BVI News

BVITB taps Vybz Kartel concert to boost tourism amid controversy

Tourism Director Clive McCoy

The BVI Tourist Board and Film Commission (BVITB) said it plans to capitalise on the upcoming Vybz Kartel concert by utilising the event’s streaming services to market the destination.

Director of Tourism Clive McCoy confirmed the board’s financial contribution towards the event but did not disclose the amount. “We don’t disclose how much funding we give to various sponsors, but I can confirm that we did sponsor the Vybz Kartel show, and we look forward to seeing a wonderful show here in the British Virgin Islands,” McCoy said in a recent ZBVI interview.

The Director highlighted the potential tourism benefits, noting that a survey indicated full bookings in local hotels for the weekend of the concert. “We did a small survey of the rooms in town… it appears all of the hotels are solidly booked for the weekend,” he remarked.

To further leverage the event, the BVITB intends to run advertisements during the concert’s livestream. McCoy explained, “We will be running ads on that, so we know that we are looking at thousands of impressions across the world because of the show.” He emphasised that this exposure positions the BVI as a desirable destination, potentially attracting future visitors.

However, the concert has been mired in controversy due to  Kartel’s past legal issues. The dancehall artiste, born Adidja Palmer, was convicted in 2014 of murder—a conviction that was quashed by the UK Privy Council in 2024 after he spent more than a decade behind bars. This development has sparked debates within the territory.

The government’s financial involvement has also come under scrutiny. Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley acknowledged an initial $220,000 sponsorship but denied that there was any additional government funding. The Premier defended the investment, suggesting that the concert would stimulate the local economy, with returns expected through taxes. He argued, “Most likely, the same money that the government put in sponsorship to help make the show a reality, the government will get back that money in taxes.”

Event promoter Steve Parillon of YOLO Promotions echoed this sentiment, portraying the sponsorship as an investment in the community. He stated, “This is an investment to the country. This money is not going into our pockets.” Parillon emphasised that the concert would benefit various sectors, including hotels, taxis, and shops, thereby boosting the local economy.

In the meantime, the BVITB remains focused on leveraging the concert’s global reach to promote the BVI. “There is a benefit to tourism in the aspect where the BVI is on the map as a destination,” McCoy concluded. He said the board plans to assess the event’s impact on local businesses, such as car rental companies after the concert concludes.

The Vybz Kartel concert is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, March 15, with expectations of significant viewership both locally and internationally.

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  1. Delusional says:

    You average BVI tourist ain’t going to be watching this online! Hope the star and the vendors got paid up front.

    Like 22
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    • Tone deaf !!!! says:

      This is like Ber rabbit and the tar pit.The more they try to convince the public , the deeper they get stuck in the Tar. If this was private investor no one would give a rats @ss. Its the public’s money. The fact that no private investor wanted to finance the event speaks volumes. If it was viable you would no lack of people interested in backing the event.

      Like 31
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      • El Demonio Negro says:

        Shut yuh stinking probably wh**e mouth. The only reason private sectors didn’t line up to invest is because they wasn’t sure about his HEALTH. Now they all feel stupid for not having faith, This will be a success and hotel rental villas and air BnB will be smiling. YOU will still have a stink mouth nothing changing that.

        Like 3
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        • @El dominion black dog aka black trash says:

          How much are they paying you to blog the S. I’m quite sure you are down Island trash that was washed up on our shores. Go and take a long Clorox bath to remove the funk. You here being racist calling people stinking white mouth when you are PURE GALVANIZE ROOF, WALLS AND DIRT FLOOR BLACK TRAILER PARK TRASH. COME FOR ME BLACK NINGER, AND WE WILL HAVE A INTERNET MONTH WAR TODAY. ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE READY FOR A INTERNET MOUTH WAR BLACK TRAILER PARK BLACK TRASH?

          Like 8
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          • El Demonio Negro says:

            Go wash out yuh mother cat.

            Dislike 10
          • Reaslist says:

            Look I had to reply , its true you seem white , that is why you replied and secondly you are ranting like a racist, so shut your old ass up and be quiet or leave the BVI.. i CAN SEE YOU DONT EVEN UDERSTAND ECONOMICS. tHE bvi is full of galvanized roofs you acting like its Bermuda, which you never visited. Kartel has had many conversations and dialouge with Caribbean leaders since his release and many shows booked plus has a US VISA,HE NOT EVEN MAKING ANY MONEY THERE AS THE CROWD WOULD BE HIS SMALLEST OF ALL HIS SHOWS.. He’s giving back most of the funds to the education ministry ..ohhh please you idiot

        • Hmmm says:

          You sound like the promoter, bitter and vile. Not good language though.

    • Who? says:

      Who the hell is “Vybz Kartel “?

    • Jabb Juda says:

      This was a bad idea all the way around.

  2. What? says:

    “We don’t disclose how much funding we give to various sponsors” said Mr McCoy.

    Excuse me? The BVITB is ultimately funded by public money is it not? Why does this gentleman feel as though he is entitled to use public funds without disclosing to the public how those funds are used. This should absolutely be disclosed as a matter of standard procedure and reporting. We should not even have to ask.

    Yet again, zero accountability, transparency or respect for public money.

    Like 61
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    • BuzzBvi says:

      So if you are not revealing how much money you are giving. How much are you giving to yourself and your buddies. Done with this corruption.

      Like 18
  3. Look says:

    These are the things that happens when lies and deception/deceit is invoked. Why is everyone trying to explain after the damage has been done.

    Like 30
  4. As far as I’m concern says:

    All of you is BIG TIME CON MEN in suits and ties.

    Like 28
  5. LOL says:

    It’s better to be thought an a** than to open your mouth and confirm it! You cannot make this s**t up!

    Like 25
  6. WTF? says:

    These guys behaving as if there are hundreds of rooms in Tortola available for booking?? Are there even 200 rooms when you factor in the hotels available? We are in March which is still our peak tourist season where hotels are full anyway so what the f**k are these guys talking about?

    Like 36
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  7. LB says:

    This is why he should never have been the Director! Opens his mouth and your realize the m**m**. Who of your target market will be watching any livestream of a convicted murderer who bleaches his skin? Which potential tourist that can afford a 7 day charter yacht vacation or a stay at Scrub or Little Dix, will be watching the livestream? Not one single person who can afford to vacation in or do business in the BVI, will ever be watching this nonsense. If he was smart who would stay away from doing any interviews or answering any questions at all!

    Like 33
  8. Save the youths says:

    Yea and it soon boost we crime rate when them youths see y’all promoting criminal and song about sex drugs alcohol violence and gangs so at what cost?

    Like 21
  9. Facts says:

    Hotels were booked way before any announcement was made about Vybez Kartel coming here

    Like 24
    • @Facts says:

      I’m guessing they fail to understand or just ignorant to the fact Hotel reservations is booked and paid for months in advance. Hard headed inept ignorant people …………………………!!?????

      Like 13
  10. .... says:

    I telling you…Maria by the sea only option ….nanny cay booked out with out the help of this show couple air bob’s. that already pre booked not for this show and I sure treasure isle aint even rent one room (they rich rich)

    Like 8
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  11. Look at the sour face says:

    My dear you don’t stand with your hands folded in any professional setting. It is called being defiant and unprofessional. You look angry and pissed off. No wonder the Tourists board is in a mess. Train your employees to look professional when they are in front of the camera.

    Like 14
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    • How small? says:

      He said a small survey? Lmao! This place is too small for you not to keep up with these statistics. Why even bother? Generalization and vagueness to promote a shoddy show? Just like I cannot see HOW much people will fit in there to generate massive revenue surpassing even the quarter million invested by government. Pay per view will not even help! The math ain’t matching- ‘tall!

      Like 12
  12. Tax monies says:

    This call for a C.O.I

    Like 17
  13. My own tesearch says:

    As a private citizen, I have been doing my little research. And I love the way they are embellishing and lying about hotels booked and rental companies are booked out because of the concert. No such thing.

    Like 18
    • Laughing says:

      Dem moo moos who handle the PR for the cane garden bay white elephant are so FOS. Fully booked Valentine’s Day and again for this event. Lie!! Place is nearly empty once again. And check out the 2025 luxury award they touting. You nominate yourself and buy it!!
      Place is falling flat on its face.

  14. LOL says:

    Even the girl in the background of the pic is sick of his s**t! LOL!

    Like 6
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    • @LOL says:

      Home girl looks like she is about to pounce. If he was my boss, I would be angry at his embarrassment. The boss is a modern day Jack momo.

  15. If says:

    if sounds like duck, quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck.

  16. @ FACTS & @ @ FACTS says:


  17. @Facts and @@Facts says:

    Go self F yourself in your rear with your middle finger.

  18. .. says:

    Wonder how much of them bad girls from here going to sleep with them island man artist. Bring Chris Brown some one from the us, Kartel was in the us and he could not go around trump but these lol life premier in the island crown him King. Man from here win those types of cases and they look down at them

  19. Stats says:

    People can literally jump on a mic and say anything. No stats, no facts… How do you know the purpose of the bookings? Compare it to this time last year!

  20. @.. says:

    Really, so you think Trump have more class than our Leader….well go sit down who ever you are…..

    Like 1
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  21. WEW says:

    Such a waste

  22. U.K. says:

    We’re watching. Keep it up Nat

  23. Taxes says:

    Since Corona times them couldn’t get that place in order even after when the public found out that management raise their own wages and decreased all the other workers

    Bvi is a real wild place mehson

    Then yah hearing again that nurses have to hide extra important supplies just bcuz the same hospital refused to restock for lengthy time periods that can put people life at risk

    Imagine showing up to a hospital with ab emergency only to hear them out of stock for months now so now you dead…

    Have we learned ntn for VG incident? When the man comes to clinic for help and died cuz it close??

    Now y’all want to force us to go to the main hospital and not private. That’s not an issue but get the place in order bro

    And only the politicians exempted from nhi and can use their private insurance I wonder why

    What we really paying tax for? Just to feed y’all belly while the people suffer??

  24. Eldread says:

    @realist: the politicians you alluded to talking to Vybz Kartel are the corrupt dictator in the independent Caribbean country that won’t leave power, and would use Kartel to pull the wool over the millennials eyes, young voter that is would be bamboozled with illusion instead of a future, only creating crime that we all will be living a future in, those politicians should not do to the people while they are in office when one day they will live by it in their private lives.

  25. Yeazir says:

    So on the same day kartel performing we got 1 person robbed at gun point at 3am after he was assisted by the person cuz his car broke down

    And we had a teenage armed with a gun point at his father and stabbed him in vg. Only to flee to tortola hopefully in time to get kartel concert lol ok

  26. Anonymous says:

    How is the money not going in your pocket?? Did you make a profit ? where is that going?

  27. Really says:

    Read online about 2000 people showed up for the concert, so the taxpayers money paid $ 150.00 per person and the hospital has no supplies to work with. When is this government getting their priorities straight and work for the people instead of a few cronies?????

  28. Big Richard says:

    Boy they lost a lot of taxpayer monies on this one – again

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