BVI News

BVI has legal dictatorship — Fraser

Third District Representative, Julian Fraser has concluded that the BVI has a legal dictatorship because of the structure of its political system.

Fraser made the remarks at an Opposition press briefing held yesterday, April 12 while discussing issues arising from the government’s recently instituted economic relief measures.

He said because of the BVI’s relatively small size, the Premier and Finance Minister happen to be the same person.

“It would be nice when someone else is making these announcements,” Fraser shared.

“Like, if the Premier and the Minister of Finance were two separate people, the person making the announcement regarding the 5 per cent cut across the board for Customs would’ve been the Minister of Finance – and it wouldn’t come across, as I said before, [like] we have a legal dictatorship in our territory based on our political system,” he added.

The veteran legislator complained that every announcement seemed to be coming through the lips of the Premier of the territory.

“You must get the impression that it’s a one-man show,“ Fraser remarked while insisting that he was not singling out the current Premier.

“Once everything is coming through the same lips, it comes across as a dictatorship,” he insisted.

Fees choking us off

Meanwhile, Fraser said he didn’t feel the 5 per cent import duty waiver instituted by the Premier was the answer to the BVI’s financial struggles.

Fraser joined Opposition Leader Marlon Penn in concluding that the government’s import duty waiver would not be as effective as it intended.

“I don’t agree with that across-the-board 5 per cent [waiver]. I think that it should’ve been more targeted,” he argued. “The cost of goods coming into this territory has everything to do with the cost of shipping.”

“The same container that left Miami coming to the Virgin Islands dropped off in St Thomas and dropped off in the BVI, the cost differential is so different, and it’s all because of shipping,” Fraser argued.

Fraser said he never really heard anyone complaining about the Customs tariff before and according to him, the solution to the problem was adjusting import fees.

“I think the answer is fees. Fees are what’s choking people off,” he said.

“When you bring in a container into the territory, the fees for that has just gone up. I hear people talking about one time a 40-foot container was $1,000 now it’s $3,000 to bring it in. But the fees are what’s choking people,“ he said.

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  1. wow says:


  2. HEY I CAN SEE AGAIN says:


  3. Youth says:

    Well look who is talking, Mr. Dictator himself.

  4. 3rd District Person says:

    Fraser has gone too far. Everyone that know or work with Fahie would know that Fraser and the rest of the Opposition is lying and trying to make confusion. The worse Di***tor ever in politics is Fraser himself.

  5. SMH says:

    A blind man was seeing this all along. Election around the corner so others can see now!

  6. Oh please says:

    Fraser hates island people. Fraser give us bi-water for millions of dollars to be paid by tax payers yearly for generations to come. Maybe if Ralph was the dictator they said he was then we would not be fifty million dollars in debt with nothing to show for it.

    Like 3
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  7. My 2 cents says:

    I was not a Fahie and VIP fan but I am now. This Government had to work through a lot since taking office in 2019. Covid alone was a task and they did well handling that. So let these deceptive fellows go to hell where they belong.

  8. Hit Law says:

    Note that Fahie and hIs helpers distributed large sums of funds to questionable identities with no input or notification to the Depth of Agricilture.
    Not even a lil courtesy call,text,what’s app,facebook…nuttin tall..
    Andrew wont even share the istt with the people of the vi.

  9. Hit Law says:

    Note that Fahie and hIs helpers distributed large sums of funds to questionable identities with no input or notification to the Depth of Agricilture.
    Not even a lil courtesy call,text,what’s app,facebook…nuttin tall..
    Andrew wont even share the list with we the people of the VI.

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