BVI News

Babies, small children, teens, and elderly among BVI’s COVID cases

The latest COVID-19 figures from the Ministry of Health show slightly more than 10 percent of the territory’s COVID-19 cases are infants and small children.

The latest figures were shared by the Minister for Health Carvin Malone in his live COVID-19 update on Wednesday, September 16.

Of the 69 positive COVID-19 cases found in the territory, Malone said the majority of the persons who tested positive were between ages 21 and 59. But he expressed concern that young children, teens, and elderly BVI residents contracted the virus as well.

He said seven COVID cases were between the ages of 10 months and 10 years, three cases were between the ages of 10 and 20 years, and three COVID cases were over the age of 60.

Local statistics also indicate that slightly more males have tested positive for the virus than females.

The minister said 52 percent of the overall positive cases were males. This percentage represents just about 36 males.

In the meantime, 81 percent of people who contracted COVID-19 got it from someone else.

The remaining 19 per cent of the positive cases were found among returning individuals and residents seeking healthcare.

According to Malone, Tortola had 64 of the positive cases detected in the BVI while the remaining 5 were found on Anegada.

COVID-19 Statistics
Confirmed cases – 69
Active cases – 28
Recoveries – 40
Deaths – 1
Number of Persons Tested – Over 4,000

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  1. Just asking says:

    Yesterday the government said 22 active.

  2. Yawn says:

    More fear mongering. Positive testing but they are going about life as if nothing happened but we should all be scared, stay home and starve because the economy is now in the s**t.

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    • @yawn says:

      EVERYONE’s economy is bad; ours is particularly bad because our only natural resource is the beauty of the place and it’s people…if a large percentage of our population hadn’t towed the Trump line eschewing masks, social distancing and gatherings, we would now be working on a way to welcome long term tourism for the season. But NO! our own greed and anti-science memes got in the way of any hope for economic salvation.

  3. Wondering says:

    So, they opened DAY CARE? Can’t fix stupid.

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  4. covid says:

    Once a parent is tested positive, at our hospital here in New Zealand we automatically treat the babies and young children under their care as positive also.

  5. jelly bean says:

    According to Malone, Tortola had 64 of the positive cases detected in the BVI while the remaining 5 were found on Anegada.

    So Anegada not in the BVI? Sorry Anegada you have been removed. LOL

    • Smurf says:

      @jellybean, see just how dimb and backward these small island people are? No wonder they still making cakes with brown sugar, and molasses peas soup.

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