BVI News

Biker pulls gun on cops following accident on dual carriageway

To the actual gunman or firearm mentioned in the article.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has arrested a male scooter rider who pulled a gun at police officers during a daylight incident on Thursday, August 19.

A RVIPF media release issued this morning said things unfolded around midday when officers of the East End Police Station visited the scene of a lone scooter accident near Delta Gas Station.

The rider had sustained visible injuries.

“While police waited for the arrival of the ambulance, the rider took out a handgun, pointed it at the three officers and then attempted to escape on foot into the Johnson’s Ghut area,” the RVIPF reported.

The police said its Armed Response Team subsequently captured the gun-wielding biker.

He is presently in hospital receiving treatment for his injuries and charges are pending upon release, the RVIPF further said.

Investigations are ongoing.

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  1. Faith says:

    What an idiot

    Like 44
  2. Lmao says:

    Another good Belonger offspring. Slap him on the hand and send him home to Auntie. Don’t forget to give him his scooter and gun back. You are a disgusting lot.

    Like 43
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    • BVIGURL says:

      If you have a problem with BVI Belongers, I suggest you go back home. I’m pretty sure your home has problems too and that’s probably why you are here.

      Like 27
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      • @BVIGURL says:

        Pay People like @Lmao No Mind. They don’t a second of your Time

        Like 3
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      • Smfh says:

        All over do have problems but y’all acts as if y’all own ppl so innocent and don’t be in sh** how because whenever they’re caught y’all shut y’all mfin mouths up but when it’s n off islander town n country ah one bout it. Bias till alyo sickening

        Like 3
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        • Right says:

          All over there are problems. Who are causing the problems? The dark skin ones. Who fills up the prisons worldwide? The dark skin ones. Who murders, rapes, steals and sells drugs? The dark skin ones. Get the picture. No go stfdown and stfu.

          Like 4
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        • @Smfh says:

          No idea what that outpouring was but I think I might agree with it. Difficult to tell, tbh.

      • gigda says:

        Don’t assume he not a belonger. Ppl play games on boards. Dumb but true.

    • FACTS says:

      Couldnt a said it betta myself smfh

    • Chee says:

      Are you dumb you can’t be from here

  3. East End Police? says:

    Why were East End Police Officers dealing with an incident in Road Town?!

    Like 14
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    • Monkey say says:

      Think about it. If the “East End” police wasn’t on the scene he would of gotten away. Besides no matter what area a cop is assigned they have jurisdiction anywhere on these islands

      Like 25
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  4. No nonsense says:

    @ lmao, on NO, NOT with the new sheriff in town. I would be totally disappointed in him. Give the biker the penalty!

  5. Oh Boy says:

    This cant be true. Is this really true?.Wow. if this is True and he were able to walk after..Rule 1/ Never pull a Gun if you aint going to useit, U will end up dead..

    Like 12
  6. Fig tree says:

    Take 15 years in prison with no trial. Jack azz

    Like 20
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  7. Concerned1 says:

    commissioner, you are putting the lives of your officers at risk out there. so they had to wait on the armed unit to respond and apprehend the armed suspect? All officers, once on duty should carry a firearm. This is not 20 or 30 years ago, almost everyone has a gun, except the POLICE.

    Like 22
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  8. schups says:

    young @$$hole…1st gundelero to run from cops without guns

  9. Poor Performance Award says:

    Straight out of the ‘1000 Ways to Secure Your Cell in Prison’ tv show. This can’t be real!

  10. smh.. says:

    if was another country.. he would be dead at the scene, from the moment he pulled that gun..

    Like 16
    • trigger happy says:

      yeah, so how’s that shoot-to-kill policy working out over there?

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    • username says:

      Wouldn’t that depend on what the other country was?
      The worst countries for gun murders are Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala which account for over HALF the world’s gun murders! You are a LOT safer in the rst of the world. Even Afghanistan has a lower murder rate than the US!

  11. NATALIO says:

    was hollering out at the police when they had to take the mental crackhead in order to control him , well we are waiting to hear him holler out at the police now

  12. Gt says:

    We are practicing Vatican choir cop in the bvi. If it was a police pulls a gun at him you hear these hypocrites lambasting the police. Now is the other way around, you would hear 100 foolish reasons not to prosecute him . But when it comes to prosecute police evidence pouring like rain. I am not saying not to prosecute rotten cops . I am sick of them but fair is fair.

    Like 12
  13. Wondering says:

    Was he saying he couldn’t breathe when they arrested him? Seems to be a common ailment.

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  14. W.E Man says:

    Nice to know there is a police presence on the streets at last, and nice to know they are engaging the lawless criminals in our midst.

  15. lol says:

    only tola.

  16. @ BVI GAL says:

    why not get an AK47 for your friend ? / ALL you hypocrites do is incourage these entitled wanna be gangsters to do whatever they want / by comparing what’s going on in other countries . If the lady who was robbed and shot was your family .I don’t think you would of made that RACIST comment

  17. victim says:

    Waiting to hear how this unfolds.

  18. hmm now says:

    why the police do not have guns; all police officers should be armed with a gun. it may not be this simple next time around. so arm them

    Like 4
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    • @hmm now says:

      The BVI is a territory of the UK…..
      Research the policies and practices of the UK pertaining to policing while keeping in mind that the police force is under the umbrella of the UK … Simple Simon met a pie man,Jesus Cristo!!!!,

  19. Moron says:

    What a moron. He’s already injured and needing hospital treatment and probably facing charges for motoring infractions, but nooo, that’s not bad enough, lets pull a gun on the police to ensure my place at Balo. You honestly can’t make this sh!t up!

  20. Maverick says:

    A life of crime does not pay, sounds more like an old slow motion or brother-stand-up-movie. People especially our young men, please look to God and live. Invite God into your heart and lives, he has pardoned countless and will never refuse you! Remember John 3:16, repent and be saved.

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  21. Anonymous says:

    Police officers often chase and harass scooter riders. There is more to this story!! Most police officers have no morale and professionalism.

  22. LG says:

    why does it matter if the person is black, yellow, white or blue! anybody that points a gun at someone else should have the book thrown at them.

  23. ? says:

    Its simple. One of these little fools needs to be shot by the police. Maybe then the rest will realise it is not a game.

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