BVI News

BVICCHA struggles to stay afloat as revenue sinks to ‘all-time low’

Chairwoman of the BVICCHA, Shaina Smith-Archer

The BVI Chamber of Commerce & Hotel Association’s (BVICCHA) revenue streams have reached an unprecedented low this year.

Chairwoman of the BVICCHA, Shaina Smith-Archer said this is because of a pandemic-induced economic recession affecting local businesses.

As a result, the Chamber of Commerce has to rely heavily on membership dues and fundraisers to sustain their operation and keep the chamber afloat.

“We have seen our revenue streams shrink to an all-time low and are currently in need of urgent financial support to continue the great work,” Smith-Archer said.

The Chairwoman added that the chamber will accept any donations or pledges that will help them continue its ‘invaluable’ service during these uncertain times.

Businesses called on for support

With the BVICCHA struggling financially, the chairwoman is calling on all active and inactive members for their support.

She also said it has been difficult to keep businesses in operation during the pandemic and has, therefore, commended business owners.

“The past eighteen months have been a chaotic time for Virgin Islands business owners to keep their doors open … I salute all business owners for the persistence they have shown in safeguarding lives and livelihoods during this global health crisis,” the chairwoman added.

Special membership drive

However, she is urging businesses to take advantage of the BVICCHA’s special membership drive that runs from October 15 to December 15 2021.

The drive also applies to not-for-profit organisations.

Smith-Archer said it is a good time for past/inactive members of the Chamber of Commerce to rejoin as they have upgraded their benefits and will be providing more value for membership in the upcoming year.

For new members that join during this drive, the chairwoman said they “will receive a five percent discount on [their] 2022 annual membership fees”.

“If you are a current member and refer a new member who joins from 15th October 2021 to 15th December 2021, you will receive a five percent discount on your 2022 annual membership fees,” she added.

Smith-Archer is also urging businesses to take advantage of what she said is BVICCHA’s affordable advertising services for the promotion of goods and services during the upcoming holidays. She further encouraged businesses to take advantage of the Member-2-Member Discount Plan which is supposed to lower business-to-business costs.

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  1. guest says:

    what exactly does this chamber do?

    Like 23
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    • Jah says:


      It’s a club where businesses pay to be represented. Their membership is just another advertising business. Their members are leeches who are parasites who suck money from people who actually provide a service.

      Simple explanation

      Like 30
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    • Jim says:

      The chamber is “feel good” group that gets together for socials, meetings, fund raisers to eat and drink at no expense to themselves. Think I’m kidding? Go to their events. Oh that’s right, YOU aren’t invited as a member of the public.

      Join their club, pay their dues, and then sit in the back of the bus.

      Like 19
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    • Hotelier says:

      Great question Guest. They represent no one but a few members of the elite and do nothing of any value whatsoever.

      Like 10
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  2. WTF says:

    The CCHA’s members may be suffering economic hardship, but the loss of revenue is due to poor representation of their membership. CCHA needs new leadership interested solely in the direction provided by its membership and not political gains.

    Like 17
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  3. She needs to go says:

    We know why this is the case. Tell them almost all the directors resign to because you only listen to yourself. Tell the full story. It’s time for the chambers to have a real president that actually owns a business and experience the rigors of keeping their doors open when no customers are coming in. Not someone who desperately wants to make it to public office and using the chambers as a stepping stone…

    Like 17
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  4. Leadership matters says:

    The BVICCHA never had these problems for all the years I’ve been in it. We need a change of leadership. You are not the person for the job and you cannot work with people. It’s either your thoughts or nothing. That is why we all resigned and left you there. Get a business of your own and you will understand.

    Like 22
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  5. Reality Check says:

    The BVICCHA is the only organization representing the businesses that are not part of the “Crony Party” They are our voice in this wilderness we find ourselves, self-imposed for not willing to buy contracts with this government. They understand business, unlike our elected officials who have never run a business in which they were responsible for payroll, payables and receivables, nor have they ever had to make payroll on their personal credit card.
    Thank you BVICCHA for representing us!!
    A loyal member for over thirty years.

    Like 4
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    • LOL says:

      Can’t be a member for over 30 years and saying this. I remember a time when the Chamber was a real body that did WORK. I don’t know what this is. The Chamber is a shell of itself, unrecognisable.

  6. Virtual says:

    Despite the BVI’s slow internet it has managed to devalue all these local island tourist associations, island government tourist boards, regional Caribbean tourist associations, etc. It’s easier to explore on line than deal with these outdated organizations.

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  7. all they do says:

    they claimed they held sway with the government at the start of the pandemic and I hoped and even belived that they did, they did not , they are a self serving board that raises money to pay themselves. Theonly service they offer is social media posts….. oh and you have to give discounts to other members.

    They truly area joke and are for the very first time up begging on Anegada today to try and get some free lunch, except they said you could bring your own packed lunch to the member establishement, so even when they are all there getting free lunch they advertise that you can bring your own no need to support the business that is giving them a free lunch……WTF

    Like 7
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  8. please says:

    There is no value in joining the BVICCHA. They only bombard you with useless emails and share social media posts. The pension option for small businesses is no longer available through the chambers, so there is no real value in being a member. I can create and share my own social media posts. Also the leadership of the chamber needs someone who actually understands business.

    Like 10
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  9. The Truth says:

    Useless things should be allowed to die.

    Like 7
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  10. Mymy says:

    This is just the bud of more financial WOES to come . Conventional Leaderships you say ????
    Which cow are you going to milk ? The pastures are slowly drying up !!
    Stimulus package given out where is the “stimulus growth in the economy ? No food farms no extra fish … all goods and services inflating ….: no good

  11. Well says:

    They gave alot of useful information in navigating the new procedures and requirements from Government last year during the pandemic. More can be done but they have been a help representing members collectively and by extension the wider business community.

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