BVI News

$100K to clear garbage site in Paraquita Bay

The cost to remove the pile-up of garbage at the dumpsite in Paraquita Bay on Tortola has been estimated at $100,000.

Acting Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Greg Massicote, gave that indication while addressing the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) late last year.

The 2020 report on the SFC meeting said the sum was not budgeted for in 2019.

When asked for a timeframe for the said garbage site to be cleared, Massicote stated that the cleanup process would begin once funds became available in 2020.

The dump comprises a considerable about of metallic waste believed to be debris collected after the onslaught of hurricanes Irma and Maria back in September 2017.

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  1. Cost says:

    How did they come up with that price? $ 100K just to take this to Pockwood? Is govt also buying the trucks….?

    Like 13
  2. Please says:

    Whatever you do, please Please PLEASE dont bring it to West End to burn. We are being suffocated as it is.????

    • Banco says:

      I live towers and it’s gotten much better. I haven’t had a problem for long time now. Not sure what they done but it definitly not bad now.

  3. Useless gov. says:

    Everything government does cost up in the thousands or millions, yet a regular Joe gets it done without Soo much to spend. Misuse of public funds cause ain’t them gotta earn it.

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