BVI News

BVIEC warns residents: Check your credit cards!

The BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) has warned its customers about potential credit card issues following a cyber-attack that has impacted their operations.

The BVIEC expressed empathy for the disruption caused by the attack and reassured residents that efforts are underway to restore complete services.

Although the corporation’s processes are designed to protect sensitive data, they are advising precautionary steps to safeguard against any potential fraudulent activity. The BVIEC suggested no indication that a credit card data breach had occurred during the cyber attack.

“Check your credit card statements for any fraudulent transactions and report them to the credit card issuer,” the BVIEC advised in a notice issued yesterday.

They also encouraged customers to immediately request a credit card replacement if suspicious activity is detected.

The cyber-attack has affected the BVIEC’s ability to serve customers as efficiently as usual, leading to delays and inconveniences. The corporation is working closely with its partners to ensure all services are resumed as soon as possible.

The power company is also asking for the public’s patience as they work to resolve the situation. In the meantime, they continue to emphasise the importance of closely monitoring credit card activity during this period.

The advisory follows reports that the BVIEC would not negotiate with hackers to retrieve any stolen information lost in the recent breach. The attack reportedly compromised the BVIEC’s systems and left the organisation scrambling to restore full functionality while ensuring customers remain connected to their electricity supply.

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  1. Only says:

    Only BVIEC? this should of the been the first thing mentioned especially if you system was storing our card info bcuz we dont know!

    Everyone who use card dont even bother monitoring just cancel and get a new one cuz our 3rd world website easily got hacked so whose to say they can’t easily have your card info selling on the black market.

    smh this country mehson really needs to be modernized in everything! roads infrastructure services etc

    Like 14
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  2. Great says:

    What a confidence builder!

  3. captain obvious says:

    they need a full audit of their i.t systems

  4. Jokes says:

    Only 3 weeks late…no problem! LOL!!

  5. Paper v plastic money says:

    In the BVI paper money is much safer than plastic money!!

    Like 12
  6. Redstorm says:

    It’s is common sense, that some of those cards has been leaked to the hacker. It’s the precautionary idea to say that to the customer “ check your cards statement for unauthorized deductions “.

    Just to encourage those who use plastic money payment, whenever this happens to big corporations and companies change your card, don’t stress out about it.

    Just to think that upgrading a system often requires visionary people, because what software they now have is hackable. Saving money , because nothing never happens is bad for business.

  7. Nope! says:

    Check what? Streups! Cancel and done people. I did not realize how poor BVIEC Cybersecurity was until now. Did it even exist?!

  8. I’m going back says:

    To hiding my cash in plastic wrap and buried under a secret location like my grandparents use to do.

  9. Hmm says:

    The problems is the bank don’t update their online transactions until days later. Eg if you use your card you might get an email but if you go to see your balance the figures will not show up of that transaction until days later

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