BVI News

14 new officers sworn in to RVIPF

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Eleven new constables and three auxiliary officers were sworn in as the newest members of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) on Monday.

The 14 new recruits now join four already serving auxiliary officers. All 18 now form the fifth cohort of locally trained police officers. Those four existing auxiliary officers will now complete the training to become police constables.

Meanwhile, the new recruitment class is made up of eight Virgin Islanders/Belongers and six persons from other Caribbean countries.

“Two of the recruits were former cadets of the VI Cadet Corps. Three are training to be auxiliary officers. All 18 will begin a challenging six-month basic police training programme with early morning exercises and full days of class instruction,” the RVIPF said on Tuesday.

“The training curriculum will cover the foundation of policing in both theory and practice and include on all aspects of law enforcement. Lectures will be held at the Marine Centre of H.L Stoutt Community College. Inspector Beverly James will coordinate all in-class instruction,” the police further said.

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  1. K says:

    Police. Three grandma auxiliaries joined the force waaaw .

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    • Susan says:

      K sounds like you jealous, whomever the grandma are you not sure if you will ever come to be a grandma instead of commenting and saying negative comments just some simple congratulations would have been much nicer. ladies don’t mind the negativity congratulations to all of you.

  2. Brave Women says:

    Yahhh we have some brave women.Please make sure ayo patrol so i can see you all. I looking a police girl friend.

  3. The Nation says:

    WHERE ARE THE MEN???????

  4. LOL says:

    Put C***wood to train them

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