UPDATE: Election results, VIP wins! Walwyn not elected
The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) has been declared the winner of the 2019 General Elections after unseating the National Democratic Party (NDP) at the polls on Monday, February 25.
The VIP swept eight of the 13 electoral seats, making Andrew Fahie the next Premier of the British Virgin Islands.
The party won four district seats and four Territorial At-large seats. The VIP victors are Andrew Fahie, Kye Rymer, Dr Natalio Wheatley and Vincent Wheatley, Sharie de Castro, Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith, Shereen Flax, and Carvin Malone.
The other five seats went to Progressive Virgin Islands Movement candidate Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, Progressives United leader Julian Fraser, and the NDP’s three elected candidates Mark Vanterpool, Alvera Maduro-Caines, and NDP Deputy Chairman Marlon Penn.
Highlighted below are the victors of the 13 respective seats and their winning ballot counts.
Stephanie Brewley — 28
Andrew Fahie — 742
Sylvia Moses — 141
Carnel Clyne —465
Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull — 550
Julian Fraser — 519
Aaron Parillon — 294
Arlene Smith-Thompson — 289
Luce Hodge-Smith — 385
Karl Scatliffe — 28
Vincent Scatliffe — 24
Mark Vanterpool — 442
Elvis Harrigan — 204
Kye Rymer — 638
Wade Smith — 396
Alvera Maduro Caines — 575
John Samuel — 534
Diego Penn — 136
Kedrick Pickering — 338
Natalio Wheatley — 384
Dean Fahie — 527
Marlon Penn — 726
Jose de Castro — 63
Hubert O’Neal — 325
Vincent Wheatley — 891
Sharie de Castro — 4,778
Shereen Flax-Charles — 4,033
Carvin Malone — 3,936
Neville Smith — 4,694
Myron Walwyn — 3,335
Henry Creque — 2,799
Trefor Grant — 2,246
Sandy Underhill — 2,418
Curnal Fahie — 1,619
Ronnie Skelton — 2,639
Lesmore Smith — 1,063
Shaina Smith — 1,805
Rajah Smith — 232
Verna Smith — 278
Dirk Walters — 769
Dancia Penn — 1,607
CLICK HERE for further details of the election results.

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The people have indeed spoken. Run tell that!
Hon Fahie, please bring us together. And let’s move forward with the wistleblorer law that you promised us.
If you rerun the video you will see that the dark ouch in the 5th or 6th district was not sealed when it came to the table. The lighter pouch inside seemed to be sealed but the outer one was not.
Myron, you galvanised the electorate, unfortunately to come out and vote against you. Years of meticulous planning and scheming gone down the drain.
Fahie, not a fan but wish you the best for the BVI’s sake.
Marlon, it looks like you are the leader of the NDP now and the opposition.
Replaced one waste of time with another in the 7th.
Vincent looking forward with interest to your time in the 9th.
Sharie, Sheep, Shereen, Carvin, don’t be like the 3 VIP stooges from 2007, IPO, Flax and Vernon.
Let’s hope that Dr Wheatley drops his fake african name – the rest of the world will not be able to take him seriously. Let’s also hope that the VIP distance themselves from the Overspend and keep their distance from the Esteemed.
Please put the half Man half women f . In jail for our money
Don’t trust any politician. Unless they unscrupulously prove themself. Be wary of people in power.
Recount for 4th and 6th
Bye Bye MW
They refused to perform recounts that were requested. We goin see what happens.
@shug. None needed
Myron Wallose
Praise God
Well the people wanted change and they got change. Let’s just hope that VIP can actually do better and make positive changes…there’s a lot that needs fixing and I know it will take time. Please choose competent individuals for the ministries.
I would like to apologize to everyone in the BVI and around the entire world for the false information that I publicized on Saturday. I falsely claimed that “the leader of the Opposition Myron would try his best to hold Fahie down” and for that I sincerely apologize especially to the yet undecided leader of the opposition. To everybody that disliked my comment when I accurately stated that it is written in the books that Fahie would be our next Premier have a good night and a very happy Tuesday!!!
1,000 jobs for the 1,000 days – no pyan pyan jobs! Real jobs for the people who really work!!
Yes let us see????????
Hope he live to his word and dont bite his tongue
you guys just gonna sit and collect a pay cheque… another group of civil servants who will eat all out tax money and run the country broke again.
jobs to those that want to work and can work…
Ann (drew) of the Thousand Days.
And we know what happened to her.
Congratulations to the VIP and the Premier designee, Mr. Fahie. It has been a hard fought victory.
Also, congrats to all the other winners as well. The electorate has spoken.
Walwyn hahahahahahahhaha (deep breath) hahahahahahahahahah
BYE, BYE NDP and Walwyn
Send me jail in the same cell
So is Marlon going to be the leader of the opposition ?
who cares… he party LOOSE
Congrats Kye Rhymer!!
Let’s hope they deliver on the campaign promises. Well done to all the winners tonight
Hope?!?!?! Ain’t no time for hope. With the current state of things, they don’t have a choice but to deliver.
I am first in line O for the 1,000 jobs starting tomorrow.
Remove that speaker of the house immediately.
The director of Social Security and NHI
Get the De fretias lady from VG mehson! She ain’t bias like Ingrid.
Dancia Penn for Speaker of the House
i hope v.i.p ready for the big bad UK. yall didnt look at the bigger picture before voting smh
Listen up. We are well aware of the UK. If it means we have to say goodbye, then we say goodbye. They send us back our 11 people and we send them back their 4,000 or so people.
Its the actions of the NDP that caused the Big Bad UK to zero in on us and micro-manage us in the first place. Too much bad spending and dirty politricks. UK will implement what UK wants and its not too much that we can do, but you all caused it. That is why they are called the Mother land. They came to corale the bad NDP children for what was going on in this little Territory.
VG Massive, we are looking for awesome things
We will wait and see. I hope its not a very long wait while we wait for Awesome things
Congratulations, Marlon! And congratulations to the winners both districts and at large. To those who did not make it, thank you for making the sacrifice of undertaking such a serious and important task.
May God Bless and guide the new government and pull us back from the precipe.
Thank God WallWin is gone
This is what I was talking about. This knee jerk reaction in politics to just vote in the opposition got to stop. VIP got a manifesto of ideas that will likely be only 10 to 20% fulfilled. All the promises will more than likely not be kept. Watch and see. SMH. Why don’t people vote for substance and not fluff. Not saying NDP should have won but VIP in a landslide says something.
It was not a landslide. It was a slim margin…the opposition is larger which is what is needed.
I sure hope Myron can give Mrs. Underhill her old job back or give her a good position in his company because you encouraged her to run so you should honour your word. I sure hope Mr.Creque gets his job back as well.
She ain’t so good a principal so why should she get job back. She got that job through her ties with NDP (C****e)) so pleeeeeeeeease
He don’t have her old job to give her back!
Congrats to the VIP and all other sucessful candidates. A well fought battle. The people have spoken – the mandate is now in the hands of the VIP and the new 5 opposition members. God’s speed to you all – there is much to be done as we forge ahead to rebuild and protect the BVI that we love.
NDP& Orlando is this is your legacy? Tell us where the BVI Airline $ are. Tell us where the St Lucia contractor $ are?
The plane is in Australia, has been for a while too.
Congrats to Premier designate Andrew Fahie and the green new team. It is a new day and dawn of a new era. Winning is one thing and governing is another thing altogether. The territory is faced with a myriad of challenges so there is no honey moon for the green new team and it has to hit the ground sprinting, working from a plan and prioritizing actions. Celebrate tonite, for the hard work starts tomorrow morning.
The expectations will be high for the new government; the challenge will be meeting the high expectations with limited resources. The electorate job is not over; it cannot go in hibernation; it must stay engaged to ensure government is transparent, responsible and accountable.
You could not have said it better. First of all congrats to the the new Government. I am a VIP supporter and I don’t vote for no promises which I know a lot of persons voted because they were given personal promises.
Andrew the BVI is in a sad state of affairs…get to work no foolishness, nippicking, victimizations etc. we need to stand together. The British looking to take over so it’s “we” against them.
Get to work.
Congratulations to VIP!!! Premier Fahie, thank you for giving us a beautiful and humble First Lady with no concubines.
Yes,I am happy that Andrew won, However, that comment about concubines was so unnessary.
District 3 results are very interesting. The two losers’ combined got more votes than the winner. I wonder what would have happened if they did not split the vote.
I would not read into that as you are assuming that either person would have gotten the votes that the other person did, which was unlikely. The people clearly voted for Fraser.
While NDP was busy trying to make the election a two party election the difference seem to come from a formidable third party PVIM. If NDP was still united the votes might have swung a different direction. VIP supporters mostly went all the way but with a fractured NDP the votes that may have gone towards NDP were divided between PVIM and NDP. Last election the 4 NDP At large candidates won with mid 5000 to near 6000 votes with Myron (5,777) as the highest vote getter. This year Sharie had the most votes with 4778 almost 1000 less than Myron had the previous election. Roughly 4000 votes went between Lesmore, Shaina and Curnal Fahie. Without PVIM those votes more likely would have stayed with NDP and the numbers may have resembled last election. Myron had well over 2000 votes less than he did last election the difference went to the PVIM members. He fell about 600 short from being elected this year.
The political tide waxes and wanes. In 2015 general election, Myron Walwyn, former At Large member and current chairman of the NDP, was the leading vote getter. However, in the 2019 general election, he failed to make the cut, promoted as being the potential favorite as the next premier. The lesson here is that voters have the power and that votes cannot be counted before they are cast.
The VIP led by Andrew Fahie (R-1 elect) captured 8 of 13 seats and is the apparent winner of the election and should form the next government. It was not an overwhelm mandate but a win nonetheless. Congratulations to the VIP. Saddled with a host of problems, the VIP will have the daunting task of leading the territory during the most challenging period in its history. Thus, there is no time to celebrate. It must get to work on Day 1 putting plans, programmes, policies……etc in place to lead the territory through and out of the rough seas ahead. Much hope, dreams, expectations…….etc are being put on the shoulders of the VIP. It must produce positive outcomes.
Moreover, as minimum, it must be effective steward of financial resources. The VIP is being tasked with rebuilding the territory after the destruction by hurricanes in September 2017. The rebuilding effort must be from a plan, not from the seat of the pants. Now that the election is over all residents must join in the rebuilding effort. Further, some civilian servants and statutory body employees that resigned their positions to compete for seats in the HOA (serving the residents in a different capacity) should be allowed to compete for their old positions, if they so desire.
What kind of nightmare is this? Did the PVIM took votes from the NDP? How can this happen?
NDP had the best leader. When you compare Fahie’s ideologies vs Walwyn one would be able to see that. But nooo, ya’ll want Fahie as Minister of Finance (and Premier)! Well take Fahie in yall mahdem skin. Yall think the NDP was corrupt? Hold on to your pants buckle and hope worst is not yet to come.
You are such a fool, you can’t see further than your nose. Your last sentence is 1000% accurate though. VIP ALL THE WAY!!
You sound SALTY!!! LOL
@ Mehson! First of all, God gives and He takes away. Stop wishing for bad for our territory and pray. At the end of it all, things had to change whether you agree or disagree. We could not and decided NOT TO GO on with the NDP Government.
Thank you Lord for draining the swamp. No more of the bald head dictator. The people of Virgin Islands has spoken.
Congrats Hon. fahie and VIP. Yessssss, Sowande…. Yes, Vincent, yesssss….yesssssss Kai, yesssssss VIP At Large members…yayyyyyy
Sad day for the BVI.you herd it first here.
The machines was rig.
We DO NOT want CSC as speaker
Andrew you have been WARNED again
You can’t stop that. He was promised it. He helped us win this election. His wife will be giving the position former first vacate. So smoke that. We must unite election is over.
Arlene or Luce would be an excellent speaker of the House.????
Congratulations BVI. You have elected a money l——- as your premier.
Let’s Unite and help move the Terrtory Forword. Renounced the Negativity and replace with the notion of positive transgression in obtaining a vibrant and vibracious BVI.
The Electors cannot do it alone! No Man works alone in getting the Job done!
Sharie or Sowande for Education Minister
Carvin Malone for Communication and Works
Premier normally goes to Finance anyways
Kye Rymer Junior Minister of Trade
Wheatley or Sheep for Natural Resources & Labour
Shereen or Sheep Junior Minister of Tourism
Health Minister – up for grabs
Everybody got a Ministry though
Yes Hon Andrew…starting with Sandy, Henry and Trefor…that’s 3 today alone!
Don’t forget Carnel, Luce, Byron, Arlene and John .. that would make 8 jobs today alone!
Grave mistake. The best thing for the territory at this point would have been a coalition government. Guess you all forgot why you voted out VIP only 8 years ago ;only to put them back in a time time this. NDP May not have been perfect but we saw considerable growth in there time in office compared to VIPs tenure. Watch and see that none of the lavish ideas VIP sold you will come to past.
BVI loaded with below average intelligent people.
And you must be the wisest a$$ ever
You are the most below average intelligent fool here.
Does anyone else notice that the Opposition is stronger than the Government to be formed. Andrew be wise for the country and get some of the Opposition members with experience on your side.
Congrats to all the winners.
I can recall on the campaign trail Myron Walwyn said to Andrew Fahie “If you think you are popular run at Large”. The irony of that statement is that MW thought he was popular and his popularity would get him elected. Well I guess the voters have spoken in no uncertain terms. Popularity is overrated when the populous is frustrated and lost trust in the government. It is now so sad the Myron Walwyn is out of the House of Assembly and is now is the “dog house”. Congrats VIP.
He challenged Andrew to come out of District 1 and run at Large, but Andrew sent 4 Newbies after him and they tore him to shreads. Suppose Andrew had taken him up on his challenge! He would have killed that Trushie dead on arrival.
Patience is a virtue. Aggressive and impatience action cause a split in the NDP and resulted in a crushing defeat at the polls, losing 8 seats from its 2015 , 11 seat tally. However, the party split was not the only cause of the shellacking at the polls; poor financial stewardship, failure to show outcome, failure to improve critical physical infrastructure, fear and division, subtracting from base, failed Machiavellian tactics….. etc.
Ok. The past is water under the bridge, spilled milk……..etc. Now the VIP has a Herculean task to right the ship of state. It has to approach the task like eating an elephant, ie, one piece at a time. It must have a strategic plan to address the array of problems. Picking the low hanging fruit should be easy pickings. The bigger problems requires climbing the tree, which is more challenging. Lots of head scratching promises were made during the heated campaign. Some were pure nonsense.
Going forward an effective plan is needed. A master plan is needed and all other pains should dove tail with the master plan. The celebration is over; there is hard work to do to right the tilting ship. Let’s get at it. We ( voters) got our eyes on you and will not tolerate any nonsense. Do crap and you too will be kicked to the curb by peaceful agitation, protest, advocacy……etc. ????????????
Will there be commission of inquire? We need to find out what happen to the missing money from the Pier Pack project and the Sewage Project.
Congratulations! God is with you, as you with him..in all your ways acknowledge God and he will direct your way. Be strong and courageous, let not your hands be weak, and your works will be rewarded!
Mrs Myron Walwyn a heart felt thank you for what you have done for the education system and this country.
And for helping so many young people, some of them have not forgotten your kindness. You’re very intelligent and committed to this country, it’s a pity all they see is your parent’s nationality. They fail to see you’re a citizen of this country.
At the end of the day the fight was more like a personal vendetta to me.
Anyways,HAT’S OFF TO SIR! And good luck with all your future endeavors.
I want to see AF represent us internationally on a global scale… I like him but I am so sorry ppl he is not ready for this post. He need to really humble himself, pray and ask God for direction. I think it is wise for him to ask Myron to be his international adviser on global affairs!! Let’s work together and use the resources that we have. if we are really one country… let’s see you go beyond party and put those well deserving of the job in place.