BVI News

Andrew Fahie sworn in as Premier

Photo from Governor Jaspert’s Twitter account.

Andrew Fahie has officially been sworn in as the new Premier of the British Virgin Islands.

Governor Augustus Jaspert swore in the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) leader on Tuesday afternoon, fewer than 24 hours after the party won a majority eight of the 13 seats that were contested at the 2019 General Elections.

At least two other elected VIP candidates, Territorial At-Large representative Carvin Malone and Seventh District representative Dr Natalio Wheatley were present to witness the swearing in.

Who will become Deputy Premier?

What now remains is for Governor Jaspert to appoint five elected representatives to sit as government ministers on the Fahie administration.

According to Section 52(2) of the Virgin Islands Constitution “ministers shall be appointed by the governor in accordance with the advice of the Premier from among the elected members of the House of Assembly”.

The constitution further said the governor, acting in accordance with the advice of the Premier, shall also appoint one of the ministers as Deputy Premier.

Speaking with BVI News after the VIP’s victory Monday night, Fahie said, up to that point, he had not decided who he will recommend as his deputy.

The full 13 elected representatives

The VIP won four district seats and four Territorial At-large seats. The VIP victors are Fahie, Kye Rymer, Dr Natalio Wheatley, Vincent Wheatley, Sharie de Castro, Neville ‘Sheep’ Smith, Shereen Flax-Charles, and Carvin Malone.

The other five seats went to Progressive Virgin Islands Movement candidate Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull, Progressives United leader Julian Fraser, and the NDP’s three elected candidates Mark Vanterpool, Alvera Maduro-Caines, and NDP Deputy Chairman Marlon Penn.

The four successful At-Large candidates in the 2019 General Elections. From left: de Castro, Smith, Flax-Charles, Malone.

Pictured from left to right in numerical order of district, the nine successful district candidates in the 2019 General Elections.


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  1. Accra says:

    he obviously was not prepared for this win

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  2. BVI People says:

    Lets get the ball rolling, we have to work together. I did not vote them in but there are now our government. Lets give them a chance and keep our eyes open.

    Like 36
  3. Please says:

    Encourage him to lose the pounds!

    Like 28
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  4. Hmmm says:

    He couldn’t ✋ (wait)

    • Neither could we given the mess says:

      Yes he couldn’t and shouldn’t wait given the mess we’re in. You sound so silly, don’t you understand the ness the country is in, don’t you think there’s work to be done? How long did you want him to wait, before you criticize him of not getting works started. Look! You’re mad and jealous of his victory, I get it but our country shouldn’t suffer because your still emotional over the loss. Anyway… Big shout out for our Premier, Hon. Fahie

      Like 4
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  5. BVI says:

    You know the sad problem is we take politics to personal. Crab in a barrel mentality. Regardless of which party you support at the end of the day its about moving the country forward. And we the people have to hold whoever we hired (voted for) accountable.

    Like 12
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    • BVI says:

      I’m sorry BVI2, the people of this country takes their personal feelings to the pole and do not choose people who are capable, we vote by anger and personal hate. Both the NDP & VIP supporters are guilty hence why we cant get it right.

      Like 6
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  6. Anonymous says:

    Sad that in the interest of change though, we selected a group of individuals, not all, who are solely for self.

    Like 7
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  7. why says:

    Bad idea putting VIP back in power. You all forgot why you put them out. Look all the money funneled into their campaign. Only now you’ll see corruption. Andrew is a decent person (or so it seems) but he is not the leader you need. Well I hope I’m wrong for the sake of the territory but the next four years will tell. They better not use NDP as an excuse because we were on our way up.

    Like 6
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    • Stupppsssss says:

      Pure BS+!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT THE F@#$ UP

      Like 3
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    • Go sit dung says:

      Oh pleeeeeeeease you can’t be serious! Who we needed for Premier, a thief, liar, con-man, a snake with an arrogance and ego bigger than his head?! I was so afraid for my blessed BVI but God has the last say. The people saw through all h– antics and guile, trying to divide so — can conquer SMH, what kind of Premier could come from such a –. No respect for authority or our constitution…c’mon, give me a break, — is where he deserves to be…. Out of our Government. The people’s voice was heard loud and clear now go sit dung!

      Like 3
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  8. Good day says:

    Congratulations are in order

  9. rastarite says:

    It’s a big job. I hope he can handle it.

  10. King says:

    Why is it taking so long to choose a Deputy and ministers? Trouble in the camp?

    Like 3
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    • M says:

      This is not long! Election was Monday, premier sworn in yesterday and we expect his announcement today. He has capable persons, all he needs to do is, strategistically place them in areas to capitalize on their strenghts.

  11. Reality says:

    Yes they have problem forming. When the previous government won the next day they formed the government.

    School children said they still discussing ministerial post.

    That should have been decided before.

  12. Women says:

    I guess with so much spewing we didnt realise that the House will have more women representatives than it has ever had before. ????

  13. Please says:

    Honorable Premier Andrew Fahie, please put someone in the Ministry of Health and Social Development to control the Social Security Board. Please stand up to Ro——t little boy who bought a set of land with we tax payers money and was steady giving all the jobs to J—– as his favor to Ro—– for what he did when he was at Ba—-. Please, please retire Antoinette. She has done her time. She is unp——- and d———. It’s time for her to step down and allow for fresh and new blood with new perspectives and who knows how to lead and love their staff. The woman and the chairman is reigning t—- on the staff. Please arrange the Board and retire Antoinette gracefully. New direction!!

    Like 4
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    • The Best says:

      It sound like you want to spend the hard working people of the BVI Social Security money and she wouldn’t let you.

      How are you doing financially?

  14. Disgusted says:

    I don’t see why you guys complaining about the man’s weight. Obesity is not an Andrew Fahie’s problem, it’s a Tortola problem. Most of you who talking ain’t the picture of health yourself. Smdh.

    Like 4
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