BVI News

Call out the culprits! Persons put on blast for poor disposal of derelicts


Residents who have been continuously parking their derelict vehicles around various communities on Tortola have been put on blast by Opposition Leader Marlon Penn.

Speaking at a community meeting in his constituency last week, Penn said persons who have adopted the unsightly practice have become empowered in doing so.

“We have to find better ways of holding those persons who continue to deface the community accountable for the way they manage our waste but we also have to hold the government accountable for our waste management strategy,” the Eighth District Representative said.

Issue has grown worse with time

The Opposition Leader said when he served briefly as Health Minister in the previous National Democratic Party (NDP) administration, derelict vehicles were one of the first things he addressed. But, he lamented the fact that the issue has since grown worse with time.

“It has become extremely worse where persons are feeling empowered to just park their old vehicles any old way around the community. We can’t allow that to continue,” Penn stated.

He said a more aggressive approach coupled with stiffer fines was needed to properly address the situation.

He added the vexing issue of persons dumping bulk waste along the roadways and at other undesignated sites to the list of challenges facing the territory.

Persons are currently required to take their bulk waste to the Pockwood Pond landfill site for safe disposal.

“We have to call people out. We can’t sit down and see someone with a truck just dump waste right by our roadside and just pass and say nothing. We have to call people out on this type of behaviour,” Penn told constituents.

Install CCTV cameras at garbage bins

Meanwhile, one resident urged that the government adopt the extraordinary strategy of installing CCTV cameras at garbage bins to catch persons in the act who are guilty of disposing their bulk waste incorrectly.

He said while persons might see the measure as too expensive, no one was currently enforcing the law as it relates to the illegal dumping of bulk waste.

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  1. A A Foy says:

    Ayo give most of those nasty people belonger status

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  2. Uncle says:


    Your absolutely correct call their a**es out!
    You know why DWM wouldn’t call them out because its their bl**dy friends and family have the Virgin Islands so 4king nasty with derelicts! The management should be a shamed of themselves set a of solid waste!!!

    Like 5
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    • Only says:

      There is only one way to get the derelict cars and boats off the island. For each car or boat brought on island one needs to leave. We would see the Territory cleaned up in a hurry and there would be zero growth of automobiles in the Territory which would place it on its way to becoming green. Let’s here from the Dishonorable Ministers about this proposal.

  3. Clown says:

    If you put cct cameras by the bins obviously they going just throw them in a bush or the side of the road. Look at stuff more in depth from throwing around empty suggestions for points.

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  4. Anonymous says:

    What about the derelict boats? Or are we just hoping they’ll get blown away in the next hurricane!

  5. Jane says:

    * restrict the sale of garbage bags: only PWD branded bags are available for purchase, either commercial or domestic, at a fixed price. Residents learn that they have to pay to have their garbage disposed of. You are encouraged to recycle for free by minimizing your waste.
    *plastic shopping bags have a 20c tax on them to discourage their use
    *set up a weekly neighbourhood bulk-waste collection which you pay to use (e.g. $20 to dispose of an item)
    *CCTV at dumpsters
    * set up recycling centres to take in garden waste, mattresses, white goods, builders rubble, cardboards, old books, batteries, cooking oil and the many, many items which we could be recycling but are not.

    We can hide our trash away, but that just obscures the main problem which is we need to start being responsible for our waste.

    Like 3
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    • @ jane says:

      Shut up@ your restrict bag sale comment.. Disposal is free in other countries…. You trying to drain people?.. What are we paying taxes for then?

      Like 2
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      • great says:

        Plastic shopping bags have min. charge of 15c each in Britain. Use has dropped by 92% in 4 years!

      • @@ jane says:

        No, actually most other countries PAY for waste disposal with their property taxes and it is collected from their homes, but they must also recycle and take all bulky items to a recycle center. People here are just too lazy to recylcle or make the journey to Pockwood Pond and they dump their sh!t everywhere else, making the place look like a third world country. Disgusting. Paradise? Not!

  6. Please says:

    Your *** who runs a national bank is selling your people properties. Why don’t you speak about the criminal behavior of the Insurance companies especially the one you lied down with before you lost the Government now is on the Government side allegedly.

    You want the leadership of the country but the issues that are troubling your people in these times you along with the Government and the rest of the opposition is turning a blind eye but time is longer than twine.

    VP bank treats their customers better than the * Bank. That bank needs a commission of inquiry. I hope the Governor reads this.

    Like 3
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  7. Hopeless says:

    Tortola looks worse than Haiti now with derelicts everywhere and trash piling up at the dumpster sites. The VIP don’t care and won’t enforce the relevant laws so it just gets worse every day.

    Great start for the arriving cruise ship visitors this 2021-22 season!

    • @Hopeless says:

      It is everyone responsibility to do the right thing and put the trash where it belong not VIP. Some of the people on this island is just too dam nasty.

  8. Yes Marlon says:


  9. Home Boy says:

    I totally agree with the vexing problem with waste disposal in and around the territory. It is nasty, unsightly and not at all healthy for the environment. The Government must take an urgent approach in tackling this very serious matter. There’s lots of talk about this matter and no action. I saw it is now said cameras will be one of the tools in tackling this problem. Putting laws in place and no enforcement is useless. On the other hand I will suggest to the Government that they find some place for all the bulky waste to be disposed of. Not the Pockwood Pond dump site, which is in the hillside and very dangerous for small pickup trucks in that unsafe terrain. For now the identified places where bulky waste are dumped, a large rollon bin need to be placed there for bulk waste disposal. The next suggestion is for bulky waste disposal special days for collection by district.

  10. Suggestions says:

    Install the CCT Cameras but make sure they are not visible and dont publish the fact that they have been installed.

    Each derelict vehicle has a VIN number. That number should be on record with the DMV. This will identify the last owner of record for the vehicle. Fine the owners or better yet put them in jail.

    A few strong messages will go a long way to change the ignorant behavior we are plagued with. The current behavior only exists because like so many other issues here THERE IS NO ENFORCEMNT

  11. Hmm says:

    Yes its a problem… he should have outlined the proper procedure for disposal of a derelict vehicle for those who may not know what the procedure is or what it cost… maybe there can be a fee upon importation of the vehicle knowing that one day that vehicle will become derelict and most likely the government’s resposibility to dispose of

  12. Wow says:

    People need to take pride in their surroundings . If every house , apt keep their area clean , then we will look a lot better . Some people don’t care a flying fish . Begin by planting flower plants , shrubs around the home

  13. 1st district says:

    And we have a deleric, political garbage truck since the last VIP government and to NO avail. Solid waste have been notified several times. Somebody ain’t doing their job and afraid of the big bad wolf! And blocking homeowners entrance along restricting traffic flow. We in the *BWI* are special!

  14. @Hopeless says:

    It is everyone responsibility to do the right thing and put the trash where it belong not VIP. Some of the people on this island is just too nasty.

  15. 8th district says:

    It have 2 by the park east end weed growing all over them get rid of them. Another 2 chapel hill let’s go… clean up time start from beef Island come down

  16. Fed UP says:

    Nothing is new with this behaviour any more. In lower Estates road there are boats , container park on the sidewalk. secondly there are two car rental in that area but they park all their rentals on the Government road sometimes in front of person entrance to their homes. why do the government give license to the business who do not have places to keep their rental cars ..its radicicolous and the
    city manager and Government need to act .

  17. lillian says:

    is the same locals are nasty fighting agaisnt vip nasty NDP PEOPLE!!!

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