BVI News

BVI could pay 7 to 9 million to rehabilitate VG airport runway

Provided photo of the existing runway at the Virgin Gorda Airport.

BVI taxpayers are set to pay either $7 million or $9.4 million to pave the runway at the Taddy Bay International Airport on Virgin Gorda.

The proposed costs for the long-awaited runway rehabilitation were revealed in a media release from the BVI Airports Authority (BVIAA), which announced the names of the firms bidding for the project.

According to the BVIAA, the first company, Dexter Construction Company Limited of Nova Scotia in Canada is offering to pave the runway for $9,464,001.00.

The company estimates that $3,900,000.00 of its tender price will go to local sub-contractor, EMCS Caribbean Limited.

The second company, Herzog Caribbean Ltd of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos is offering to complete the project for $6,991,399.64. The company estimates that $600,000 of its tender price will go to local subcontractors such as Guardian Surveying Services.

“The next step in the process is to evaluate and rate the combined technical and financial proposals of each tenderer, leading to the award of the contract to the successful proponent. The award of the contract is expected to be made within the next 21 days,” the BVIAA said.

2020 completion date

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.

According to BVIAA Chairman, Bevis Sylvester, the work will largely consist of widening and paving the runway with asphalt. The existing runway is mostly sand and gravel.

“This is yet another key initiative of the Andrew Fahie-led Government of the Virgin Islands to both build economic resiliency throughout the entire British Virgin Islands, as well as jump-start local infrastructure projects to assist in offsetting the economic downturn resulting from the COVID-19 virus,” Sylvester said.

The BVIAA said the project is expected to contribute millions of dollars to Virgin Gorda’s internal economy both during and after the rehabilitative works, as the newly-paved runway will enable larger planes to operate with greater safety and frequency to the island.

Earlier this year, the government had said it expects a 3,100-foot uniform runway surface that maintains good friction even in the rain and would last for at least 20 years.

Premier Fahie has also suggested that paving the runway could allow more types of aircraft to use the facility, possibly allowing for nonstop flights from the US.

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  1. Laura says:

    Wow! Everything in the BVI becomes In 5 months it will need resurfacing again ??‍♀️Lord help this country!!!!!

    Like 18
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    • @Laura says:

      Did the BVIAA do a cost benefit analysis on this project? Based on the limited number of flight that flies into VG, would there ever be a return on investment or is there plans to increase the air lift into VG? If so how would that affect air lift in Tortola?

      In my opinion that project is not a priority right now and should be deferred until a detail plan could be presented to tax payers clearly stating how the BVIAA plan to make a return on investment.

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    • Fact Check says:

      The runway will be reconstructed and resurfaceed with concrete before putting on a layer of specialized tar which the same company Herzog did on Beef island. Drainage, water runoff etc and all
      what you can think of is in the contract so the resurfacing will happen once every 30+ years for example. On certain days during specific times of the year VG has more flights than Beef having it now with Tar will allow even more aircraft to be able to land there.

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  2. ray of hope says:

    I still cant comprehend how this individual was able to be in charge?

    Like 18
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  3. help us says:

    So not one penny from SS yet or any other stimulus after months and it is imperative to do this now? Really? This is not essential. People are hungry. Take care of the people first. Some have been out of work for 6 months. All of these projects should be on hold for now.

    Like 23
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  4. VPS says:

    Same $7 Mil they gave to the Airlines could have gone to this…stupesssa bunch ah jokers

    Like 11
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  5. Oh My says:

    It’s like these people heads are where their a$$es should be and their a$$es are where their heads should be.

    Is this the time to spend that kind of money on a venture such as that and the place close to tourism?

    But more in the mortar besides the pestle.

    Like 13
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  6. Ha says:

    We need Columbian pilots. They could land on that runways all day and night for way less money.

    Like 19
  7. Necker says:

    Let the owner of this island pay for the new surface at the VG airport. He will be the only one able to use it.

    Like 9
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  8. CookieMonster says:

    Amateurs. If CSC had been engaged to be a consultant to facilitate this we could have pushed up the cookies by at least another 250k.

  9. Windy says:

    3100 ft runway and Fahie says possibly direct flights from U.S. ?? NOT Happening

    Like 15
    • indee says:

      He meant USVI, Culebra, Vieques and P.R

    • Hmmm. says:

      You would be surprised with who wants to go into that airport. Small jets to small turbine aircraft configured for executive use. E.g. a PC12 can fly from Miami directly to virgin Gorda with that new runway. Let’s be clear this is about getting people with money who wants to fly their small jet to VG without stopping beef island.

      Like 8
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      • Here goes... says:

        PC12 couldn’t do it at the moment as Virgin Gorda is currently restricted to multi engine aircraft. Also only privatly operated jets could get in as charters require the aircraft to be able to land within 60% of the distance available (70% for turboprops)and those would be seriously seriously small jets…

  10. Foy says:

    Fahie just don’t have any business head. He cannot think for himself and make suggestions, he’s just miss leading.

  11. Why says:

    Why VG needs their own airport? Why don’t they invest in the one that’s at beef island instead?

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  12. Wise says:

    Some of you all don’t even know the VG airport and what you are saying. All types of planes landed at the airport before. Even small jets and 30,000 lbs planes. Just add a couple more hundred feet, and pave it. Even though it is in a crosswind component, it is safer to land on than beef, and will bring more tourist to VG.

    Like 1
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    • Here goes.... says:

      Really struggling to think of a 30k lbs plane that could land on a gravel strip 3100ft long… Also not sure how you claim it’s safer than Beef given you need a sign off to land at VG unlike most airports including Beef. I’ve landed at 100s of airports and VG is certainly at the trickier end.

  13. mendomon says:

    They need a scrubber on the incinerator first!
    Get the fat cats from Mosquito Island do it for their fancy planes.

  14. VG says:

    @ why…just go and shut-up…VG always had an airport, so does Anegada, by the way VG was always a huge economic pillar of the BVI before Financial Services came in. Some of you always think that anything is too good for the outer Islands.This upgrade was long overdue and our Government saw it fit to have it done.

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  15. 2cents says:

    No tourists so what’s the point.

  16. Black says:

    @ Why VG had an airport Long before Beef island had one.

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