their obligations whether it be rent, loans, utilities etc cannot come back again until 7th May? BVI Government this is not good. I could understand you putting a cessation on issuing new work permits but trying to push workers out of a job is ridiculous.
This is downright mean and I cannot support this. I support this Government but sorry I cannot support unfair and unjust actions.
@ my opinion. Live and let your brother live. Just so God go send something on this island. If so all of you all who have kids over season studing they my ask to leave ASAP even the Premier own. Wicked set of human being.
An isolationist attitude is very bad for the BVI.
How quick you forget the help you receive during time’s of your need.
WP holders fill the gaps you cannot, create jobs for locals, and bring in more $$$’s through tourism, your only commodity.
The islands have no natural resources, so is not self sustaining.
Close your doors and the Islands and they it will meet a swift demise in to the Stone Age.
Try and self sustain with no help for 6 months, see how far resources such as food, medicine, fuel, electricity etc etc lasts without the outside help of outside professionals and $$$’s.
Your money will dry up quickly, nothing to export, no cash to import or educate.
The above rant is at some of the ignorant isolationist and discriminatory coKent’s left. Shame n you!
A sensible, pragmatic and non-discriminatory approach to reopening your doors is what is required.
We must learn to axcept rules. Every body think that they should be special in this little country. Other countries have their own natianals out sailing around the world and would not let them in but in the Virgin Islands everybody putting preasure because everybody is entitled and then you all talk about the Virgin Islander being entitled and selfish and calling down rath on this country. These Ministers should take a page out of the books of other places and stand their ground and stop let these people intimidate them.
Don’t understand the logic behind this move, surely everyone entering the territory for the foreseeable future will quarantine for 14 days, so, when they come in is really irrelevant once the curfew is over.
Guessing the Cuban doctors won’t be allowed in then?..
They were invited.
Use the isolation to improve your spelling.
opening the airport to let people in will be biggest mistake in the bvi history belonger or non belonger
It can be done in a controlled way and allowed in if free of the virus and willing to quarantine for 14 days in BVI. It won’t be a free for all. Use your brains, please! Individuals need to come home.
Airport and ferry should be closed for 15 days more and set a curfew from 7 to 7.
i am a born virgin islsnder,i expect the country to look out for me in times of crisis but instead i am locked out of my country with no end in sight.i fell abandon.i now have a different view of my country now.thanks to the strangers i now have to rely on.
I think that persons who were in the country prior to Covid-19, should be able to return-belongers, work permitters and others!
That the government should barr their own, and those who have worked to build this country, is quite sad indeed!
Perhaps, you need to rethink your strategy, Premier!
This is not good!
Asking for a friend. Did you get paid for the work you did? Then you was building yourself and not this country.
It is the same dumb@ss question low minded virgin islanders love to put to expats to counter a reasonable statement. So..because you are paid to make a contribution, does that mean your contribution has no value or merit? The Premier is paid to be the premier. I guess his contribution has no value then? He should do it for free then. Dumb@ss!
when we give our service to any institution in whatever capacity does not mean that we become indispensable. take that attitude on any job and you will shown or thrown through the door. Even Presidents and Premiers are voted out at sometime. You too arrogant. Tell your boss never mind you paying me for my service I build your company therefore you are indepted to me. If you are an employer and your employee tell that to you I am sure you will not tolerate that.
Too many of us can only view life from the windows of ‘I’ and are not disciplined – we even can’t stay home and find something meaningful to do during lockdown.
To allow persons into the country in the immediate future would be irresponsible and a risk that should not be taken. At the end of it all “we wouldn’t have living to bury the dead”.
The Government has been tryign to do a good job with the resources in which they have.
I dont know if anyone who has commented has ever faced a virus crisislike this before and what are the true mitigations.
People are comparing aspects of this to Irma which they shouldnt totally different.
Belongers and BVI Islanders are are stuck in other countries want to return and commenting should have also included that they willl undergo mandatory testing and mandatory quarantine (not at home but at a controlled facility) but then again that would just but the front line workers at a higher risk than they currently are at).So if they think about the greater good then they will stay put until some sense of normalcy has returned.
So the travel borders should remain closed and lets wait further advice from the government.
There were lessons learnt from irma and if you observe you will see that the government (past and present) has leaarned its lesson.
Yes the government is more concerned about the safety of its on island people (BVI Ilanders, expats, belongers, work permit holders) which is admirable and any government would have done the same.
Yes many have been laid off however the government will ensure we all are taken care of.
The cargo ports are open so we will not run out of food.
Covid 19 supplies have been seized so all island or random testing which should be carried out wont be carried out untilmwe get those.
when we give our service to any institution in whatever capacity does not mean that we become indispensable. take that attitude on any job and you will shown or thrown through the door. Even Presidents and Premiers are voted out at sometime. You too arrogant. Tell your boss never mind you paying me for my service I build your company therefore you are indepted to me. If you are an employer and your employee tell that to you I am sure you will not tolerate that.
I strongly agree with you
Reading all these comments? it’s unfortunate that we still not learning from our mistakes.
We are all from one creator, we are not immune to what’s taking place around the world!!
We are fortunate to live in a country that we have limited amounts of coronavirus ;but still we do not learn?….. what will it take for us to learn?
Leave the borders closed ,give it until about May.Mr.Andrew Fahie & Mr.Jaspert thank you for doing a good job.
It comes down to balance. Open the borders and you let the virus in. Close them and you’ll you die an economic death. Either way, some will die. Such is life. I wish you all the best. I do love you all.
So if the workers come back in why not quarentine them????
Very sad if they work permits holder still have they jobs why not allow them bad in
If the work permits holder still have jobs in the bvi why not allow them back in