BVI News

BVI receives more than $1.4M worth in medical supplies from UK

The British Virgin Islands has now received more than $1.4 million in medical supplies from the United Kingdom since April, following its latest shipment of 55,000 items into the territory last week.

This is according to a joint media release from the Office of the Governor and the Ministry of Health. It said the shipment included priority items of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks, gowns and gloves.

Governor Augustus Jaspert said the shipment comes at the perfect time when the supplies can be put immediately to use to help the BVI in its fight against COVID-19.

“This timely delivery will reinforce the crucial and greatly valued work being done by the Health Services Authority to tackle the virus. Whilst we all hope and pray for the best, it’s important that we are prepared to respond to COVID-19 and the UK’s support has been integral to our preparations,” he said.

While sharing similar sentiments to the governor, Chief Executive Officer of the BVI Health Services Authority Dr Ronald Georges thanked the UK for their continuous contributions.

Advice and support provided also

In addition to the medical supplies received from the UK, they have also provided the territory with epidemiology advice and support.

According to the aforementioned release, health experts from Public Health England and the BVI Health Services Authority have been working closely to discuss disease management since January.

“For day-to-day support, the UK has established a 24/7 telephone service for medics in BVI to connect with international medical experts for help and support,” the release stated.

Along with the PPEs, the BVI has so far received test kits and swabs, lab and medical equipment, one high-speed PCR testing machine and five ventilators from the UK government.

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  1. BS! says:

    55,000 items – you mean a lot of masks and gloves.

    Like 4
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    • @BS says:

      No, $1.4million worth of supplies, but please feel free to send it all back, the BVI doesn’t want anything from the UK, right? Bunch of ingrates!

  2. hmmm says:

    And I thought the UK did nothing for the BVI

    Like 31
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  3. But we want retribution says:

    Stop giving us things that can save lives… we want cash retribution…

    Like 5
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    • Anonymous says:

      You can tell it’s an idiot posting for controversy. What retribution are they talking about, I’m sure they meant reparations.

      Like 14
      • Reparations says:

        Reparations was paid in setting up and managing the financial sector so the Belonger could sit on his a** being paid by the government in a job that’s not only not needed but he can’t do anyway. Please elite Belonger please post anything that you’ve done to provide income to the Territory. Don’t forget Tourism was provided by nature. Please go ahead. Would love to hear what you have to say.

        Like 4
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    • SMH says:

      U sound like a donkey!

  4. Resident says:

    Thank Goodness for the UK’s help with this. Given how little money BVI has, what with having to sort out the traffic in Road Town and hire the barges instead of use the Royal Marines in fast RIBs, and pay the security company for those quarantine guards, this assistance must come in very handy.

    Like 30
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  5. GTFOH says:

    When a father buy their child some pampers that is not called generosity.

    Like 6
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    • Resident says:

      BVI has been self governing since all the big offshore company revenue came in since about 1990. That’s why the BVI Govt has had an annual budget of around $300 plus million for years. What do we have to show for it? Schools? Nope. Good roads? Nope. Well educated or well trained local population? Not generally, so all the expats are here. Good sewage system? Nope. Well equipped health care facilities? Nope. Well done all round it looks like; and now the chickens are coming home to roost!

      Like 16
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      • Anonymous says:

        Self govern? then why do we have a UK appointed Governor? Why do we need the Governor to sit as a non voting member of Cabinet? Is there any black UK national that is worthy enough to act as Governor?

        Like 1
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        • Bystander says:

          There’s a Governor with the powers he has, because that’s in the constitutional arrangement agreed between the BVI and the UK Government in 2007 (I think). Its up to the UK who they send to be the Governor, just as its up to the BVI electorate as to whom it elects to the House of Assembly. I don’t think there’s anything very startling about this. If the BVI wants to change the constitutional settlement, up to and including independence, its free to go for that; although I don’t see much support for that option (especially post Irma and mid Covid) except for a small local elite who would benefit from the reduction in oversight, until the money ran out.

          Like 5
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        • Color? says:

          What in the world makes you think that a UK foreign office appointee would be an ally if his/her melanin content was high enough for you to qualify them as black?
          Such a strange thing to focus on. Taking a race based approach to our problems narrows our intellectual horizons so much that many of us now actually think this is the only dynamic affecting our world, when in fact it is just one. Of course we need to recognise the race/colonial context as we proceed with our search for a better future but if we make that the ONLY factor in our search, we drastically reduce our chances of finding optimum solutions.

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  6. Hmm says:

    And is just so they goin charge us for the free tings uk send AGAIN!!! I rather the ndp crooks then these vip snakes

    Like 2
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  7. Can All do Better? says:

    So tired of reading the slave mentalities of so many of our people, and the heathen slave master spolied, over privilidged, mistrained child spouting condescending hatred and vile racism.

    Like 6
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  8. Political Intelligence says:

    The UK government is very smart to send the actual supplies rather than to send monies for these set of thieves to manage.

    Like 24
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  9. Earl says:

    Send it back, the BVI fine… we want independence.

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  10. Steps says:

    Timely. Are the supplies a donation or does the BVI Government have to pay them back.

  11. Nick says:

    1.5 millions later still only 8 ventilators.

    Like 2
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  12. Nick says:

    My mistake,5 more ventilators.w

    Like 2
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  13. We missed Ronnie. says:

    They needed to bring Ronnie on board as a consultant..He is wise, He would have been a great asset… I heard he is a consultant in a foreign country, great,…. Lots of equipment / materials with no plan hmmm. Opening all the way in November hmmm that late, the only thing make sense with that is that they are waiting on the vaccine

    Like 1
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  14. Testing says:

    I saw that some African countries are able to test and provided result in less that 24 hours VIA Text messages. we should look into that, knowing your status quickly can help in reopening the country in some capacity, and provide some peace of mind.

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