BVI News

Anguilla confident of COVID aid from UK as BVI scrapes for similar favour

As the BVI continues to experience challenges in securing a hurricane recovery ‘loan guarantee’ that the UK offered nearly three years ago, another British Overseas Territory in the region, Anguilla, is being positioned to get more UK aid to bolster its economy amid shortfalls brought on by COVID-19.

Britain had given Anguilla 60 million pounds of UK aid to fund infrastructure development after Hurricane Irma, and its governor, Timothy Foy has said he is confident Britain will give additional funding to assist with the pandemic. 

In a recent interview with The Anguillian Newspaper, Governor Foy said Anguilla will need more aid to top up the country’s 2021 budget and carry out further infrastructural projects in the territory.

Governor Foy expressed that he believes the UK will do its best to grant Anguilla these much-needed funds.

“I think there is a recognition in the United Kingdom that they have a responsibility to Anguilla and they will do their best to make sure it is delivered. Things are quite tight, and Britain itself is suffering, but we have responsibilities and have to deal with those,” Governor Foy said.

The Anguillan governor said he is already engaged in talks with the UK to receive additional aid. He revealed that Anguilla’s premier, Dr Ellis Webster is also engaged in talks to secure these funds before the end of 2020.

“I know Dr Webster is in contact all the time with the Foreign Office and he clearly has a good relationship with the Minister – and other people in the Overseas Territories Directorate – so I know a conversation is happening now. I expect that both parties will look to finalise any arrangements well before the end of the year because Anguilla needs to have the certainty and that is important,” Governor Foy explained.

UK doesn’t want Anguilla to borrow

Governor Foy also confessed that he believes the UK would rather give Anguilla aid, than have the territory borrow funds from other sources. He said Anguilla is already heavily indebted and Britain doesn’t want to add to the financial burden.

“It is a very clear argument with the British government – and they accepted it readily – that borrowing is not really the thing Anguilla needs. I am sure they would look at borrowing if [the Anguilla government] wish to make that suggestion. But I think that, equally, they will just be as happy to provide a sufficient grant to remove the necessity to borrow if that was to come,” Governor Foy assured.

Similar hopes for BVI?

News of Anguilla’s confidence in receiving future aid from the UK raises questions about whether there are similar possibilities for the BVI.

Like Anguilla, the BVI faces similar struggles due to COVID-19. But recently, Premier Fahie said his administration has made multiple requests for COVID-19 help to the UK government — the majority of which were either declined or left unanswered.

“We were asking for funding to help with the social issues. In the early stages when we were asking … for assistance with test kits, in the early stages when putting military was not even a thought, that was the one offer on the table.”

Similarly, in 2017, the UK Government rejected a request to provide direct grants for reconstruction to the BVI. It said the territory is too rich to receive international aid despite the devastation of the September 2017 hurricanes.

A year later, the UK offered to stand as a loan guarantor for the BVI if it needed to borrow to rebuild. Negotiations to get that loan guarantee is still ongoing. In an update back in February 2020, Premier Fahie said he was optimistic about getting the guarantee. The offer is still yet to be confirmed.


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  1. Corruption says:

    No more money to the corrupt and racist government of the BVI, the only term that came with the loan was full transparency, BVI government didn’t see any benefit of this (ie couldn’t fill the pockets of a few) yet the belongers think the UK government is their enemy, also known as being blinded

    Like 45
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  2. Want2Kno says:

    What’s the BVI’s plan? The Premier said they were “planning to open in November” but seems he didn’t tell the stake holders who are most impacted…its that because there’s really no plan to speak of?

    Like 41
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    • To want2kno says:

      You are really asking foolishness. Where is Anguilla plan? They have none. They are fully under the control of the UK especially financially, the BVI is not so go get your FACTS straight!

      Like 6
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      • Want2Kno says:

        If government REALLY had a plan, wouldn’t have they been touting it, even if it had to change? The Premier casually mentioned that they were thinking of opening in November.

        The tourism sector which is most affected had NO idea of such a plan. One just can’t announce they will ‘open in November’ and the stakeholders are unaware. People have to plan and prepare…

        There are people who want to come to BVI but have to keep changing plans because BVI HASN”T announced a plan!!!

        Like 25
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  3. Easy says:

    Anguilla has a leader and Government with sense. BVI has a big stupid b***y who has been waiting for this power for YEARS and cannot help himself. Time alone………

    Like 45
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  4. WOW says:

    Anguilla should never be compared to the BVI. The UK is playing too much games in the middle of the Health pandemic.

    Like 6
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  5. Clearly says:

    Why is the UK trying to put one OT against the next? They really believe in divide and conquer.

    Like 4
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  6. LOL says:

    The Governor is really favoured by this site against the Government

    Like 3
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  7. Information says:

    BVI news please do us a favor and print how many Coronavirus cases we have now in the UK and how many deaths.

    Like 5
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  8. Fahie . Messed .Up says:

    If Fahie would not be continuously fighting with the UK and the Governor we would be in a better position to receive support, aid and assistance to deal with the aftermath of Irma and Covid-19!

    Like 38
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  9. :) says:

    I so sick of ayo with this Government don’t have a plan story. Most people had big plans for this year. Flights were booked, vacation days booked, Dates were circled, plans were made and not one happened and had nothing to do with anything BVI government did. I had no thoughts of the pandemic lasting so long when it was first caught my attention in March. We actually laughed at the idea of this “flu” affecting our plans which were over 5 months away. Then one by one, the villa owners cancelled bookings, Airlines cancelled the flights, Countries closed their borders and that was it for our plans made in January. We even went to plan B which was we still have BVI festival and that too was affected. The pandemic has been fluent. Plans can be made then there is a spike then it’s back to the drawing board. The government already made plans to revoke curfew which they did and that had to change when the donkeys ran wild.

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  10. Bell Claude says:

    Make Claude shut up so we can get some Aid as well !. We need to respect the Governor’s post even if we don’t agree with him !

    Claude only chatting a set of ****. Bout gangster summit

    Like 39
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  11. Co***** VIP says:

    The UK will always support its Overseas Territories. All the UK needs is knowledge that the money is being spent on those in need, and not lining the pockets of politicians and their friend. The UK will never get that reassurance under [us].

    Like 40
  12. lanvcaster says:

    Yiu sww all yhe talk by CLAUDE SJELTON CLINE is a bloker from England to the BVI Skelton yhis is just the begibibg of sowwrs through you CLTNe

    Like 1
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  13. Doh says:

    Anguilla is better organized at having their hand out. BVI is terrible at begging.

    Step it up as we are drowning in poverty.

    Like 14
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  14. Jokes says:

    Is it true the BVI is the only place that has not announced any concept of an opening? How can their be any planning by crucially needed visitors?
    No leadership at all!

    Like 20
  15. Lmao says:

    Anguilla is inhabited by smart people. They don’t speak ill of the hand that feeds them. They don’t spout their racism towards whites. They have a government that knows how to lead. So guess what!! The UK helps them. The Belonger needs to learn to keep his uneducated mouth shut and maybe the U.K. would take a different approach to the BVI.

    Like 32
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    • Lolllll says:

      So you would think. Once UK in total control they will help.

      I can tell you the BVI is not a racist place so you mind the stupid blogging of a few.

      Like 3
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  16. @ Corruption says:

    It’s an all black government ms may and gus so they can’t be racist

    Like 1
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  17. Should have accepted it says:

    Had the military aid been accepted, the smugglers likely wouldn’t have got in with Covid! That would have been worth more than anything, because the economy could have fully reopened. The British knew what was needed.

    Like 22
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  18. Forward ever Backward never says:

    BVI is having difficulties getting aid from the UK because of the jacka**es we have negotiating for us. Big mouth CSK who is just looking out for self and the Premier who only have the backs of friends and cronies. Honesty, Transparency and Integrity is out the window. This territory will always end up behind the eighth ball.

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