BVI News

$100M loan bill came to thwart our no-confidence vote — Walwyn

Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn has accused the government of introducing a resolution to borrow $100 million for infrastructural projects as a ploy to thwart an impending no-confidence motion from the Opposition.

During a House of Assembly debate on the loan resolution on Thursday, September 26, Walwyn argued that the bill lacked the necessary details for transparency.

“This thing was rushed. It was rushed to cut off the vote of no confidence. That is why it is as terrible as it is,” Walwyn stated, also criticising the government’s ongoing beautification and roadwork efforts.

“Bush cutting [happens] in town after 10 pm. You couldn’t get the bush cut at all, now they’re cutting bush at midnight,” he continued.

He added that the roads are being paved hastily to evade the repercussions of the no-confidence vote.

“All because you have a vote of no confidence coming and because they don’t want to be held accountable for their stewardship, they are now hustling to do a lot of things they should have done before,” Walwyn commented.

Other members of the Opposition, including Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton, echoed the sentiment that while they do not believe the loan is the best course of action, it requires more detail as a demonstration of good governance.

READ: Skelton criticises government’s resolution for $100M loan

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley successfully removed an Opposition-led no-confidence motion from the House of Assembly’s (HOA) agenda on September 3. The Premier argued that the Opposition did not follow the correct procedure.

Premier Wheatley cited Standing Order 23, which outlines the HOA’s procedure for submitting motions. He explained that the motion had been improperly placed on the order paper because it was not handed to the Clerk of the House, as stipulated by the rules. Instead, the notice was emailed to the Speaker, who shared it with the Clerk. The Premier stressed that this technical error invalidated the motion.

The Opposition’s no-confidence motion included 20 clauses detailing reasons why the current government should be disbanded.

Despite this setback, the Opposition still plans to initiate a motion of no confidence against Dr Wheatley’s administration in hopes of dissolving the House of Assembly and calling for an election.

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  1. Cindy says:

    What a l** go back Antigua

    Like 12
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    • @Cindy says:

      I would rather stay far away from a pit bull or a man looking like that.

      People taking the care of themselves, family, future of self and the people, and the economic stability and sustainability of country for GRANTED.

      Like 1
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  2. ???? says:

    looking power bad is why you talking so much

    Like 17
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  3. Well saw says:

    The powers at be really hell bent in putting this country in debt. Because some of this money could have come from other places. There is a nasty game playing and its on the people.

    This administration not to mention the Ministry of Finance is incapable of properly spending this money. The people need to open their eyes and stop this ship we are heading straight for an iceberg.

    Like 27
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  4. Damn if you do, damn if you don’t says:

    This ba*a man always pick on something to talk muck.

    They can afford to cut the grass at night because we have enough traffic stalls in the day. Why the hell you don’t got help them and stop talking grass and smoke some instead?

    By the way it wasn’t you who was bla bla blaming the same government about them not taking the UK backing loan????? They have another avenue and now you squealing like a pig! Better yet a R*T cause when there is cheese and you can’t get your d**ty hands on it you will squeal! LOL

    Like 12
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  5. LO says:

    This man always coming up with some far fetch theory . The loan was spoken about way before the “no confidence “ even came about. . Most will jump on your band wagon.. not me.. I stay woke! You won’t fool me Myron. Power is what you seek but be careful! You saw what happen to you last time. You got your A** handed to you and end up with no position. You push out poor Almera and come back with your same bu**y attitude and l**s . I hope people see you for what and who you really are. A bu**y seeking power ! You have no place in BVI politics! Def not as our premier !

    Like 13
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  6. He can almost taste it says:

    This individual, with his unbridled ambition for the premiership, is clutching at every conceivable opportunity, betraying an insatiable appetite for power. He now finds himself outmaneuvered by the young Premier, who is revealing a strategic acumen far beyond what was originally expected. Even if the no-confidence motion were to succeed—which it assuredly will not—the opposition has shown itself to be utterly inept in the basic competencies of teamwork and collaboration. Their inability to unify behind a single leader exposes their disorganization and incapacity to govern. This spectacle of political disarray only serves to underscore their unsuitability for leadership.

    Like 14
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  7. Kingfish says:

    Landscaping would be a better choice than ” bush cutting”.

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  8. BuzzBvi says:

    Best none of these so called leaders get their grubby hands on any more money.

    Like 10
  9. Interesting says:

    It’s clear to me that even if a no-confidence motion is brought to the HOA, it will not pass unless someone from the Government’s side cross the isles, and I don’t see that happening.

    The Opposition simply does not have the votes; nevertheless a strong statement from the Opposition would have been sent.

    With regards to the allegation that the roads are being paved hurriedly and bush are being cut after 10pm to head off an anticipated no confidence vote, is it possible that these things are being done because of the pressure and criticism from the Opposition and public at large as oppose to the government’s fear of a no-confidence vote?

    IMO, I personally don’t care what hour the bush are cut or how fast our delipidated roads are being repaired. Their repair is long overdue, and they cannot be paved fast enough for me.

    Same thing for the bush cutting. If they have to cut them all night, let them do so. Quite frankly cutting the bush at night makes some sense as the risk to the workers, drivers and pedestrians is limited.

    The only issue I would have with cutting bush at night is inadequate lighting. I don’t want to wake up the next day with a bad bush cut. If the workers can’t see at night, I hope they are provided with all the lighting they can get to get the job done.

    It’s about time something is done about the terrible roads we have been driving on for years. So if the government for what ever reason finally realize they have to fix the roads, I say hurry up, and keep it moving.

    IMO, this criticism is nothing more than politics. The thirst for power is at it’s roots. Darn if you do; darn if you don’t.

    Get on with it by any means necessary, fast or by night. Get it done. I personally don’t care about the how’s and whys.

    Like 18
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  10. Well said says:

    Thank you for you objective analysis always balanced and precise.

    Like 6
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  11. Debtor says:

    My concern is how is it anticipated to pay back over 18 years this loan?

    Is it:

    T A X E S?

    We borrow to pay off other loans and when this one matures and we have to pay 6.5% interest rates with no clear new revenue streams and the infrastructure collapsing along with the quality of life for residents!

    We need fresh elections and we want them SOON!

    Like 8
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    • @ Debtor says:

      $100 mil at 6.5% over 20 years means a monthly note of $745k, or about $ 9 million per year. Total interest payment over life of loan works out to be around $ 79 million. Unclear to me where the money to pay for this will come, or what happens if the govt, which has defaults on payments. Given its poor fiscal record, the next question is who is lending the money?

    • @debtor says:

      Only taxes and revenue raised by departments can do this so yeah tax payers are required to foot the bill. Get ready

  12. jungle says:

    thou doth protest too much.

  13. Wait ayo will see!! says:

    Look at the houses built by Social Security What happen there?
    Retiref Elderly can hardly make ends meet but their money is used else where
    Raise the yearly- monthly percentage

    Look and see how he will spend the loan

    Cronies will put $10,000.00 projects to cost on papet 40 thousand pfojects and the contractor and the cronies will split the rest among them ,
    Yes it goes on all the time

    Slick corruption

  14. @ CINDY says:

    Wiggo stop using the girl’s name to disguise yourself we all know it’s you trying ah ting to put one against the other , go play with your WIG

    Like 1
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  15. 1st district original says:

    @interesting, if this is you in Miami jail. Stay the fxxx out BVI politics, you are one of the reasons we are here. And if you still advising that set of 8 graders you left behind, STOP!!

    Like 8
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  16. How much? says:

    What are the terms of this alleged loan? Public is entitled to know since they will ultimately be paying for it.

  17. Transparency says:

    The opposition preach transparency but when the NDP was in power they were as opaque as a turtle shell- zip it Walwyn.

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  18. Don't Do It says:

    Taking this amount loan for 18 years in this economic climate does not make sense. It will stifle the VI’s finances and sink us in deficit spending where we will have no voice to demand any sort of political advancement. This is the same ploy the 400 million from UK was designed to accomplish looks like we have been convinced to put the noose around our necks because of being shortsighted. The ones who are willing to put us in this predicament are only seeing a bag of money to make them look good most likely they won’t be in office when we are burdened with the repayment on top of many other obligations that are strangling us. It is a trap don’t do it. Do what you can afford little by little and be very prudent and cautious with finances. The party is over and the world is in trouble DON’T DO IT.

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  19. Mmm! Wake up my people says:

    My people, half of that 100M dollar’s loan will be going to the company who received the contract for the so called fixing of the roads and the other half will used for recurring expenses and some will be going in family, friends and cronies pockets.
    So please don’t get fooled.

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