BVI News

BVI records 9th positive COVID case

The British Virgin Islands has recorded its ninth positive case of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Health Minister Carvin Malone made the announcement during a national broadcast Saturday afternoon, August 1.

He said Case Number 9 is a person who recently returned to the territory from abroad. That individual, whose gender has not been made public, is being kept under quarantine in a government-contracted facility, the minister said.

“Only mild symptoms have been reported so far and we pray for a full and speedy recovery. While the patient remains in isolation, testing will be repeated seven days from the first positive result and repeated until two negative laboratory tests have been recorded,” Malone stated.

As of Thursday, July 30, a total of 1,522 persons have been tested at the BVI’s national laboratory. Of that number, 1,514 persons tested negative for the virus that causes COVID-19.

Of the total nine known positive cases recorded in the BVI, seven have recovered, one is still active, and one has died.

In a bit of related news, the traveller whom St Vincent officials said had tested positive after flying from the BVI has now been confirmed as a negative case by the Caribbean Public Health Agency in Trinidad & Tobago.

Malone said the BVI received that report on Friday.

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  1. Wellsah says:

    Them island people wish came through

    Like 2
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    • Foolishness and stupidness says:

      This is the worse news ever. The island people are laughing because belongers been saying they were immune. Can it get any worst?

    • Idiot says:

      Are we calling bvislanders and Belongers mainland people?

      Stop the discrimination.

      Part of #blm is not discriminating among our brothers.

      Like 15
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      • Actually says:

        You should not be discriminating
        Between ANYONE. It doesn’t matter
        If they are your brothers or not.
        In fact, the more different you are,
        the more important it is to embrace

  2. Take action says:

    Time for the Government to open up the borders take off the curfew we just have to live with covid everyone wear them mask

    Like 10
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  3. Whatt says:

    Really? Where the person from???

    Like 1
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  4. Time will tell says:

    We locals urge you the government to start sending out these island people back down the island things are going to get worst and these people without jobs putting on strain on the government and them landlords

    Like 6
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    • My goodness says:

      The hatred towards people from other Caribbean Countries is going to reach a boiling point very soon. To you people from the South America Countries you guys are not exempt, they hate you all also. Tortola People is their own worst enemy and they are narcissistic heartless people.

      Like 53
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      • Hanna says:

        It’s true some locals are horrible but it’s just as bad as them to say they are all like that. Every country has racists and bigots. We are not exempt from that but there are decent people too.

        Like 19
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      • @ Myygoodness says:

        Don’t be draged into that mental trap. It is a white person who is deliberately writing and posting those blogs of hate. He they want to put us against each other don’t fall for it.

        How we know this? the. average Tolian does not think or talk like that. They are trying to devide people along regional lines. That is one of their favorite tactics. Don’t fall for it.

        The whie man is a liar and a divider. Don’t allow him to divide your mind.

        Like 7
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        • Pure nonsense says:

          Do you really think the White man have time to sit down and start some BS? The white man is focusing on his business and making his money.

          Like 11
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        • Richgdgy says:

          Mygoodness you are a IDIOT that can’t spell!

        • Careful ..... says:

          Look a little deeper – it is China that wants us all divided and bickering with their online war. If anything this is the best time for whites and blacks to come together in solidarity. If not, these guys will get their way and we will all implode while tearing at one another’s necks! Step back and ask yourself who truly benefits from instigating racial tensions in the USA and Europe?! Neither white or black benefits from this!

          • Mad as a box of frogs says:

            Wow! You’ve really lost it. You know just because you’re paranoid it doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.

      • Agree says:

        This nonsense is going to reach a boiling point. The Down Island people that you guys call them is so disgusting and rude. I don’t hear anyone calling you Locals raccoons ? and planet of the apes ? looking people.

        Like 11
    • Hanna says:

      The article doesn’t say where they are from. It just says they returned from abroad. They may be from here. Either way makes no difference.

      Like 10
    • @Time will tell says:

      Stop the we locals, not all of we locals such as myself want to be and is not part of the hate campaign you foolish people have against people from other Caribbean Islands. I agree, you are narcissistic bullies.

      Like 16
  5. Negative says:

    Fake positive test the whole world is lying about covid cases

    Like 4
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    • @Negative says:

      Hate to say this but I am going to. The Government should open everything, drop the curfew and let you fools infect and take each other out. Just dig a mass grave and as fast as they drop, toss them in the mass grave on each other. You idiots keep on thinking the BVI is Immune.

      Like 11
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  6. Witnessed says:

    I believe the government here apart of the Illuminati

    Like 8
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  7. ?? says:

    As if 30 July 1522 + the one on 31 July = 1523

    1514 negative + 9 positive = 1523


    Like 1
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  8. Please Please says:

    People when you respond to these derogative blogs, you are just as bad as the ones who started it. How stupid can you be? Don’t stoop the lowest!

    Like 19
  9. Positivity Rate says:

    So the BVI has a testing positivity rate of 0.59%. USVI 4.36%. BVI 9 out of 1523 test positive. USVI 385 out of 8833 test positive. Based on the relative size of the population, are we testing enough people? What do you think? How comfortable are you about our “low” positivity rate?

  10. Three Thoughts says:

    1. The government is taking it for granted that everyone is connected to social media. As a result, information being shared by way of this media type is not reaching a large section of the community, especially the older persons. What happened to radio? Has it now become a relic? In recent times the broadcasts on the radio are coming long after the Facebook ones, if at all.

    2. Since ‘virtual’ is the new thing now, what about virtual libraries as physical ones now appear to be extinct in the BVI? Even that will be better than no library at all.

    3. Who is enforcing the Covid-19 regulations? Even in the stores you go to now, the members of staff are wearing masks like a fashion thing, covering their mouths, with their nose holes looking at you. Some places don’t have sanitisers, some have empty sanitiser bottles, the wash stations are far away from entrances, and it is like ‘No mask, no big deal’ as far as they are concerned.

    Like 14
    • @ Three Thoughts says:

      The “not” in your first sentence was omitted in error.

      Regarding the stores and businesses not even Government workers are wearing masks. It’s definitely one big joke requiring businesses to abide by the rules in order to open while Government offices are not doing the same.

      That wearing masks with the nose exposed and removing it to speak makes absolutely no sense…might as well they not wear the mask at all if they are not properly protecting themselves.

      Like 9
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  11. Chosen says:

    Some of you tolians believe God when he created heaven and earth he only was thinking of the bvi you all treat other islands and country like they are not humans but because of down islands and others you all are what some of you are what you are today and bvi men are running after down island women and the women are running after the island man like d×××××gs

  12. wondering says:

    so, i’llgo find the real story on FB

    Like 2
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  13. saddened says:

    When oh when did the number of Covid-19 cases in the various islands become a competition? As a person who reads regional news, the BVI is the ONLY place that seems to be participating in this competition. EVery case of Covid with appears on any island is bad for us as a REGION. This is a time for the region to work in unison to fight this monster TOGETHER. We black people are our own worse enemy. It is time to stop this nonsense. Shame on BVI news and all the sites that continue to give these voices a forum to spread hate and division.

    Turned off

    Like 12
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  14. Vincy man says:

    Yal bvi ppl so stupid

  15. Doh says:

    Economy is ruins, no jobs, expats leaving. BVI is screwed financially and if and when we open borders, we will have no capable workers available to get going again.

    Covid is here despite our government closing our borders. So that policy has failed us. It has doomed us to financial ruin as well. Time to reopen before it is too late.

    Like 5
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  16. Django says:

    All those posters piling on down islanders could do worse than watching Schindler’s List. It’s on Netflix now. Maybe you will learn what happens when you start to treat people as “others”. It starts with small insults and generalisations but gradually grows until otherwise sensible, rational people accept the unspeakable. It just might make you think how illogical it is to treat someone differently just because they were born on a different piece of land.

  17. Keith says:

    1 Island over in the VI ,Biz is Booming, Nowhere else to go in the World, the BVI is missing out big time….Yes some cases but it is what it is, People doing their best in distance. Let ur immune system do it’s job….Missing the BVI

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